
The missing body

There is strange thing happening in the town. Lot of missing people that are nowhere to be found and yet no suspects of the crime. Its been weeks... One by one there is a new report of the missing person every two days. Police cant even find the dead bodies. There is no evidence or suspect what so ever but there is still a hope of finding missing people. Dead or alive. They couldn't just disappear.

Steve Mayer...my best friend. He went missing yesterday night when he left my house. There is nothing that leads to him. He is just gone...

Im James... James Roy. Currently in final year of high school. Me and Steve have been friends since we were 5. He used to be my neighboor but than he moved into a different house across my street. That wasn't a big deal really, we still went to school together and besides that we hang out together a lot.

If it isn't abvious by this time, i am the suspect of the crime. I was taken in the police office just some minutes ago.

-hello. whats your name? A man sat down in front of me with a smile on his face.

- James.

- Can you tell me what happened yesterday night, James?

- He came over to my house for a project. It took us a long time and it got really late. I offered him to stay but he said his mom would worry and left.

- About at what o'clock he left your house?

- It was almost 1 am

- I see. Thank you for coming here. You are free to go. We will keep an eye on you, call us if you see anything suspicious.

With that i stood up and left.

On my way home i couldnt stop thinking about Steve. I couldnt stop thinking about what could have happened to him, my curiosity drove me out of my limits.

I had to find out what happened.