
Chapter 3

"Stop it.", I ordered. "Ok boss."

"Brilliant. It's truly Brilliant. Even though you couldn't show the true extent, I can say it's great.", The same baldly said.

"It's great, but the potential danger is there, right? It can be a great spy." Bezos asked seriously.

"What isn't dangerous nowadays? Sir? It's like saying, I won't use Facebook because Zuckerberg can see my message. But still for you, I have a manual setting made there. You can see what to save and not. How long will the cache be there? How do you want to operate and all. You can even change the dialogues and tones. It comes with a manual. Here for you."

After some time they decided to work with me. But rather than 10% they would take money according to weight and size of the product. Also, they make money while selling and from delivery. They apparently weren't happy with my answer and if I get in trouble they will also get dragged into the court.

So, even though there was a market for my product they denied. "We are sorry Mr. Parker. Your product has a lot of prospects but we can't involve much as we're also in a developmental period and if your product gets bad reviews or some accident occurs we will also be dragged in."

I also agreed. I didn't care much about these fools anyway. But, I learned a valuable lesson today. 'There is a lot for me to learn huh?' I thought.

After agreeing, I came back home. I was happy as I don't need to think much for delivering my product on the market.

Next day, I gave the product to a few neighbors for feedback. Our neighbors loved the product. Peter also loved it. Then, I bought a high end camera and filmed a robot doing housework. It was cleaning, it was washing, managing the Lego toys, blocks and all. After showing all the features, advantages and the cost effectiveness, I wrapped the video. I then posted it on the internet.

I then used some money to advertise it. I also gave my office number. Next day, I had to answer a lot of calls when it was going to be on the market. I told them, they can buy it within a month. There are only about 500 currently. After initial feedback we will manufacture more.

I also called Amazon to start pre-booking for the product. Pre-booking was $500 cheap. And, on the first day I had only 30 or so reservations. After that slowly the rate fluctuated. So, at the end of the month we had around 400 or so pre-booked.

I was happy and also scared that it would flop. After everything was solved, we waited another one week for feedback. We got mostly positive reviews and few negative ones. After that the hype was high. Then I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a machine to produce the robots.

"Host doesn't need to worry. Just say that, the official launch of the product will be 6 months from now."

And, I did so. I believed in my system.

I was happy. I would still build robots every day. And, our happy days were coming. It was just a few blocks away. From initial success our lifestyle had also changed. We didn't change our place. Maybe in the original story, she couldn't afford Peter's and her own expenses so she sold the house and went to an apartment.

We then renovated our house. May was reluctant as we don't have any income and we just have 1 year to pay the debt off. Once again I hugged her. "Everything's gonna be alright in May." Then she calmed down.

We were a happy family. That day, I checked the news that Tony Stark will go to Afghanistan tomorrow. I had planned about it. There will be people asking for him. Pepper, Obadiah, SHIELD, Military. If I use my prophecy site to scam money then it will be worthwhile. Just a few 100 million isn't that much right?!

I once again opened my Sage site. It didn't have any recent viewers. I used $50k to promote my site. It was in the U.S. it was enough to get it to the majority of people. No one really cared about it.

Next day, I got the news, Tony Stark was kidnapped. Then my site created hype. Greater than the Robot did. No, it wasn't even comparable.

Then I got lots of messages on my site. People were even calling me a reincarnation of god or messenger of god, angel......…

There were also groups of so-called educated people saying I was a terrorist. If not , how do I know all this?

Then, the views on my sites were increasing. I had to post another notice. This was my chance to get a minimum of $100M so I can start my system.

"Notice: Sage has opened himself for everyone to ask for prophecy. But, Beware, Money is needed. Greater the prophecy, greater the amount."

It was bold and highlighted.

I also got a few private messages. Which I had made available to those who pay $5,000. Now, I can't give the opportunity right?!

"Hello!! Sage I need to speak to you. Can we do it? It's urgent. It's about Tony. Can I ask you where he is? Is he alive?...", I knew it was pepper pots.

Next was, "I don't know what you are playing Ten Hands. I need you to kill him immediately. I will pay 10 times the original. It's $1 billion. Do it."

'So ,this is Obadiah, huh?' I was reading the messages.

"Hello sage, can I ask you to prophesied about the first prophecy you made?" And, I think it's SHIELD.

Now, how do I answer? I can scam $100M with 3 of them. I can do it with Obadiah easily. But, I'm not sure what to do with pepper pots. I know she can manage $50M but I'm not sure whether to do it or not.

Well, let the poor woman live. Maybe I will do it for free. Also, Who made me a great and wise and benevolent sage.


Then I replied to Pepper. "Who are you? What is your name? What is your relationship with the victim?..."

Pepper replied, "I'm Pepper Pots. The victim is my boss."

Me: "I'm not asking for your work relation. Once again, who is he to you?"

Pepper: "I…I told you he is my boss."

Me: "Child you seem to love him. Don't be afraid he is alive. Although not so fine. But, he will return after 3 months. But, beware, don't let another soul know about it. This is a part of the grand scheme(end game) . I didn't want you to worry much. So I told you."

"This is the last prophecy I do for you. Next time, my child."

"Wait, Great Sage…."

I then stopped talking with her. I already told her he will return. If she messes up then it's her fault.

I then talked to SHIELD.


Me: "Welcome. Who are you? What is your name? Who is the victim to you?"

???: "Hello Sage. I'm Brad Pit. I want to know about Your first Prophecy. We are his partners."

Me: "Don't lie to my child. What is your real name? Why do you want to know about him?"

???: "Sage, My name is Natalie Rushman. I work for the government. We have dealings with Stark. So, we want to know."

Me: "But it shows something else, my child."

"Name: Natasha Romanova. Origin: The Red House, Siberia, Russia. "

"Current: S.H.I.E.L.D/ H.Y.D.R.A"

"Curse: Can't become mother"

"Details: Saved by Clint Baron aka Hawkeye. He was supposed to capture you but he recommended you to the shield. Currently you are in the testing phase. Nick Fury aka the black pirate aka the one eyed black dragon aka the only level 10 spy/agent in the world. He doesn't trust you, so he gave you this task of finding me."

???: ""

???: "Hello, sage. This is Nikolas Fury here. Can I ask you something?"

Oh, shit. Is he there? Now, if I play right I can get a lot.

Me: "Yes my one eyed child. It shows you were made blind by a cat. Is it true?"

???: "0_0"

Me: "Don't be angry with my child. I know you are the angriest man (currently) in the world."

???: "0_0"

Me: "Speak. What do you want to prophesy? With enough Price everything can be done."

???: "I want to know about Anthony H. Stark."

Me: "Ah, Well, Price first."

???: "Where should I send it? How much?"

Me: "Just wait for my child."


Now, let's get Obadiah. Hehe

Me: "Welcome my child. What can I do for you?"

Obadiah: "Hah. What the fuck are you playing, 10 Rings? I gave you a job. Just do it. I will pay you 10 times more than I first promised. $1B."

Me: "I'm not from 10 ring. But, if you want to donate for greater good, I won't deny. But Obadiah, my child, I will use this as a source of evidence to get you down."

Obadiah: "W_Who? Are you?"

Me: "I'm sage. I know it all."

Obadiah: "Do you think I believe in this? How can you use it as evidence?"

Me: "I don't have to use it. I can give it to the Govt. Military and secret agencies. And, You will be gone either way."

Obadiah: "What do you want?"

Me: "I want a bank account in Swiss Bank. And, you will give me $100M."

Obadiah: "What?? I can't give you that much."

Me: "Then get ready to go behind the bars."

Obadiah: "W_Wait. Ok. I will do it. Don't let me know who you are. Or I will make sure your life is worse than death."

Me: "It's ok my child. I know you are scared. You should believe in me. I am a credible sage."

Obadiah: "hah. Wait...(After 10 minutes)...Your a/c number is XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Pin is XXXX"

Me: "Don't worry my child, your secrets are safe with me."

Obadiah: "I hope. If not, if I'm goin' down I will take you down either way."

Me: "Have a nice day my child."

'I'm Fu*king Multi-Millionaire. Muhahahahaha'

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