it's the story between Good and Evil, it revolves around the puzzles where throwing to shreya
When I entered into the hospital, I see that a nurse was holding up the knife in her hand, there are around 20 members in the hall, she dragged one of the members in the group and stabbed at her back. she was screaming in the pain, I was standing in the crowd with fear what will happen next meanwhile Dr. Jevan entered into the room, he slowly put the injection to the nurse, and she faints slowly as the drug was reacting in her body.
They took her to the rest, I was shivering with fear by watching this, but the nurse is my friend as she is one of my closest colleagues in the hospital.
They examined the nurse and result shown that due to heavy stress it was happened earlier. but it is hard to believe me, that how can a calm person suddenly turns into a person like possessed by someone. It may be odd that as I am being into medical field I shouldn't think in this way, but I can't stop myself.
meanwhile I got a call from my mom, as it is already 7:30 pm I was only the person in the floor who is been attending the night duty.
At 9:00 pm everyone leave for the day, I was sitting at the desk and checking all the files of the patients, I hear some noises calling my name, I went to check into the place where the voice is coming from, I was keep on walking in the way, where it is little bit dark, I feel like someone who is so strong and hard to escape from them, dragged me to the table, where I see it was a mortuary, when I see around the place, the boxes where we keep the dead bodies, was came out from the shelf all of the sudden at a time, I feel heavy on my body, I was trying to get up from the table, but I can't, suddenly I see a knife coming towards me, it is about 5 cm distance to my eyes, I immediately closed my eyes.
I hear my name calling me around, I opened my eyes where it is little bit busy, I see that I just had a nightmare, which feels like real, it was already 6:30 am all the cleaners were busy in cleaning the floor, I get up from the chair went into the washroom to clean my face, I closed my eyes, splashed the water to my face, I suddenly feel like someone pushed me into the basin which is felled with water, I opened my eyes, taking heavy breath. I just ran out from the place, as it is scary to be alone at the place.
I hand over all the files to the nurse who came for the work, as it is my day off, I was walking out from the hospital, I suddenly hit to person, where we both fall at a time, I see that he is new to the hospital, where he is tall, good body shape, well dressed, by seeing him, I can say that he is not for the treatment or maybe he is visiting someone.
He stood up and given hand to me, where I gave his belongings to him which were on the floor, he took those in the hand, I immediately stood up, he asked for the apology with a innocent face and left the place as he is hurry,
I went to the room, which is so close to the hospital where I can go by walk, I called my mom and explained all the things happened around me, she asked me to take a break and visit for the home, as it been a year. I refused to mom, as I really don't want to go now, I want to focus on the work.
I went to sleep.