
Enigma ;the beginning of the end.

''Oh no!oh no! ,stop it ,stop destroying everything!!" ,"stop destruction,its not helping,everything we treasure and everthing we live for will melt away, please stop" Leah screamed and yelled with all she had,she was crying and was running after this ,this....she thought it was an android ;a robot ,but now she couldn't describe it ,the world around her lay in ruins and he was still wrecking more havoc,she saw buildings and skyscrapers and domes melt down kn split seconds ,he was unstoppable. She felt an itch in her throat and her as she yelled after him ,her voice felt croaky bit she could care less.she found herself running towards him with all the speed she could gather;she was really fast; "SHE HAD SUPERSPEED" ,it was a big bold thought in her head ,she ran towards him,managed to get a grip on his machine arm and started yelling and pulling at the arm but it didn't come off. She didn't even relise that he wasn't struggling,yet he didn't push her away . "Why are you doing this" ,"are you crazy?", "can't you see all the damage you've done?," "what's your gain in this ?,you gonna kill everyone" she was saying as she struggled with the arm trying to pull it off ,she didn't even realise they were two machine arms. He pushed her and she landed hard ,she tried to stand but she couldn't, she yelled in terror when she felt a bolt of pain jolt through her ,he knelt down to look at her,he held her broken leg and squeezed the broken part so hard she ran mad with pain . "I should stop,huh? ",the voice felt so hard and harsh,she had to look up at the face; she thought it wasn't a face at all,it was scarred and half of it was tattooed, it was gruesome, "You're asking me what my gain is ?huh", this voice felt so familiar she felt she had known it all her life,she felt as though she had known him all her life ,like he was drawn out of her; the voice;it was filled with rage and consumed with emotions . "You're asking if i can't see the damage i've done" "Do YOU know what damage you have done" ; there was so much emphasis on the "YOU" "But i don't know you" she tried to speak,she was fidgeting "you should have stopped,you should not have taken that decision" she had started moving back but then she felt a hand round her neck ,she felt jerked ;her body rising slowly ,she struggle to come down but his grip was too strong "Its all your fault ,you could have stopped it ,you could have averted this destruction but now its too late" "I was supposes to build this world but now i have to destroy it,better to be dead than suffer invasion and self destruction" She tried mumbling wordsbut she couldn't speak,life was slowly leaving her body. "It's all over,goodbye" "noooooo!!!" She screamed as he flung her on a rock,she stood from afar and saw her shattered bones,she tried to stop him but she no longer had a body,she was dead. He walked through her and saw nothing. Last thing she remembered was an explosion and hot lava . She woke up.

okeke_chinwendu · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


" I've initiated the process already".

It was Leah.

" This whole stuff's crazy".It was Jay.

" Fucking crazy" Sia said and made eye contact.

Jay looked at her and looked away.

" You're sure you don't want to change".

Leah asked Sia.

Leah had wanted to change Sia into another person, into another identity.

Sia refused ,so did Jay.

" I don't want to change because of Zen"

" I'll hate myself so much".

They all got it but Leah still insisted that Sia still underwent a form of identity change, So Sia had her hair color changed to black and Leah had her grow taller by half a foot in thirty minutes.

She had her put in a growth pod and turning it on ,she had all the elements needed to grow sapped into her in the pod.

She was taller and it seemed weird to her.

She bounced on her heels .

" Feels different huh?".

Aimèè asked.

" Yeah".

" This is crazy". She said

" I know right". Aimèè said.

She nodded.

" Okay we have to leave now".

It was Leah.

Everyone went sober.

Aimèè first rushed to her.

" I'm goanna miss you Sia".

" I know, I'll miss you too".

" And your history power".

They giggled and pulled away.

Leah hugged her next.

" I'll miss you like crazy".

" You know?".

Leah told her.

" I know".

She affirmed.

" No more therapy sections ".

" I still train you on how to use your powers".

Leah was telling her.

" From Mars?".

Sia asked suprised.

" Yes Sia ,from Mars".

" How?"

Leah pulled a bag.

She passed it to Sia.

" What's this?".

She asked looking at the bag.

" It has everything you'll need or want".

" Like food?

" Trust me I can handle my food problems"

Sia was saying.

" Not food exactly but food pills ".

" What other stuffs?" Sia asked.

" A house, a lab, a sub aquatic automobile.....

" Wait a minute,there's a house in this?".

Jay asked, his usual self again.

She nodded.

" I want to ask how, but instead I'll ask what?"

" How's that possible".

"It is possible" Leah said

Leah took hold of her wrist and straped something to it.

It looked like a metal but was flexible like a strap.

" What's this".

" From this you can control whatever you may"

" You can reduce the house size, reshape the automobile to a motorcycle, hover car, watership depending on the situation".

" It is also a teleporter, A time shifting device, helps you to move through time, A phone, A communicator and anything else you might want it to control".

" It can camouflage ".

" I don't get".

Sia said ,confused.

" Sometimes you might need to pass away".

When she said "pass away" they knew she ment Sia may need to move around people, surrogates, robots, Androids and others.

She would need to pass certain general protocols.

Retina scan, Genetic data, fingerprint and other identification process .

Sia would sometimes need to get past them so She would have to camouflage her genetic data and other personal data and unique identification.

She could either copy another person's genetic data or create another genetic data.

Sia choose to create genetic datas.

She thought it safe to create different identity data so incase she was discovered, she could scale through with a different identity.

" Will She be safe with all this" .

It was Jay getting worried.

" I'm not gonna lie to you

" It's not a guarantee".

Jay looked at Sia ,She did not return the look.

" You guys had better leave so I can start my mission".

" How do we leave?".

" The house moves first". Leah said.

" How?".

" This way".

Leah got out a control pad and starting touching controls.

" I had initiated the sequence before".

" Jay can you create a force field as big as this house".

" You gat to be kidding me

" A field as big as this

" You know this is one mighty house"

Jay was complaining.

Sia went to him.

" At least try.

" I know you can do it".

She looked into his eyes and He couldn't look away.

" Okay I'll try".

He said ,eyes still fixed to her.

He stood fixed.

He let out a huffed breathe.

He tried to concentrate.

He thought of Sia and the house.

He thought of her memories in the house.

Then he shifted his thoughts to the house and lost in the thought of the house.

A force field sparked in the room.

And spread through the house.

Sia and Aimèè were excited.

" He's doing it".

They screamed in excitement.

The field moved through and about the house.

" Great work, Jay".Leah said.

"I've already initiated the sequence ".

" Any moment from now ,The house disappears to it's new location".

" Then a duplicate is created here"

" How do we get to the new location".

Aimèè asked

" I've been to Mars before".

Was the reply.

Aimèè thought she was sarcastic.

" Are you being serious?"

" No, She's kidding"

" Thought as much".

Aimèè said.

" Shut up".

Leah told them

They wanted to ask questions but then they saw that the house was defragmenting.

" It's leaving".

Aimèè screamed.

" Why does Jay still need to be that way".

Sia asked pointing to Jay.

" To protect us ".

Leah was not in the mood to talk much.

Or rather it was not the time for too much talking.

Jay was obviously not normal.

He could normally hold a field and continue on but this time He did not communicate.

They didn't give much thought to it.

As Jay did not have full control of his power, there was time limit to which he could hold the field. àà

They watched on till the whole house disappeared.

After a little while.

A new wall or so was being recreated.

They watched on.

" The duplicate?".

" Yeah"

It took some time.

The house can together.

It was the same old house again.

" I took out some important evidence and information from the house".

Leah was saying tapping her control pad .

" Like?".

" The secret lab but I left the other lab and took out most important stuffs from it"

" Things that could give Zen any useful information".

" That's great".

Sia said.

" What now?"

Sia asked .

" Finding the new location ".

"Then?... Aimèè asked.

" We leave"

" I wanted to ask..

Aimèè started

" I thought we were supposed to leave with the house".

" How do we leave now".

" Like this"

Leah tapped her Control Tab.

A Jet came up.

" Get in".

She commanded .

" I guess this is it".

Aimèè said.

She rushed to hug Sia .

" Call us whenever you can".

" Okay".

Aimèè went in .

" You Leave now".

Leah told Sia.

Sia thought she was just trying to repeat herself or She was talking to Jay.

" Sia !

" Huh"

" I said you can leave now".

" But why".

" If Jay stops his field"

" You'll be in the open"

Leah explained.

" Okay.

Sia said like She didn't understand.

" You need to leave".

" But I wanna tell Jay goodbye".

" Go kiss him".

Sia blushed and nodded.

She went to him.

She whispered in his ear.

" Keep thinking of the house"

She whispered.

" I want to say goodbye".

Jay could feel her breathe on him but He could not open his eyes.

He could hear her.

This was the largest control He had had over his field and It would take a while before he would regain himself and the portal would close.

" Goodbye".

She said and kissed him.

He could not kiss back.

" Goodbye".

He said to her from his head.

They forgot they could telepath

She started her sequence .

Looked at Leah.

" Hey

" Goodbye

" Take care of yourself and don't let them push you around".

She told Leah.

She disappeared.

" Jay let loose".

Leah told Jay.

" It would not be that easy".

Jay telepathed to her.

Leah had forgotten they could telepath.

She put her hand into her ear.

She felt the magnetic piece.

"Okay, here's what's goanna happen" Leah telepathed back to him

" What?".

" I goanna drag you into the Jet".

At that time Aimèè pulled a head out.

" Hey!

" I waiting!

She exclaimed.

" Be there soon".

Leah said and got hold of Jay.

She dragged him into the jet.

A little while later

She was at the Jet's pilot cabin.

Jay had recovered then.

" Where's Sia, didn't say goodbye to her".

He said to Aimèè.

" She left".

He wanted to say something but Leah came through.

" Welcome onboard revolutionists prepare for take-off".

" Is that Leah?".

Jay asked.

Aimèè nodded.

She was not really in the mood to talk ,she wanted to explore the Cruiser Jet.

" I didn't say goodbye ".

He was talking to himself.

He wanted to continue talking but the Jet took-off .

Aimèè was grateful for the turbulence.

Like a joke ,they had left Earth.

To the world of the unknown.

Leah was determined.

This was a game of thrones.

A game that would decide the ultimate player.

The super superintendent of Earth.

She was responsible for the lives of the many that would come .

She sighed.

Mars bound fugitives.