

"Lorem Ipsum" Dialogue

'Lorem Ipsum' Inner monologue

---------Sophia's POV-----------

It is been a week since the constellation test. It's Sophia's 1st day at the academy.

'It's boring here, I should have gone with my brother to Adventurer's Guild.'

'All teachers and instructors here are Elites, huh'

'Academy campus is very large too'

'But in my opinion, it has way more grandeur than needed'

Sophia is influenced by Amish's previous life in her eyes there are all these gold, silver and these gems decoration are too much for an educational institute.

'Let's find somewhere to sit'

Sophia went toward the courtyard, there are many exotic flowers like roses, marigolds, and magical herbs planted there. They also have herbs transported from elven territories. It is not an exaggeration to say a good sum of academy budget is spent in their gardens, gazebos, gloriette, and greenhouses.

Sophia found a gazebo and sat under its shade which was surrounded by a circle of crimson roses. It was a picturesque moment of flowers, architecture, and a beautiful girl with straight silver hair wearing a uniform with too many frills.

But Sophia has to ruin the moment by taking out a sapphire glass which was as big as a smartphone.

'I am glad I asked Rumil to make me this'

In the last three years when Sophia was helping Amish research magic, the Amish came to the conclusion that the runic language is like a programming language.

Sophia begged Amish to write her a program so that she can play. And Amish giving in her demand wrote three famous and basic gaming programs, which are SNAKES, TILES, and PACMAN.

With Rumil's help, they engraved that runic program on a rectangular piece of sapphire glass.

Sophia has become addicted to the pleasures of modern civilization.

'I think I understand now why kids in my brother's previous life were addicted to games. It is just as they say-You won't understand it If you don't experience it'

As Sophia was immersed in her gamming, she was called by someone.

"Goodmorning I am Angelica Rapha Redgrave from Ducal House"

It is a girl with golden blond hair styled braided and bun. She has turquoise eyes and has budding body lines.

Sophia also gave her greetings while curtseying.

"Goodmorning Miss Angelica, I am Sophia Yukline From Marquis House. Would you be willing to partake in a cup of tea with me"

"Of course I would be honored"

"Emma prepare a cup of tea for Miss Angelica"

"Understood Miss"

Emma who was like a shadow always following Sophia suddenly appear and started to prepare a cup of tea.

Angelica and her maid were unfazed by Emma who suddenly appear out of thin air Because it is common among high society to have bodyguards like Emma who can protect from shadows. Angelica's maid herself was capable of such feat too.

"Congratulation Miss Sophia to first to reach the level of professional"

Sophia was unfazed upon the revelation that she had reached a level of professional as the information about the constellation test was not secreted. But she still acted surprised.

"Oh! thank you but I did not know that my information about me was well known."

"Who would not know about protegee and daughter of Arch-Mage Jean Yukline and Arch-Mage Amelia Yukline"

'Ugh~ talking in circles like aristocrats is so troublesome, I have to flatter them like a salesman, my brother can flatter anybody with a smile on his face as it would not cost him anything.'

As Angelica and Sophia were chatting, a group of boys appeared to greet them, they were Julius Rapha Holfort (Leader)

Brad Field, Greg Seberg, Jilk Marmoria, Chris Arclight.

Julius is a crown prince of the Candela Empire, Bard is hailed as a genius swordsman(Brute), Gerg is known as the second genius mage(nerd) like Sophia, Jilk is known for his genius(shrewd) mind in politics, Chris is known as ladies Man(scum) at such a young age.

Julius the leader of the group step forward and greeted the girls like an old friend.

"Miss Sophia and Miss Angelica it's nice to meet you too after a long time"

Sophia who attended the gathering of high society with Amelia has met everyone present here beforehand.

"Your Highness Julius I am very delighted to meet you again"

Sophia after all this year in the presence of his brother has developed an adamantium face where she can lie through her teeth without fearing consequences.

To Sophia Julius and his entourage are an annoying bunch of brats.

"We all are freshmen in the academy we should stick together"

Julius stated his intention of coming here, as a crown prince he should have his own group. Academy life is also a stage for the imperial family where they form and spread influence among the young heirs of the aristocratic families.

"Yes, we should stick together, a talented swordsman who has the class of Guardian Knight, I will protect everyone when needed"

Brad bosted his strength in front of the girls in trying to impress them.

"Miss Sophia you are just like your mother Arch Mage Amelia, I have nothing but the utmost respect for her, as her daughter and protegee you must also be very knowledgable, we should share pointer sometimes"

Gerg invites Sophia for discussion.

"Oh my! thank you for your offer I will be sure to accept your invitation sometime later(never) and Mr.Brad I thank you for your offer of protection but my father Arch Mage Jean Yukline is known for pulverizing opponents in close quarters and I also learn to fend off any opponent thrown at me"

Sophia politely refused two of them.

"May I ask Miss Sophia, where is your brother Amish Yukline?"

Jilk is a genius in politics who will in the future become a Minister he is trained to be meticulous and notices fine details.

"My brother won't be attending the academy"

"Why? Is not he also an heir of the Yukline family."

Angelica asked due to her curiosity, which is due to Amish being a hot topic among the younger generation of high society due to him earning a huge amount of wealth at such a young age.

"Well my brother won't be attending the academy"

"So what will he doing then, won't he lose the chance to mingle in high society?"

Jilk inquired again.

"Why are you interested in my brother?"

"Just because..."

"Just because..."

"Yes, just because"

"I am also interested in your brother Miss Sophia. Did he not want to join the academy because he doesn't have a combat class"

Chris also initiated a conversation with Sophia. Being a ladies' man he knew how to start a conversation with girls, he knows what to talk about with girls- common topics, what girls likes or dislike in general.

Hearing Chris talk like that about her brother made Sophia frown, but she still have her poker face on.

But Angelica being a girl is more sensitive toward emotions.

"Ah! I also wanted to ask about your brother Miss Sophia, I heard despite being young your brother is hailed as a pioneer among craftsmen, also your brother has huge success in his endeavors"

"Yes My brother is amazing, just like me my brother is also at a professional level."

"Oh! that's amazing isn't it right Your Highness Julius"

"Yes it is amazing, even I am not at a professional level yet, he should also join us, I would also like to know him personally, I only know him in rumors, I also saw the grand timepiece in my father's study which Marquis Yukline gifted father."

"Unfortunately, my brother won't be attending academy because he will be joining adventuring guild"

Everybody was surprised at the revelation.

Angelica inquired.


"Because My brother does not need it. Our father asked for results from him by becoming stronger. So my brother decided he will be joining adventurer's guild."

"Your brother can become stronger at academy too, Miss Sophia"

"No according to my brother academy don't teach crafting it is waste of time"

Hearing that comment everybody was very agitated because Royal Magic Academy was the pride of the capital.

Hearing the statement Chirs said.

"Is not your brother looking down on the academy too much"

"No your mistaken, everybody knows my brother choose a crafting class, he learned craftsmanship from Master Duran. As for combat according to him, adventurers are way better than instructors of the academy."

Sophia was having fin riling them up.

Brad was quiet up till now, spoke up.

"Why are there better instructors at the guild?"

"No don't misunderstand according to my brother academy is safe while adventuring is dangerous and for a craftsman to become truly powerful one has to do and experience dangerous things, and adventuring guild gives him that experience."


"Oh! look at that the bell rang, classes will be starting soon let's go to the classroom."

Angelica reminded everyone of class diffusing the situation.


-------Amish's POV----------

'So this is adventuring guild, huh!'

Amish is in front of the adventurer's guild's building, unaware of the fact that Sophia was praising him in the front Crown prince and his entourage.

All adventurer's guilds have a red roof so that when an adventurer goes from place to place they can find the guild wherever they are any country, any city, any state.

Adventurer's Guilds are 24/7 open so that anybody can post requests.

Every Adventurer's guild has classic batwing doors like in western pubs.

'Let's enter'

From inside the guild was very grand as it is a guild located in the capital of the Candela Empire.

There were rows of beautiful receptionists approving requests and explaining details of the job to the adventurers.

At the corner of the guild, there was another desk, there was a sign-REGISTRATION written on it.

'Ther it is'

Amish went near the desk, the desk was near a dark corner of the guild nobody comes near the table for some reason.

There was a table bell on top of it. Seeing that nobody was near the table he decided to ring it.


"Here, Here, I am here."

Suddenly a bald man with a scar on his eyes with ripped body wearing a tight guild uniform came forward from behind a partition.

"What do you want?"

"Ah! I want to join the guild."

'That surprised me, Man he looks dangerous.'

"So why are you here?"

"Because it says REGISTRATION here"

Amish said pointing at the sign on the table.

"You can do that at the receptionist, see them they are also here to register"

The bald man said to point toward a reception where a big-breasted elf was talking with some kids similar to Amish's age.

"But, then why this is here?"

"To register of course, Duh!"

"Then why not anybody here?"

"Don't know, don't care, I can sleep in peace."

'His face is so dangerous nobody dares come near'

"Since I am already here, I want to register as an adventurer."

"Want register, ok"

Bald Man started to pull a constellation ord out of the table drawer along with a card, a pin, and a registration form.

"Put your hand on top of orb"

As instructed Amish put his hand on top of the orb, the milky surface was replaced by a stary picturesque universe with five star-forming a constellation of gears.

"Oh! So you are at professional level how old are you"

"13 year old"

"In three years you became a professional, not bad. Here take this form and fill your name, DOB, specialization, and class(optional)"

"Why class is optional?"

"Because a class is one of the most guarded secrets of a person, a class can define how a person lives his life. Still, many people choose to write their class so that they can get personal requests. Any more questions?"


'let's fill the form, Name- Amish Yukline, DOB- dd/mm/yyyy, Specialization- Arifacte crafting and Swordsmanship, Class- Engineer, done'

"Here, I filled out the form"

"So, you are that pioneer huh... wait a minute."

That bald man took out a plate and put it on the form along with the orb, suddenly in a flash of light the form disappeared and the orb turned milky again leaving behind a bronze card with a Capital E on it.

"Here put a drop of blood on it, the card will get bound to you, and you will never lose it. The card will be our personal register it will record every request ever taken, how many requests you completed, how many failed, and also how much you earned. And on the day you die, it will send the signal to the nearest adventurer's guild notifying your death"

"Isn't it to advance for an adventurer card."

"Of course it is advanced and it is our pride."

"And why won't I lose it."

"Try throwing it"

"Throw this"

"Yes throw that and far"

Amish throws the guild card across the guildhall.

"Now will it come back"

Amish tries to get back the card from distance, in a flash the card appears in Amish's hand.

"Wow, it's way too high-tech."

"Of course it is, our Adventurer's Guild is a continent-wide organization and our guild card can also be used as an identification card, oh! another thing before I forget maximum distance is 10 meters if you ever forgot where you kept your card you can find them when you are near the radius of 10 meters from the card."

"Now, then since everything is done, Welcome to Adventurer's Guild, I am Markus your friendly guild official"

As Amish was about to reach for the card Markus swatted his hand away.


"You have not paid for it yet"

"How much?"

"5 silver if you ever lost it then for reissue it will be 1 gold"

"Why so much?"

"It is so much because we will also be transferring all information into a new card."

"Now I will explain about ranks in adventuring guild, there are mainly five ranks, A, B, C, D, & E. One can climb up to B rank with enough experience but to climb from B to A there are two requirements"

"What are they?"

"Why are you impatient I am telling, aren't I, these days young people have no manners"

Hearing that statement made Amish tick.


"Okok, first requirement one needs to at the elite level and second requirement one needs to take a ranking test, that's all"

"That's all"

"That's all"

"So is there any request I can take?"

"Go over that bord and select a suitable request for yourself, I am an old man my bone aches, do I have to do that for you too?"

"Fine Fine"

'As if your bone aches with that ripped body'

Amish went toward the request board which is full of requests from finding a cat to hunting goblins differentiated by ranks.

'It is the start of a new chapter in my life'

Next chapter