
Chapter 1

"Move it, shitty omega!!" Zeke's snarl filled the hallway, his pheromones doing things to my head. I quickly shifted my gaze to the floor and scurried to the side with a low whimper tugging at my throat. I didn't like it when Zeke got mad at me. It felt like a rejection and it made my skin crawl.

I turned in just enough time to watch Zeke move down the hallway as his black hair fell, covering one of his eyes, the eyes I could get lost in for days. They were the color of warm chocolate, a color that always seemed to fill my heart up even after a particularly hard day dealing with my father and his posse.

Speaking of posse, his best friend Tyler appeared out of no where.

"Whatcha looking at there you lil twink, Zeke right? You know he won't ever look at you, why would he? You're just a pathetic ass omega. Zeke won't ever take you as his mate. He's got so many other options." Tyler's voice never failed to make my entire body go rigid and tremble, this time with no exception, a cold sweat broke out across my forehead.

Another whimper was forced from my throat, his strong pheromones forcing me to bare my neck. It was uncomfortable and I didn't like the fear that came with forced submission. Yet this was the only way to get him off my back. Seemingly pleased with my uneasiness, Tyler released my shoulder which I hadn't even noticed he had a death grip on until now.

I pressed my hand to my now bleeding shoulder, my eyes blinking as I processed the slowly healing wound. "Wait that should've healed up by now," Tyler murmured to himself, with a confused expression on his face. I turned away quickly and yelped in surprise as I collided with a hard surface, that effectively pushed us both to the ground.

"Hey get the fuck off me, you're getting blood all over my damn shirt!" A familiar growl ripped through my half dazed mind and I quickly pushed myself away from him. Sparks lit up my hands as I gently touched them to his arms, a gasp eliciting itself from my throat. "Control yourself you damn omega," Tyler snapped as I tucked my head down in shame.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, still checking him for injuries. " Did I hurt you? Oh gosh I've made a made a mess. Let me clean this up."

I looked up as Zeke's fingers brushed my cheek, burning a trail of sparks and flushed skin in its wake. His eyes flashed a brilliant gold, a telltale sign was fighting him for control. The brown I loved so much disappeared and was replaced by a honey gold color. Soft rumbles filled the air as Zeke nuzzled my neck, causing my entire body to freeze up before a few giggles left my throat. "Zeke, stop it that tickles!" I laughed more as Zeke continued to "tickle" me while my hands tried to push everything I had spilled back into my bag.

Zeke whimpered softly and his hands clung around my tiny waist, which I was suddenly thankful my bulky sweater covered up.


He growled. Deepening it whenever someone got too close. Closing my eyes I allowed myself to relish in the moment before I knew it had to end. Tyler was confused and when Zeke regains conscious, he might beat me up if this continued any longer. I placed my hands on Zeke's cheek, biting my lip as he pushed into the touch with one of his hands moving up to encase mine.

"Zeke.. you have to let go," I murmured, locking my eyes with his. "I will not let go of you, you're my mate, you're mine and I shall love and protect you." He snarled loudly sending a strong wave of anger, coming off in the form of pheromones. "Calm down Zeke, it's okay," I murmured as I pushed my forehead to his, "But you have to let me go Zeke....do it for me, okay?" I added before I slowly pulled myself from his grasp. He then gave out an annoyed growl, unpleased with my actions.

"Shush! If Zeke finds out I'm his mate and that I've known for months, he's growing to throw a fit. Just wait a few more days okay? Then we don't have to fake it." I quickly hushed the phoenix, angered at the fact that he had the audacity to be displeased with me. It's not like I wanted to let go of my mate, if anything I wanted him to wrap those strong arms around me forever and never let go!

But what would Taylor, Max and Lucas think if they ever found out....

I shook the thought of my friends out of my head before I snuck a glance at a now very perplexed Zeke. He shook his head and grabbed a pile of books sitting on the floor, angrily shoving them into his bag. "Move it slut!" He snarled and I'm sure my faced looked crestfallen at that moment. His normal self was so different from his inner wolf.

The phoenix was so caring towards me, he always told me he didn't like it when Zeke was rude to me, and if it were up to him he'd mark me infront of the whole town just to show who I belong to. I shook my head to get rid of the weird thoughts and finished putting the rest of my books back into my bag, just as the tardy bell rang.

"Shit! I'm so late! Sorry for running into you, it won't happen again!" I squeaked out a quick apology before dashing off to History and sitting down next to Taylor. "Where the hell have you been!? Class started like 5 minutes ago!" She whispered with her eyes piercing into my side. "Sorry, I'm so sorry!" I whimpered with my black ears falling back against my head.

"I ran into Tyler and Zeke, and then Zeke's phoenix came out and wouldn't let me go." I sighed as I gave her a quick rundown, ignoring the angry glances from the teacher at the front of the classroom.

"Mr. Kim! If you cannot be on time, I suggest you at least be quiet when others are trying to learn!" She snapped, slamming a book onto the desk with a large bang. I jumped in my seat, effectively scared. Taylor shot me a quick 'this conversation is not over yet' look before I slouched more in my seat.

So if you were wondering the characters' animal breed is able to take control and I'm having a hard time naming the animal spirits so yea. Also, Zeke's phoenix knows that Andrew is it's mate but Zeke himself doesn't know yet.

Im sooooo glad I was able to get this chapter out. In my head it was like 'YOU MOTHERFUCKIN BITCH'

clxudiicreators' thoughts