
Endless Itemization

Noah,an adolescent boy lost his grandfather in front of his eyes one day and became the sole target of all three realms. All that was left for him was the strongest and deadliest item in the world, The Scythe of Death. To survive, he needs to get strong enough to take on all the enemies who came after him. Being a hunter and hunts. Being strong enough to destroy the realms. He is who everyone bow down to, The Master Of Endless Items.

WalktowardtheApple · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The boy and his gramp

Noah who is around 15 years old wake up on a pleasant day.


He then looked up to the sky and realized that he overslept and it was almost afternoon. Standing in front of the mirror which was reflecting the image of him: dark hair which is not too long nor too short and curved at the tips of the hairs, the sharp face shape and the piercing eyes of an eagle which gives off the feeling that they are piercing the surface and looking at everything a person is hiding. With those features accessorizing the handsome face of Noah, it makes it sharper and smarter. The height is 171 cm tall and with the wide shoulder and a fit body built. Everyone could tell that he was a healthy and athletic boy whose days were filled with trainings and study.

Will I make it in time?

He thought to himself while washing his face in front of the mirror.

Gramp is going to scold me again.

He hurriedly started preparing the lunch box.

Then he set foot outside of the hut and went into the forest.

" Oh! the Aeron flowers are already blooming".

He mumured while looking at the yellow flowers which are blooming at the trunks of the trees in the forest. It was an enormous and wide forest where sometimes the even sunlight is not able to pierce through some area.

Noah then started picking the Aeron flowers and packed in a cloth.

After walking to the edge of the forest. There exists the farms where he and his grandfather work on.

"Gramp, I brought the lunch".

"Noah, you are late". the old man who seemed to be around 70 replied while walking up to him.

The old man has a head full of short silver hairs and have a huge muscular body which was not covered in any cloth. The height is about 180 cm tall and the silver mustache and the hair style showed that he was a handsome guy surrounded by ladies when he was younger. He was wearing a pair of farming boots and leather pant.

"Here, I found these flowers on my way here". Noah said while showing the flowers to the old man.

'"The Aeron flowers! I saw them this morning. I was planning to pick them up on my way back home". The old man said while wiping his sweat with a towel.

"We can make a lot of healing portion with these".

"Yes, Aeron flower is the best ingredient for healing portion.The portions made from them are really effective and top-notch".

The old man said while having the lunch.

'"Y-Yeah, I was late because I was busy picking them up"

Noah said while smiling sourly. Gramp hates it when he oversleep. That is why he lied.

"I will go water the plants"

Noah said and went to the farms. Then he extended his arms while closing his eyes and said


Then suddenly the water came out of his palms and becomes the water sphere in the air.

"Do not make the power stronger. What is needed for watering the plants is not damage. Imagine the flow of the water more clearly and make the range of the spell wide"

The old man instructed while looking at Noah.

"Yes, I know. You have been telling me that everyday".

The sphere got larger and larger and exploded. Because of the explosion, the water drops got all over the farms which make it looked like it was raining.

"Hah hah, How was it?"

Noah asked while sitting on the ground because of exhaustion.

"Too much strength, but the range was not bad. You need to practise more".

"By the way, gramp".


"Why do we make our farms all the way here? The soil is dry here and also it is far from our hut".

At the north-east edge of the forest lies the dry land and rough valleys. There are a lot of dangerous monsters there because of Mountain of Calamity. That is why there are no big cities around that areas and people rarely live in a place like that.

"Because the forest does not like it" said the old man while looking into the forest.

"The work is over. Let's go back to the hut. You will learn about the Items today".

Magic which is one of the most essential thing in the world is used in everyday life.There are four basic elements of magic : Water, Fire, Wind and Earth. People use magic as from everyday basic house chores to killing people and war. Soul energy is needed to use magic and every living things have soul energy. To use magic, There has to be a certain amount of soul energy followed by enormous knowledge and hellish practices. That is why capable magicains are treated on per with the royalties of the country.

Because of that having a lot of soul energy or not had defined the social status of the people.

Items are the weapons or accessories which make these social classes balanced. Using a item only requires only a small amount of soul energy and it can still produce magical effects. Sometimes the power of these items are dozens of times stronger than the ultimate spells of the normal magicians. And that makes the world balanced between the powers of items and magic.

"Gramp, the item you have. You have been working on that all the time. What is that item?".

"It is a dangerous item".


"Yes, it might even be the most dangerous item on this world".

"Is it a Unique item?".


Unique items are the type of items which exist as the only one in the world. Most of these items were created on special occasions and are really strong.


The old man stopped walking and shouted hurriedly.

"What is wrong, gramp?".

"Noah, listen carefully. You have to learn about <the Scythe of Death> thoroughly."

"<Scythe of Death>? The item you have?".

"Yes, take the item and run toward the Mount of Calamity".

"Wh-what are you talking about, gramp?".

"There is no time. Hurry up and go while I buy time. Goodbye my son" said the old man and kissed Noah's forehead.

Then he ran into the right side deep into the forest.

"Gramp? gramp. gramp". Noah screamed. Then something black passed him with tremendous speed and followed

the old man.



Noah heard the scream of his gramp.

"Gramp!!". He shouted while following the scream.

There he found a man who is wearing the black cloak and his gramp whose legs are no more. He was lying on the red pond of blood while leaning to the trunk of the broken tree.


"What did you do to him?". Noah said to the black cloak guy.

Now Noah can see the cloak guy clearly. He was wearing a cloak which covered his whole body. His eyes cannot be seen clearly because of the shadow of the hood he was wearing.

"Where is Lord's scythe? Because of you, we are stuck in these bodies without being able to return to our true forms". The cloak guy ignored Noah and kept talking to the old man.

"Run!! Noah!" the old man shouted.

Noah eyes started to tear up.


"Ahh, shut the fuck up" said the cloak guy and vanished from the place he was standing.

"Wh-where did he go?".

"Behind you!" the old man screamed.

Noah jumped forward with all his force without looking behind him.

"Slash". The cloak guy cut the air.

Noah would've been cut in half if he didn't dodge that.

"<Soul>" the cloak guy chanted magic.

The blue vapour like aura started appearing around Noah's body.

"Agh, I can't move" Noah screamed.

He is only using the basic soul magic to hide his identity.

Noah's body is flying in mid air as the cloak guy raised his arm.

"I will ask once again. Where is the Lord's scythe?".

The old man is no longer moving.

"I know you won't die just from that. Answer me otherwise I will kill this kid". He said while making the force of the spell stronger to strangle Noah.

"Hey!! Can't you hear me?".

The old man chanted "<Hamlock>" and the venomous smoke came out of his hand.


The cloak guy leaped backward away from him to dodge the smoke.

The old man picked up a sharp wooden stick lying beside him and threw it toward him who was in mid air. So he could not dodge that which pierced his left palm. The sword which he was holding in his left arm dropped.

"Noah!" the old man shouted.

"<Frost>" Noah chanted a spell which freezes the target.


"That is not enough!".

"Mother of Aranea" the old man shouted and the dark smoke came out of eyes and mouth.

The smoke then formed a dark spider shapes which size is about two meter behind the old man, The spider has four scarlet and enormous eyes which seem comparably bigger than the other four eyes. The legths are covered with long and sharped hairs. On the body, there are millions of tiny spiders piling up on the back while making sounds which make the listener uncomfortable.


The spider screamed and threw spider webs which were covered with green liquid from her mouth.

Before the webs hit him, he managed to break free from <Frost> and jumped around to dodge them.

All the "<Frost>" and "<Hamlock>" spells could not hold him back any longer.

"<Laronda>" the cloak guy chanted and press the ground with both of his hand. Then pieces of the ground flied into the air and formed the shapes of thousands of spears.

The spider then tried to attack him with the legs consecutively with deadly speed. The impacts from the attacks were so strong that the cloak guy could do nothing but dodging.

"Earth elemental attribute and left handed. This guy is...." the old man thought.

"<Spiky Floor>".

The ground suddenly turned into a floor full of enormous and deadly spikes and attacked the spider.

"Grrr" the spider screamed as the spikes pierced some of her body parts.

The tiny spiders on her back fell onto the ground and ran to all directions in chaos.

The whole battle area is filled with mountains of spiders.

"Grrrrrrrr!!" the baby spiders ran toward the cloak guy as the mother screamed.

"<Earth wall>"

The cloak guy defensed himself with the huge walls of earth.

However, that did not stop the movements of the spiders. They started climbing the wall while running over one another which looked like the brainless and starving zombies who are chasing the prey.

Noah could do nothing but watch in this battle.

"Fuck!" the cloak guy whined as the spider mother shoots poisonous webs at him.

"<Waves of Even>".

The sound which made it seems like the end of the world can be heard.

"Earthquake?" Noah thought.

No. The ground suddenly started shaking like a worm which was touched by salt.

The ground quivered and swang left and right.

The spiders were all drowning in the ground and the big tsunami waves of earth which carried the spiders went toward the old man to attack.


"This is the battle between strong magic users" Noah thought.

Noah could not see anything through the dust and explosions.

After a while, the battle became quiet and calmed down.

When Noah looked at the place where gramp was. He saw the cloak guy standing in front of the old man while piercing the chest with his bare hand.


Then the spider webs suddenly came from all sides of the forest and immobilized the cloak guy.

"Cough-cough, Noah! hurry up and kill this guy!" screamed the old man.

"What?" the cloak guy was stunned for what had happened to him.

"Yes, the moment the Mother of Aranea appeared, she had started building her spider net which covers this whole place".

The whole area where they were in was covered with the giant spider nets which even the sunlight cannot go through.

"Y-you knew from the start that you were going to die and aimed to sacrifie youself to kill me" the cloak guy said while struggling to escape.


Noah picked up the sword which was dropped and ran toward the cloak guy. He then pierced through the heart.

"Ahhhh!!!" the robe guy screamed from pain and then suddenly melted into ashes.

The cloak guy is no more.


Both the spider and the net disppeared.

"Noah, listen carefully".

"Y-yes" Noah replied while crying.

"Take <the scythe of death> and get out of the forest. Go to the Mountain of Calamity and find the girl named Dimini."


"Yes and tell her, you are the grandson of Galen Vesalius. She will help you, cough-cough".

The blood came out of his mouth as he coughed.

"It will be a dangerous journey but you will have to survive it. I have a lot I want to tell you but the time won't let me. She knows about me and also you. Go".


"Ahh, I really wanted to free them....".

The old man breathed his last breath as he said that.


Noah screamed and cried.

The tears won't stop coming out of his eyes. He recalled all the memories he spent with his grandfather. How he started learning to use magic from him. The things gramp liked and disliked.

Now I am all alone.

Noah wiped his tears off with his shirt and started burying the body.

"I promise I will survive and learn about <Scythe of Death>, gramp" he stood in front of the grave and screamed.

Then Noah went back to the hut and took <the Scythe of Death> which was hidden in the well beside the hut.

"North-east hmm?" he mumured as he took the last look at the hut where he spent his life together with his gramp.