

Life is repetitive, Knowledge is a curse and love is meaningless. Death is freedom, time is punishment, and happiness is an illusion. Wealth is decorated misery and immortality is depression. I have wondered the Earth for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Its been so long I no longer know how long it has been. I have lived to watch empires rise and kingdoms fall, fought in every war taught in classes today. I have lived to surpass my own great grandchildren, buried every last one being the last of my family name. I have lived for too long and wish to die for happiness is nothing but a fairy tale to me and this life simply not worth living.

I am forced to feed on the innocent living, draining them of their life force. It's not like I enjoy it. I tried to starve myself once, it only left me in agonizing pain for months until I fed. I have tried to kill myself in everyway known to the conceivable universe and nothing works. So I live off my punishment in the shadows, witnessing mankind rise and fall to ruins again and again. Each time I have been someone else. A baker, a blacksmith, a soldier, a doctor, and so much more. There is no cure for what I am. An immortal witness. I now drown my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey and waste my infinite time in bars and night clubs burning the midnight oil. Demons never sleep.

But I forge my own destiny and write my own story. I am no one's pawn.

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