In ancient times, a remarkable healer and skilled combatant named Liwari emerged, earning reverence across the kingdom. His extraordinary abilities shone as a beacon of hope, dispelling darkness. Amidst the clashes between Lireo, Hathoria, Adamya, and Sapiro against the Etherians, Liwari's pivotal role unfolded. His expertise in both healing and combat became a cornerstone for the kingdoms' triumphs. Embark on a journey into the enchanting realm of Encantadia through the eyes of Liwari, the Tagapag-alintana. He not only brings illumination to the shadowed realms but also navigates the challenges of victory and reconciliation, embodying the spirit of resilience in the face of adversity. Disclaimer: Encantadia (2016) and its original characters belong to their respective creators. This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the world of Encantadia. I do not own any rights to the original storyline, characters, or settings. This is a tribute to the beloved series, and any resemblance to the original work is purely for the purpose of fan expression. The cover used is not mine and belongs to its respective creator. Thank you for understanding.