
Chapter 2

The news about Daiyu's demise had soon reached every ear in the kingdom.

Some sympathized with her while others rained insults on her.

The guard who took the child called the maids in the palace "Who would like to keep this child?"

Mouths started moving everywhere " Ha! Who would take such a child into their home?" One maid said

"I would, but this child might bring misfortunes to me so no" Another said

"I'll take her" Everyone gasped at the ridiculous woman

" Are you sure about that? Meifen, please think this through" The second woman cried

"Give me the child. I'll raise her"

"okay. If you insist" the guard handed the child to her shaking his head.

Meifen quickly left the field.

She was the Queen's right hand so it shocked everyone present

"Do you think the Queen will agree to this?" an elderly woman asked

"Why even ask when you know she'd rather die than accept such a disgrace," her friend said.

Meifen didn't want to put her nose into the matter, but she smelt that familiar scent from the child. After all her years of searching, the child was finally in her arms.

She could now complete her mission!

The Queen called for her later in the day and demoted her to a common servant " I would've killed you if you were just anyone but, considering the help you've given me, I'll just lower your position in the palace. That is for bringing shame to my name!" The Queen stated

Meifen bowed to her and went out without uttering a word as she went to her new room. She was now the lowest servant in Fion. The place was like a sheep's house. She got to work by moving stuff , cleaning, and arranging things correctly.

She made her way to the servants kitchen for food but was refused. Everyone was sucking up to her that morning yet they all changed and failed to help her when she needed them!

Meifen returned to find the door of her room open. Her heart sung to her stomach.

How could someone enter her room without permission!

She rushed in. Meifen was stunned when she saw a little boy feeding the baby on the bed.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted at him

The little boy was frightened to the extent of throwing his buns to the ground.

"I -i -I heard the baby cry and wanted to give her food so she stops"

Meifen was skeptical " Who are you and How did you get here?" she didn't trust no one.

"I'm prince Zhang Wei from the snow ki-"

" Zhang Wei!"

A man appeared behind Meifen dressed in blue expensive-looking attire. His cloth matched the one Zhang was wearing "Keep quiet and let's go" The man pulled the boy along

"Wait!. I saw him feeding my granddaughter and would love some explanations to that",

The man turned "Sorry about that. I'm sure he did that out of goodwill. Don't take it to heart" he said

" Are you... The snow king?"

He frowned " What are you talking about?"

"I felt your coldness. It isn't an aura a normal person can possess. You must be the Snow Lord"

The man looked at her carefully " Are you an immortal?"

"Yes, I am. I'm actually from the spirit kingdom"

"Oh really?" he exclaimed " What are you doing here then? Did you change locations?"

"Huhhh....Yes, yes. I was tired of staying in the same place"

The King nodded " That is true indeed. Anyway, we would have to leave now. I hope my son will be welcomed next time?"

" Of course your Highness"

After that faithful night, Meifen started getting respected again. No one dared to talk ill of her since they noticed a little prince going to play with her granddaughter, Hua Ling.

A year passed and Meifens daughter died leaving behind a baby girl who was the same age as Hua. Meifen's in- laws never liked her daughter and would fail to take care of the child. After much thought, she asked the snow king to sneak her grandchild to her. She hoped both kids will grow up to be best friends.

Quinyang (Meifen's granddaughter ) was witty and stubborn. She was beautiful. Zhang Wei grew to become the most handsome man the mortal realm had ever discovered. Girls were always finding ways to throw themselves at him. Although he was handsome... One could say he was also silly. He was an entire package. Hua Ling was a girl whom no one has ever set eyes on. She was always covered in clothes and wore a mask that only showed her mouth.

18 years later

Meifen was in the kitchen preparing lunch when she heard people disagreeing outside.

"My mother said you're just an orphan whose mother committed a huge crime. So I don't understand why you'd think, we'd allow you to play with us?!" Lin er said.

Meifen was annoyed by what she heard coming from the girl"Keep quiet! Go to your houses. Move"

Lin er sulked " But old Meifen, I was just telling the truth!. Hua is not one of us and you know it. She doesn't even have a father".

"Keep quiet I say. Go home and let your parents raise you right! Hua might not have a father, but she is well mannered!"

Lin er and her two sisters with shiny foreheads turned around quietly and left.

Just then, Quinyang came rushing in with a bucket of hot water " Where are those fools?! Where are they?"

Meifen was baffled " Quinyang, "  she called silently "What are you doing with that?" she pointed at the bucket.

" I'm going to pour it on those stupid fools. How dare they insult Hua in front of me" Quinyang was pissed! How dare they insult her sister in that manner.

Hua Ling who was standing silently stiffed a giggle " You're soo extra. Haha"

They all broke into a laugh.

Meifen pulled them both into a hug " Ah, my two angels. I love you, girls, more than anything"

She fell after saying those words to them.

Living in the human realm for all these years and not returning to the spirit kingdom made her sick. She was dying a slow and painful death. She'd usually have her heart beating loudly, her nails rotting, and her skin was falling gradually.

She knew her time was near and that she'd have to leave the two most precious things in her life behind.

Although she awaited the day she'll die in fear, she was also happy to be meeting her mentor, Su Luoli again.

" come on. Let us go and eat" she said after getting up.

Her falling down was nothing new so the girls weren't fazed


They turned around to see Zhang Wei's bright smile.

"Zhang Wei" Quinyang screamed with joy and run up to him. " We've missed you! How many months has it been again?" she began counting her fingers" Oh my God! It's been a whole year! How dare you not see us for an entire year?!. I am mad at you" she pulled herself away from him.

" Haha. I am deeply sorry Madam Yang. I was just busy that's why". He looked back at Hua who was smiling the whole time " Hua... Didn't you miss me?"

Hua laughed "Whether I missed you or not depends on Quinyang. Sister, What do you think?" she winked at Quinyang who gave her a thumbs up.

"You see buddy? I call the shots here. I'm mad at you now, what are you going to do?"

" Well... I brought some sweets and those roasted fish from the border, but I'll have to eat it since you're mad at me".

Quinyang's eyes widened. Roasted fish from the south tasted the best! Arrrgh " Fine!! I've forgiven you. Now, where is the fish?"

Zhang Wei smiled and handed it to her

" Why did you come all the way here out of the blue"Hua Ling asked.