
Empires Resurgence

When young Colonel Puru Gupta was a brilliant young man. Studying from one of the most prestigious Engineering Institutes of the country and serving in the army with merit, he took retirement and set up his own business, becoming a multinational magnate. However, he was killed by one of his rivals. However, he woke up in the body of an abandoned medieval prince of a disintegrated empire. In the era of political turmoil, attacks from both internal and external forces, Puru is exiled to an unimportant yet large and particularly tricky city and made its governor. Will he be able to turnaround the fate of the once glorious empire, or will he succumb in front of the pressure of the empire's internal and external enemies.

DaoistGHW7iL · War
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Making Plans and Developing the Mindscape

I also found some strange abilities that the boy had, like the mindscape where these memories were stored. Apparently, the castle was the prince's home in the capital, and he had made it in his mind and sorted all his memories personally in it. He also had some strange abilities which could only be called magic, like levitating objects, transforming them, making them to do things etc. I also found out that not everyone had this ability.

I decided to explore these abilities later. And focus on my current situation. After scanning through all the memories, the young prince told me that he had died, however his body was alive, and hence asked me to ensure to do the duty that he had to do. Before I could respond he told me that he would merge with me, and will remain in my subconscious mind. Some of his habits will also integrate with mine and suddenly came close, shrunk and entered my chest. I was shocked, but feeling no different, decided to exit the mindscape, which I had learned to operate from the prince's memories. I woke up and planned what to do. At first, I thought that the Gupta Empire had nothing to do with me, however, a strong wave of emotion coursed through me. Unknown to me at that time, it was actually the young prince' emotion mixing with mine. Sighing, I decided to do as the prince wanted. I analyzed the situation, and suddenly remembered that according to historians, my father's reign was only for 10 years. I decided to send a message to my father somehow to be more careful from now on. With my assignation attempt it seemed that the nobles were finally becoming restless.

As it was still night when I woke up, I decided to develop the mindscape that I had received and store my memories from my previous life in it. After I entered the space, I decided to create a separate structure in it. I obtained the technique on how the previous castle was developed from the memories I got, and decided to make my previous mansion in my mindscape. However, I had underestimated the toughness of the technique. By the time the sun was about to rise I was only able to lay the foundation and make the outer structure, without the fine intricacies that the house actually had. Since I figured that the hist may be up in some time and to would be rude to sleep in after the host was up, I decided to catch some sleep.

However, as soon as I left my mindscape, I felt as of some people were watching me, five to be exact. Since the were quite far apart, I was confident of dealing with them one at a time. Moreover, I felt as if the strongest of them was as strong as I was in my previous life before my accident. Although I was not as strong currently, I was confident in dealing with them with the help of a few tricks.

I decided to approach them and proceeded with silence and caution. I was able to sneak up on him and without his other companions noticing me, I silently tackled him to the ground. However, I halted as I suddenly heard something.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR

Hey guys, if you have any suggestion, ideas and feedback on the novel let me know via the comments.