
Empire of Sinners

“Do you seek power?” As everything around Chronos froze, an unknown voice calls out with a familiar sounding line. Mere minutes from dying, Chronos accepts the strange voice’s offer. Set thousands of years prior to the events of Chronos Pendant, this story tells the tale of how humanity broke the chains of fate and united to reclaim the land once stolen from God himself. Gifted by a wish, Chronos must now guide his fellow humans to a new age, even if it means sacrificing those he holds close.

Crimsade · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Woman Dressed in Silver

"Do you seek power?" A female's voice called out in the darkness. "Chronos, do you seek the power to help change the world?"

After hearing his name, the man's eyes jolted open. Before him was a young woman with silver hair and dress. She had a doll-like face with rosy cheeks. Her curious blue eyes stared at Chronos. Startled, Chronos pulled out a small rusted dagger and aimed it at the woman's neck. Within an instant, the woman smiled, and a small doll made from marble jumped from behind the woman and blocked his attack, shattering his blade. As Chronos tried to back away, the woman grabbed his hand and held it to her eyes. She looked at the mark etched on the back of his right hand.

"As I thought, you are also an Apostle." The woman said cheerfully as she backed away. Unfazed by the sudden attack by the man before her, she spun around, allowing her long silver hair to dance in the wind. The marble doll that blocked his attack jumped onto her shoulder once she stopped. "Chronos, I will ask again. Do you seek power?"

Chronos, dressed in a white cloak covered in ash, dirt, and blood, stood before the woman with skeptical eyes. He looked around. The two stood in a ruined farmhouse on top of a rocky hill overlooking a barren plain filled with a group of travelers. The scene was reminiscent of what he had seen a couple of days ago. From the way the clouds moved, the way the people before moved, and the horses grazed upon the barren land. Everything was the same. He then looked at the broken dagger in his hand.

"So I have been given another chance at life?" The woman before him tilted her head. "Fine, this time I'll try." He threw the dagger onto the ground and stared the woman in the eyes. "How do you know me?"

Chronos tried to intimate the woman. However, she brushed it off and kept her cheerful demeanor. The woman smiled at the man. "You're a hero, don'tcha know you? From the messy brown hair stained with blood to the menacing aqua-blue eyes devoid of emotions. The hero who slew a great beast by himself."

Upon hearing her response, Chronos sighed and waved his hand. "That achievement means nothing to me. After all, all I had wished to protect died during that attack."

Chronos sat on the ground, staring off at the burning buildings below. What was once a large kingdom was now nothing but ashes. All it took was a day for everything to burn down. As the sole survivor, Chronos looked away as the guilt reached out and yanked at his heart. He then turned his attention toward a swarm of birds circling a smoldering watchtower at the peak of a mountain. One by one, they each dove toward the tower. Within a few minutes, they returned to the skies with a piece of a human in their mouth. Satisfied with their catch, they flew to the distant horizon toward the setting sun. The woman sat beside him. Her gentle flowery aroma overpowered his blood-stained nostrils. The rich aroma caused Chronos to slide away from her, causing her to giggle. She pulled a crimson-colored rose from her dress and tossed it to Chronos. Being the natural gentleman that he is, he caught it.

"Hey? Do you believe in fate?" The woman asked calmly, staring into the man's eyes.

"You mean the same fate that destined us to die?"

"Yup, if you keep that rose and follow me, you'll meet the one fated for you." With a wink, the woman stood up and dusted off her dress. "My name is Pupagenti, the Apostle of greed. I seek your help as another who bears a sin to help rebuild humanity. Together, alongside these volunteers, we will build an empire that will stand up against the forces God has thrown against us. We will collect the fragments of the fallen kingdoms and forge them together." Pupagenti stretched out her hand toward Chronos.

"So this was your true intention." Chronos stood up. "If you said that the first time, I would have helped." Chronos reached for Pupagenti's hand. After grabbing it, he realized she was not moving. Confused, he looked around. Everyone else had also stopped. "Hmm…" Chronos let out a humming sound as he used his situation to his advantage. With a curious look, he walked over to Pupagenti and lifted her dress. As he did, time resumed, and a marble doll kicked him in the face. "Oww…" He gave the doll an irritated side eye as he looked back at Pupagenti.

"Your power is quite… interesting…." Pupagenti's face was a slight shade of red. Although embarrassed by the shameless man before her, she kept her composure. "I'll take your little stunt as you agree to help?" Chronos titled his head. "I mean… you did just harass a noblewoman, you know, and the self-proclaimed queen of this new empire." A devilish grin grew on her face. She then collapsed onto the ground. "Oh no, how vulgar." She shouted. "To think a hero had fallen this far-"

Chronos quickly ran to her. He placed his hand over her mouth to shut her up. "Ok, ok, I got it. I'll join you. I was planning to from the start anyway."

With a satisfied look, she stood up, winked at Chronos, and stuck out her tongue. Chronos raised a brow and looked down at the people that came along with her. They each wore rusted armor and weapons. A few horses were attached to wooden carriages that carried food, water, and clumps of dragon scales.


"You've been sitting in this broken farmhouse for three days," Pupagenti responded immediately as if she read his mind. Grabbing his attention, Chronos looked back at her. She stood on a wooden beam, letting the wind brush against her. She stared at the smoldering kingdom with a distant glaze. "When we came here, it was too late. Everyone had already perished except you and the princess."

"The princess…?"

Pupagenti bit her lip. "We failed to find her body in the mess, so we assumed she was still alive." She said as her voice cracked a little. "Anyway, the dragon scales on those carts are from the same dragon you killed. Alongside burying the dead, we skinned the dragon and collected its valuables. If we want to stand a chance against the board God had set, we need to use everything he throws at us." She clutched her fists and turned towards Chronos. "I don't want to die a horrible death. I want to live a long life. Please lend me your aid. Not forced aid, but aid given from your heart."

"Lady Genti, we are ready to set up camp!" A man shouted from down below. Pupagenti nodded and made her way down.

Taking her words to heart, Chronos followed and aided the group with setting up the camp. Before he reached the foot of the hill, he stared at the back of Pupagenti. "If no one was alive to sing my praises to the world, how did she know I killed the dragon, much less my name?" As he finished talking to himself, his stomach rumbled aggressively. "I forgot I was sitting in that house for three days after the attack…."