
Chapter 14 : A Means to an End


So this is how Adrian lives? I thought as we pulled into the parking garage of the luxurious, high-rise apartment building. It was in the nicest area of downtown DC, and for some reason, I was surprised. It looked like something out of a movie set - lined with glass walls and dripping with opulence. Adrian parked his Rolls Royce, and we exited the car and began to grab our belongings from the trunk.

Once my arms were full, I followed Adrian to the private elevator on the far side of the garage. Adrian held the elevator doors open with his foot and motioned for me to hurry up. He pulled out a keycard and slid it through the reader on the wall before pressing the button for the top floor.

The air was thick with a strange electricity as we rode up in silence, and for some reason, I found myself thinking about what it would be like to have Adrian press me against the elevator wall. I was losing my God damn mind.