
Attending the Academy

2 days I am pondering over an invitation to attend the Auxiliary Academy, if I'm, to be honest, I don't want to but my shitty mentor forces me to, I don't know what his reasoning is but he really insists that I accept it. He said, "I work hard on getting that for you, so you better use it or else I'm gonna beat your ass". "Sigh" Where the hell has he been gone to this time, well I guess I don't have much of a choice then don't I, starting tomorrow Monday I'm gonna be a student of that prestigious academy, I just hope everything will go well for me. The next Sunday morning around 2 am I came prepared for my departure to Donetsk. I am leaving my little farm to Mr. Gera and the community of Kokad, let them take half of whatever my farm produce, and for the other half, Mr. Gera gonna sell it and send me the money for my living expenditure in Donetsk.

"This is gonna be a long journey are you sure you'll be alright" (asked while worrying)

"I am gonna be fine Mr. Gera.....hehe, I guess? I don't know"

"well he must have a good reason to recommend you so have faith in his decision, after all, he is a war hero"

"I trusted you more than that shitty mentor, Mr. Gera....hahaha"

"Aha ha ha well I always treat you as my own grandson so don't push yourself okay"

"If you say so Mr. Gera"

Then the car that supposes to take me to Donetsk came

"Excuse me are you Mr. Istvan Hunyadi?" (the driver of the car asks)

"I am"

"Ha, I am the staff from Auxiliary Academy my name is Edinson Goodman and I am here to pick you up, sir"

"Good, thank you for coming all the way here, Mr. Goodman"

"Likewise Mr. Hunyadi"

"Well Mr. Gera I take my leave then"

"Good luck out there and make us proud kid, for the Kokad community, ooh and don't worry about the money, I will send it as soon as your good sell"

"Okay Mr. Gera goodbye, see you soon and send my regard to Mrs. Gera"

"Sure thing Kid, ooh yeah you brought it with you right, your sunglass"

"Of course, I would never forget my treasure" (happily replied)

"Good, cause you to need it"

I say goodbye, then put my luggage in the car and we are on our way to Donetsk. The journey to Donetsk will take around 22 hours, by the time we arrive it will be around 1 am in the morning because of the time difference. Well, at least I got time to rest and prepare for the ceremonial opening. For the time being, let's befriend Mister Goodman and ask for information about the Auxiliary. The journey seems slow, after crossing the border of Ukraine I keep seeing barren ice wasteland, dead trees, and collapsed buildings, it gets really boring pretty quickly but horrified nonetheless. Then I ask;

"Is this the circumstance of Ukraine right now, it's pretty bad isn't it, I don't know the severity of the conflict 10 years ago is this bad"

"Well the outbreak of Forbidden in Sevastopol caught us off guard and people around Ukraine start to panic, the sudden attack and late response from the Euro Ukraine branch of Extor (exterminator) caused a lot of causality among civilians and military"

"The authorities never reveal the exact number of the causality, do you know it, Mr. Goodman? considering you're the Staff of Auxiliary"

"Well...." (little hesitate)

"Auxiliary staff is known to be prestigious, well Inform, and respected people, so you must know something right, Mr. Goodman"

"You don't need to sugar coat it like that, I'm really not that kind of person, but I will tell you what I know, at the time I was a junior Staff from Euro operational managing division for the Extor Operation in Ukraine at that time, I don't know it is true or not but according to the higher up the causality is around 20 - 30 million people were dead or lost"

"That many....Damn that a lot!!!!" (shock)

"Why are you curious about that?" (asking curiously)

"Well my mentor was gone suddenly to Ukraine at that time, so I just wondering about the urgency of the Situation back then"

"So he leaves you alone, and you wonder why?"

"Well, of course, I'm just 8 back then, I don't have any family, and we were relatively new in Kokad" (annoyed)

"Well then on his behalf I apologize" (slightly smile)


"Well I was the one who managed Mr. Sunderland's operation back then so I think I have some responsibility in those regards"

"This is new, he never mentions any person called Goodman or Edinson"

"If he ever mentioning about pipsqueak that's me"

"Ooh, he does mention a pipsqueak, that narcissistic bastard. (sigh)..... I apologize on his behalf, Mr. Goodman"

"Hahahaha you don't need to apologize is just the way Mr. Sunderland is, well if it wasn't for Mr. Sunderland the causality will be much higher, After All, he's the one that responds to the tread from Forbin (Forbidden) first"

"Okay then if you say so Mr. Goodman" (slightly smile)

Talking to Mr. Goodman makes this journey a little less boring and I get to know a little more about My Shitty Mentor. Hilter Sunderland, a veteran Extor who has taken care of me since I was a baby, even though I always call him shitty he actually is my Father figure, and always proud of him, it's just that narcissistic personality and blatant ignorance of his is Unbearable. I call him "mentor" because he teaches me farming, how to take care of livestock, teach me extensive medical knowledge, and something that I forgot, maybe is not important, but when I think about it he does care about me, he even gets an invitation to attend Auxiliary, well the very at least what I could do is to keep up to his expectation and becoming Medicia a medical personal that supporting Extor, there is no description in invitation letter what division that I'm going into but I'm sure it must be a medical division, Auxiliary would never accept someone that can't fight or has no great mana potential like me, or someone that not savvy and highly capable tech person like me. Of course, they invited me to their academy because of my medical knowledge, right? I'm slightly worried about that, just don't think about it, Istvan. Many hours later we reached the Academy of Auxiliary at around 12.30 PM.

"(this place is so big)"

"Okay Mr. Hunyadi we are here, I can't accompany you through the lobby so you need to re-register yourself"

"And where is the place for the medical division to re-register then?"

"Pardon?" (confuse)

"I'm attending the medical division right?"

"Ooh I'm sorry that I forgot the inform you Mr. Hunyadi that you're attending battle division"

"Wait, but there is no information about the battle division in my letter of invitation"

"I'm sorry Mr. Hunyadi, I need to report to my superior. The hall for battle division re-register is up to the left of the hall, Good Luck"

Aaaaannnnnddddd he left....

"(what the hell a battle division, I can't even fight, SHITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!)"

Now, what will I do? I'm already In Donetsk and it's already midnight, I can't just find a Bus and go back to Hungary. Can I? Can I cancel this and ask to return home tomorrow? I don't want to attend Battle Division. I can't fight. He never teaches me how to fight. He doesn't want to teach me how to fight, doesn't that his reason that he doesn't want me to become an Extor, then what change!!!!!! Dammit there must be some mistake in here...…." sigh"

"You just need to ask, explain, request cancelation, and request to go back. Istvan, it's okay Relax"

I just felt like being Scheme, there is no way that shitty mentor requested This!!!!!

"Excuse me miss" (little hesitation)

"Haaaaaa You must be Mr. Istvan Hunyadi, we have been waiting for you, let me introduce myself I am Betty Harlow, nice to meet you, I'm the one that will help you re-register for today" (excited)

"Before that can I cancel that Invitation and request to go back this morning" (asked while smiling)

"Is there any problem sir" (slightly troubled)

"It's just I don't know that I'll be attending battle division before I knew it I already assume that I will be attending medical division, so it kinda eludes my judgment when I accept this invitation, If I knew from the start that I'll be attending battle division I would've never accepted the Invitation"

"eerrrr you see Mr. Hunyadi the thing is that your Invitation kinda sudden to be requested by the higher-up in this Academy and it bypasses a lot of requirements, we from the administration department really don't know why, the only thing we know that you're special talent that has been chosen by the higher-up and the headmaster in particular"

"But I don't feel special or talented or any of that stuff, I feel scheme here" (troubled)

"Well sir we can't let you leave just yet sir, you already agree to attend in your last call 2 days ago, you need to sign the paper to re-register" (forcibly ask)

"Did I have a veto over this matter"

"Well you don't but you can contest the decision to the Higher-up if you requested, but you need to become a student first in this academy and sign a paper for your re-register"

"What the...…."

I'm tired and this is almost 2 AM, I don't know what to do. The only possible option right now is to re-register and contested the decision later but.... oh shit, I'm too tired to even think about another solution.

"I'd want to ask a question first then"

"What is it, sir?"

"Let's just say that I walk out right now, can I go back on my own?"

"Well the nearest Donetsk active city is about 20 km from here, after all, we are on the outskirt of Donetsk and at night there will be a high possibility for Forbin encounter so you will risk your life for even trying to go on your own" (slightly smile)

"sigh…... I will do my re-register reluctantly"

"Thank you very much, sir. First you need to sign this" (happily replied)

It takes about 30 minutes to complete all re-register, she said for the first night all new students will be put in a temporary barrack and for the first day we will be assigned to a team of 4 and a mentor, after that we will be a move to a dorm, and base on that dorm it will become our designated classes as well? I don't really know, let's just think about it later and get some sleep, I'm tired as hell and can think straight, "sigh"... what in the world did I sign up for, oh god please help me.

"Okay, then Mr. Hunyadi all re-register has been complete, welcome to Auxiliary. the barrack is just in the northwest of this building, it will be visible after you exit the building, thank you very much and get some rest because today's morning will be a rollercoaster"

"Hehe, okay then thank you, Miss Harlow"


After reaching the barrack and my temporary quarter, I immediately fall asleep. Too tired to even think about the future that might hold for me, good night my tired brain.