
Chapter 51

Supergirl flew through the portal and arrived on a planet where it was raining molten iron. The place looked like a hellhole where nothing could ever survive and prosper. Nonetheless, it was truly a marvel of nature.

Waiting for her on the iron planet was Donna Troy. She didn't look to be in the mood for some friendly conversation as she was trying to find a way back. Not having space manipulation powers was a real problem when you were lost in the boundless space. It was a nightmare being stranded in the darkness.

Looking at her friend, Kara hoped that Alessa wasn't being too harsh. In her eyes, that girl was very scary and her ideas were horrifying. She couldn't believe such things came from a cute kid. Kara had wanted her weakened but Naruto did the opposite, and allowed Alessa to tap into the fear of the planet. Each of her servants got a huge boost since now they got fear from all people on the planet.

Kara could only believe in Naruto and wish for the best. Though it was dangerous, it also showed her that Naruto was willing to make others powerful. With the new way of doing things, there was even a possibility that Alessa might become stronger than him. Fear was universal and someone that could tap into that concept was to be feared.

"Kara, why are you taking his side?" Donna saw her acquaintance appear and decided to confront her since it would be blind venture to look for Earth.

"We are good friends and he has done a wonderful job fixing the world. He is a selfless guy who willing to risk it all for the betterment of this world. So, what is there to worry about? You don't to worry about your family, as they won't have any permanent injury." Kara replied and she felt awkward with the last part. How do you tell someone not to worry about their family getting tortured? Even she wouldn't stop from worrying and would have fought back.

"You don't look confident. Kara, let me out of here. I need to be with them." Donna was grateful to Naruto for helping her with the depression, but now her family was being targeted. She couldn't allow it.

Was it right to help them?

Or, was it wrong to help them?

Donna was conflicted because morally, her family deserved the punishment but her heart couldn't agree to the logic. Her heart convinced her that they had changed and Naruto was not the judge for this crime, as he had no such authority.

"I can't help you with that. He won't compromise for anyone, not even family. Donna, I know it is hard but they need this punishment. It will help them learn from their mistakes or they will continue such evil acts." Kara replied while fixing her tone, as did feel confident in Naruto's action. Knowing that he didn't compromise with family also helped his case of being just and fair.

Naruto had punished everyone in Konoha that had been involved in crimes, not even leaving out Jiraiya and The third Hokage. It was a thing that he had to experience personally to drive out any biasness issues in the future. Everyone agreed to it and allowed Naruto to go through with it, as they pushed him to do it. It had a painful moment for everyone involved, but it made him a better person by the end. It was a necessary piece in the history of the Emperor.

"I don't need some outsider to teach them. I can do it without resorting to such evil. Please Kara, don't force my hand."

"I don't think you can help them, Donna. It took Diana centuries to change most of their bias view and even now they aren't so clear minded. Why don't you just sit tight and wait for it to finish?" Kara shook her head as she flew closer to Donna and placed her hand on Donna's shoulder.

"I am sorry, but I can't do that. I will fight you until you give into my demand." Donna replied in an emotional tone as she pushed Kara back.

It was an uncomfortable moment for both of them, especially Kara. This was her first time fighting someone she considered a friend. Donna helped her out when she visited the Titans. She kept in contact with her friend so Kara also got a chance to talk to Donna.

'It is better this way. Alessa or someone else could have done worse. Though, it would have been better if Naruto did it. He definitely did it on purpose, wanting me to learn from experience.' Kara thought as she looked at Donna and got ready to fight. Naruto hadn't told her his history but given her some clues and even his name.

"Then I shall not hold back either. You are on the wrong side, Donna. Please stop before you get hurt."

"You should stop before you get hurt, Kara. You can't defeat me." Donna replied harshly as she brandished her sword and shield while being covered by her silver and black armor.

"I can defeat your sister. I doubt you can win." Kara said confidently even though she had lost to Diana last time. She believed that it had been a favorable position for Diana on that day 2 years ago since Kara was inexperienced.

"Blind arrogance will only lead to defeat. Here I come!" Donna hit her sword against the shield before slashing at Kara.

From the sword, an absolute zero slash was released. Having been blessed by the Titans of old, Donna had the power of ice and represented the moons across the universe. Her power had yet to fully awaken, but even a small portion was still extremely potent.

Donna didn't just release a single slash as she released multiple, creating a net that blocked Supergirl's field of vision.

Kara took to the skies while the molten iron smashed against her body and she released a focused heat beam from her eyes to contend against the ice attacks that were flying to the sky above Donna.

Before Kara could break through the net, she was hit by Donna's shield that came from the back.

Donna could teleport to any place under the moonlight, though she lacked power to find the Earth's moon.

The shield was made from a powerful and heavy metal that almost ripped Kara's Kryptonian armor. Donna's equipment was made by Hephaestus, making it supreme in the mortal world.

Kara stopped her beam and moved to the side, letting the shield fly back to Donna.

"Would you like to concede?" Donna asked as she didn't follow up the attack.

"That was a lucky shot relying on my ignorance of your abilities. You should have continued because, I will be fighting seriously now." Kara glared at Donna for acting Superior and decided to break her. She didn't like losing and she didn't want to disappoint her friend, Naruto.

Kara flew towards Donna at full speed and stopped at the last moment, unleashing a simple punch. Her sudden stop saved her from the sword and released a shockwave that hit Donna.

The force behind the punch caused massive change to the field, as it sent the iron rain flying to the opposite direction and carved away miles of land near the point of impact.

It also sent Donna flying but, she teleported above Kara and slashed down with her blade that could cut down atoms like her sister's sword.

Kara blocked the sword with her armored arm and followed it up with kick.

Donna blocked the kick and teleported while moon light hit Kara from different directions. The beams of light hit with a strong force and even caused freezing affect.

The sudden attack sent Kara crashing into the planet and carved a huge hole as Donna focused the beams of light from the five moons around the planet.

Kara's physical stats were higher but Donna had the various abilities to close the distance. The kick had enough force to cause minor fractures on her arm, if she hasn't used the shield.

Nonetheless, it definitely hurt a lot and her counterattack hurt Kara.

Kara blocked the beam with her arms, creating a force field with her armor that used her solar energy as source. She was being powered by the yellow sun near the planet so it was a matter of time before her victory. However, Donna was intent on finishing it before that happened.

Kara understood that fact and unleashed a charged heat beam from her eyes that broke through the moon light and crashed into another charged attack from Donna.

Both attacks cancelled each other out and caused a massive explosion that almost sent the planet on a death row. It rattled Kara and lowered her energy reserves while Donna had been saved by the moon light barrier.

Taking the chance, Donna charged up and flew towards Kara while covered in moon light. She was like a meteor that crashed into the planet and hit Kara directly with a powerful shield bash.

The planet couldn't hold up anymore and was destroyed by the impact while Donna crashed through the other side with Kara.

The impact sent her flying and Kara lost consciousness while her armor was trashed. It looked like she was about to continue flying, but Kara came to a stop. Her body started shining with golden energy that brought her out of unconscious.

"Wake up little girl, if you don't want to admit defeat." The voice rang inside Kara's head and she saw the golden energy form a small nine tail fox.

Kara felt like she was dreaming after getting hit too much on the head.

"Who are you?"

"I am Naruto's partner. He expected that you will have a problem with the foe, so I am here to support you." Kurama replied with a smile as he liked the idea of others depending on him. It felt great being awesome.

"Can you stop her from teleporting?"

"Of course"

"That's all I need." Kara smiled as her body healed up and Kurama forced more solar energy in to her body, refilling her energy and giving her another boost.

"You can even do that!" Kara was surprised at the increase in the absorption rate. It was a rate only possible by going into the sun.

"We control all of nature, girl. You are lucky to follow us, or a fight would have been extremely humiliating." Kurama replied with confident tone as he disappeared into Kara. Naruto had sent a small piece of Kurama and his energy with Kara.

Kara's eyes shone with golden energy filled with immense solar energy. Donna was surprised at the sudden change in situation and tried to teleport behind Kara. However, she couldn't do it anymore. Kurama had locked space.

Kara released a powerful beam and it smashed into Donna's shield, carrying her with it.

The remaining part of the planet was incinerated and with the movement of the beam, even the moons were cut apart to weaken Donna. The powerful beams burning and force gave mortal injury to Donna, causing immense burns and fractures.

Donna threw up blood and screamed from the pain as her blood was boiling while her skin was stuck to the armor. Her equipment was strong enough to handle the attack but Donna wasn't.

Finishing with beam, Kara flew towards Donna and caught her by the face as she smashed Donna into the nearby planet. The speed increased dramatically and Donna was unable to react as her head collided with the planet, the force completely shattered the planet and caused fractures in her skull.

It seemed that she had won the battle and her body was further filling up with energy when Donna's body released a white halo that sent Kara back and almost froze her body.

Donna's eyes were shinning with white light and causing everything to freeze up. She seemed to have gone into trance and her power seemed to have increased in potency. Her armor disappeared and replaced by new equipment. It was a costume composed of various items gifted by the Titans of Myth, including an amulet of Cronus, a mystic net from Oceanus and Tethys, golden armor forged by the sun itself from Thia and Hyperion, an earring of balance by Themis, a bracelet that used to belong to Phoebe, and from Crius and Mnemosyne a cloth from the starry firmament.

Cronus was the King of Titans and had the power to even control time or slay the immortals, the amulet gifted by him allowed Donna to accelerate or slow down time.

Oceanus was the Titan representing the oceans and the net gifted by him was extremely durable and allowed Donna to capture her enemies even if they were big or unstable as the oceans.

The Thia and Hyperion were titans representing the stars; as such the Golden armor gifted by them was made by using a star. It was extremely heavy and durable. It also allowed Donna to control flames and resist them to a higher degree; even going into the sun was possible.

Themis was the Titan of law and balance, her earrings allowed Donna to utilize the power of balance. If things looked heavy on one side, she could use the earrings to make things balanced. If her injuries were higher than her foe, she could make it so that both of them had equal injuries.

Phoebe was the Titan of the Moon and it was her power that was mainly inside of Donna, her bracelet allowed her control over the power of darkness and cold. These powers were already inside Donna, so the bracelet boosted those abilities.

Finally, Crius and Mnemosyne were Titans of Memory. The starry dress formed under the armor was extremely durable and it even allowed Donna to memorize every single thing with utter ease. It even allowed Donna to excess memories of others.

With all these gifts and her Titan powers seeping out, Donna had attained a higher level of power. That might be even worse than Hercules. It was outside of Naruto's expectation.

"Donna?" Kara asked before her foe created chains of lights that caught her limbs. Kara had reached large planet level and even then her physical prowess couldn't allow her freedom.

She was shocked at the scene and worried for Donna, since the woman was acting strange.

"It seems like you are in big trouble. I am going to boost you further, and it may hurt." Kurama also saw the urgency in the situation and decided to help out. He couldn't allow this Donna to interfere with Naruto's fight.

Before Kara could answer, she felt a large tsunami of energy entering her body. It seemed like the stars nearby had been sucked clean.

Supergirl was glowing golden and with a simple effort, she broke the chains. The start of the process had been painful since she had never absorbed so much energy, but after that it became bearable. It was still painful and her body would need to adjust.

Regardless, it seemed she now had the power to fight against the awakened Titan. Both opponents had reached a power close to the current Naruto, but Kara was still on the losing side because of the extra powers and she only won because Donna became unconscious after awhile. Kurama's support also couldn't be forgotten since Kara only survived because of him. Kurama copied all of Donna's abilities and cancelled them so that Kara could fight, or she would have lost to the time control abilities.

The battle had been extremely destructive and not a single planet was left after the long battle, even the sun of the solar system had almost been destroyed because of their battle and only Kurama's interference had kept the thing stable.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment

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