
Chapter 33

The Light was not the only one that took heavy notice of Naruto's actions. The US government was on heavy alert once they realized what had taken place. In a single day, many of their financiers and men in Gotham had been taken out.

Gotham had heavy business traffic and was a source of heavy funding for the politicians. The crime Lord's also worked with them, providing them money and support when required. The core of the government was ruled by few parties, The Zionists, The Saudi Royals, The Defence Industry, The Finance and finally the old Noble Lord's that ruled from the shadows.

Even though the monarchy had ended, the Noble families had not disappeared and they never forsook their powers. They changed with times and controlled from the background.

The defense industry association was big business and was the source of equipment for the army. From their inception, they had encouraged the nation into war because without war their earnings would lessen. These vultures cared not for the lives of human beings and just loved money. They lobbied legally and influenced decisions by hiring retired generals. As such even the generals that were still working for the government would make decisions in their favor to please their future boss.

Their power had only grown when they had come across alien tech and they decided to further their control like the rest of the parties, leading to the current set up. It was the same with the Finance side and they had a stake in everything.

The Saudi Royals brought money to the table but were mostly subservient to the Zionists and US parties. In the old times they had been operating differently and wished to bring together the Middle East as a powerful force, but that went against USA's interest. So, the leader at that time was eliminated and someone agreeable was put in place. That was the policy of the US government and it had been applied all across the world, leading to millions of Innocents deaths and destruction of order in developing nations.

The Zionist on the other hand had a big hand in the US government. They had slowly infiltrated before the Second World War and taken control from the shadows. The US ensured that their country was built and helped them by destroying their enemies, one by one.

They were part of the biggest organizations in the world and wished to weaken other nations in their region to make them ripe for takeover. They believed that all of humanity was made to serve them and were below animals in the hierarchy of Life. Not everyone agreed to their agenda but sadly citizens were never actually strong enough to change the core decisions of a Nation.

All these forces had a leader and they worked together as a group to take over the world under the leadership of the Zionist. It would have been under the leadership of the old nobles but those nobles had also been infiltrated through marriages, just like the Zionist had done to old empires. They had done it to the Ottoman Empire, making most of the Sultan's from their bloodline.

However, the incompetence of the future Sultans and the power being in the hands of the army and the Harem led to the collapse of the system.

Getting back to the scene, five shadows could be seen on individual screens in a secret lab. The only person really present there was Amanda, who was one of the top agents of these leaders.


Amanda Waller was a U.S. Government agent renowned for her brutal methods and ruthless approach. She was director of the government agency A.R.G.U.S. but still maintained her leadership over Task Force X, otherwise known as the Suicide Squad.

During the Parademon invasion which led to the creation of the Justice League, Amanda Waller was an NSA operative, seconded to the Army to assist Military Intelligence in its campaign against the Basilisk terrorist group. Soon afterwards, however, she was recruited into a field team of the secret government research effort called Project Majestic. The team, codenamed "Team 7", was tasked with finding tactics to counter aggressive metahumans, and securing related technologies and knowledge.

Waller served with aplomb, as several of her teammates developed metahuman abilities from their improbable missions. However, on their final mission, the truth was revealed - the team was intended as a means for the U.S. government to gather what it would need to create a metahuman on par with Superman. The newly activated metahuman sank the island nation of Gamorra, which had supported Basilisk, and the team disbanded.

Not reporting back to the government out of disgust with the lie of her previous assignment, Waller wound up in Malaysia, spending her days playing pinball in a bar. However, she wound up getting recruited by a CIA team led by Lawrence Duren, who asked her to help them fight a nearby Basilisk operation. Waller agreed, but in the end, she alone walked away from the mission. This tragedy, coupled with her Team 7 experience and the anger of the Duren family, led her to pursue a radical plan - to recruit bad people to do bad things, so that good people would be safe.

Taking control of the metahuman prison Belle Reve, Amanda Waller learned of Task Force U, and the two specialist task forces that succeeded it. She began profiling the super-criminal inmates. Those that she chose were put through her initiation process and whoever made it through to the end were assigned to Task Force X, which was informally called the Suicide Squad.

Her success and wisdom allowed her to gain access to the depth of the system. And, she was truly disgusted by the people at the top. However, she could do nothing but follow the plan as her mind could never think against the group.


All of them had gathered for the first time in awhile because of Naruto. Looking at his actions and the time taken, it was a matter of months that he would conquer their territory, USA. And, it wouldn't be long before he took their other territories. It was an urgent meeting with a clear threat on their mind for the first time in a long time. There last meeting had been at the appearance of world destroying heroes and at the inception of the Justice League. All members were immortal and everyone was extremely old except the Saudi Royal and Amanda.

Amanda had been given immortality after proving her usefulness to the group. The group had no name, and was just called the group by the people in the know. All members were genetically modified over the years they had been alive and would take over new identities each century. All of them had immense wealth and authority.

They had invested heavily into the field and wanted to stay at the top. That purpose had been easy when comparing rest of humanity but the knowledge of aliens put fear into them. None of them wanted to live under the foot of someone else and they didn't want to die. They acted servile to Darkseid and got the benefits while believing in the heroes' ability to win.

They benefitted wonderfully from their investment and managed to get technology that allowed them leap thousand years into the future. While the heroes were playing around, the group was silently researching and creating super soldiers that would ensure a galactic empire. Their vision had expanded and now they had the resources for such a goal. Their goals matched Naruto's and the Light's but they were all opposing forces that would not compromise with each other.

"Amanda, get rid of him by any means possible." The leader spoke with a harsh tone and he didn't entertain the idea of talks with the unknown force. In the group he went by the name of Lord Q.

Amanda had expected the order once she had seen the reports. This was the most complex enemy she had come across after a long time. The heroes were easy to predict and operated openly within limits, making them easy foes. It had been the Light that had been a problem to them.

Though, they did fear all these powerful creatures moving around without any control. They had no power to enforce rules on these creatures. That fear was one of the leading forces making them act so violently towards the heroes. The government was useless if it couldn't enforce rules of society and that was the problem those superhumans brought. To solve that problem, they had taken drastic measures.

Human experimentation had been on the low for some time but it increased because of the need. They had been experimenting on normal and superhumans that were caught by then or delivered by the heroes. Their research of centuries plus the new research of ten years with the alien tech had brought them excellent results. It was just a matter of time that they would enslave all the heroes and make use of them to make their galactic empire.

It was truly a blessing that the powerful heroes were very irresponsible with their fights, leaving traces that could be used to clone them. The group had acquired Kryptonian DNA, Martian DNA, Demonic DNA, Tamarian DNA, Amazonian DNA from Wonderwoman and even DNA from Darkseid. They were working on multiple DNA from all the powerful creatures that had been on earth to create the Ultimate structure for themselves and lower version for their army.

Even before the completion, they had already utilized the prototype and achieved immense power. Though, it was still below the required level to compete with Superman and such creatures. Their prime prototype was the Suicide Squad as it was the most successful with these genetic modifications as these insane criminals held a strong mind and physique.

But for the power they received, they had all been programmed into servitude for the group on a genetic level. They couldn't even think of betrayal, and that was what they intended to use on all off humanity and their future slaves.

"Is it viable to show our hand so soon? It will invite the heroes' attention and our other enemies." The Finance Master also known as Mr. F asked as he thought that the leader was looking down on the other threats.

"Mr. F, we will only be delaying the inevitable. It took him a day to take Gotham; this country might be taken by the end of the month. We can't delay his extermination. All agreed?" Lord Q responded to his enquiry calmly. It seems the finance minister was too used to playing the long game.

It was good to be patient, but there was a time when haste was necessary.


With the approval of the group, Amanda started to move. She wouldn't have agreed normally, but after the modification she felt only pleasure at achieving her tasks. She finally had a good Target for her new team. There was the risk of failure if Naruto's words were true, but the group didn't even entertain such idea. And, that was also true for Amanda. She didn't care whatever Naruto was, she was going to bring him down.

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