
Lend a hand:

It has been a month since the children have started training in Lucifad, Lucifer made sure that not even the state's citizen would notice or hear about the children or anything related to it; He even went as far as getting the council in Midnight and told or rather ordered the old council men who were completely loyal to Lucifer to not let even a single person know of this, well they gladly did what they were told no questions asked, this was the amount of Influence he had among the devils of Old considering who he was.

Currently all the children were sparring with each other there pair ups were like this: Rumi vs Bova , Valiana vs Douji meanwhile Issei was training alone and was restricted to spar for a while as he was the strongest but with a little to no control on his power which could lead to massive destruction and damage to his friends.


"Eh!? how did you block that....wait...nevermind" muttered Bova as his flames were once again blocked and repelled by Rumia who was grinning.

"Well it is for you to know " said Rumia

"Wait I know now...." said Bova as Rumia was interested thinking what would he do now before....


Bova summoned a pool of hot lava before literally splashing it on Rumia's Green shield which slowly but surely started melting away, As Rumia focused on forming another one of those Bova launched into the sky before breathing Fire on her.

"Okay that is enough, the winner is Bova" said Lucifer as he cancelled the match before any one could get hurt too much.

"Now is my Turn, be prepared Princess" said Douji grinning playfully not a hint of malice.

"We'ill see" said Valiana as she too grinned in the past month she was training so hard night and day to master her power, she can now even manage to control 50% of her power.

"Okay...Both sides ready ?" asked Lucifer as he activated another Dark magecraft to protect the surroundings.

" "Yes!" " Shouted the duo.

"Start !" signaled Lucifer .


Valiana immediately took of to the sky activating the dark magecraft "Chains of Abyss! "she shouted as three big black magic circles started rotating in the field, maliciously .

"Oh a new trick huh...Not gonna work on me today "shouted Douji as he covered his body in his tough scales and high density Mana forming somewhat of a tank. The chains repelled back as they touched Douji's Mana shield, after some time the chains de-materialized, seeing his chance he took of two sky and appeared behind Vali before Kicking her straight in the head causing her to get dis-balanced and propel down, she immediately covered herself in her wings lessening the amount of damage inflicted upon her.

"So this is how we play..." muttered Vali before...

"Match my will, DESIRE OF LUCIFER !" shouted Vali as Lucifer went wide-eyed as this was one of his original Techniques which he only taught his daughter once.

Vali whose speed was now nearly unmatched by Douji was zipping across the field before punching Douji in gut causing him to soar high in sky before he maintained his balance only for him to get an axe-kick on his back caused him to crash straight into the ground forming a large crater.

" Enough, the winner is Valiana " said Lucifer feeling pride well up inside him.

"Huh what is going on here ..." A sleepy voice was heared as they saw Issei walking towards them with a really tired face.

"Oh hello Issei, how was you'r training in the wild " grinned Lucifer as Issei glared at him for putting him inside a domain filled with hell hounds and Cerberus.

"Like hell...." he muttered .

"Hey Issei would you be so kind and have a spar with us, please" requested Rumia who was curious what he had been doing for 3 weeks since they came.

"No.....o-okay let's do a spar" at first he was going to out-right deny it but the puppy dog look Rumia and surprisingly Valiana gave her made him accept the Spar.


"Okay are both the sides ready ?" asked Lucifer, he setted this up as Issei vs The whole group that is Bova, Douji, Rumia and Valiana; At first they said that it is unfair for Issei as he looks tired and 1 vs 4 was kind of cruel to him, Issei waved it of and said to get ready as he himself went ahead and had a quick face wash to freshen up.

"Start !" blared Lucifer

"Match my will, DESIRE OF LUCIFER !" shouted Vali

"Enhanced arnament !" growled Douji tanking his body .

"Blaze of the dragon King !" roared Bova before transforming into a big dragon.

"Shield of the Dragon king !" shouted Rumia as she materialized shield around her group .

But that was all for a naught...

"Haaah...." sighed Issei before flexing a little and then...

He grinned... a blood thirsty grin like that of beast or more like that of a dragon, that grin was enough to unnerve the whole group except Lucifer as he was all to familiar with that kind of Face and he was Fired up .

"Charge !" shouted Valiana as she leaded the group and they bombarded Issei with their Attacks, Valiana zipped towards him only for him to catch her first and throw her straight to Bova which caused him to get un-balanced seeing the opportunity Issei transformed into his majestic dragon form before stomping upon Bova, he then grabbed Bova by his mouth and threw him straight at Douji who crashed onto the ground hard, Rumia chanted a spell as fast as she could but she received a brutal fist on her forehead by a now human formed Issei and the match ended...

"Winner Issei... looks like they did beat you in shape soon eh Issei " said Lucifer.

"Ow what the hell, that hurts you know that " winced Valiana as she rubbed her sore side, Issei chuckled Sheepishly before helping the group stand up, he then performed a spell causing the whole group to feel like they were as right as rain.

"So that is enough for today, let's get ready for dinner "


"what did you do Issei, It was all so fast like a blur to me, I only remembered getting only a few attacks from you and what is with your dragon form At one moment you were a complete dragon but at the very next second you reverted back to your human form ?!" exclaimed Vali as she was too eager to focus on her food as she asked her best friend about the cool stuff he did.

"Well it was not so hard after like more than a month surviving in a literal hell hole you start adapting with the surrounding, I too melded in with it which increased my reflexes as I didn't know what and when a creature would pop and you would have to either run for your life or fight for it... I learned how to fight for it .... It really is messed up but now the Cerberus is like my friend he even gave me his one of the original 'fangs' -" As Issei was explaining he was interrupted in between by Lucifer

"You received his 'fang' !? " exclaimed Lucifer as it was very rare of him to act immaturely especially in front of his daughter.

"Is it that great of a deal..." said Issei tiredly as he literally slumped down on his seat groaning before ...


He fell down from it, everyone laughed at the funny scene before Valiana gave them a scolding look before she stood up from her seat and carried Issei to his room. Seeing this Lucifer pondered a bit before grinning mischievously. He tip toed behind the two lone figures in the hall way before adding a of pressure through his mage craft which caused Valiana to fall down on the now awake Issei.

"Ugh my chest feels heavy what is this...."groaned Issei awaken from his slumber.

As he saw a mop of soft white hair on his heaving chest with a blushing Vali at his side, he also stared blushing, "U-Uh V-Vali what are doing ?" asked Issei almost too innocent and devious at the same time.

"No it is not what it looks like !"

That night a very annoyed scream was heard through out the Lucifer Mansion.



'Six whole months, it has been six whole months since I have talked to my Parents face-to-face, six whole months since I have been training under Uncle Lucifer ' Issei thought, It felt like yesterday, the eventful meeting of Him and Vali, the attack of the stray and his third time transforming into a dragon.

"Issei, come here Immediately !" said Lucifer almost too worried; seeing him like that worried Issei greatly and he quickly ran up to him. "what happened , Uncle Lucifer ?" he asked the former devil king .

"You see Vali.... she was lured in attacked by my enemies, they were from the old Maou faction....The fight was won over by our side but... It left some mental scar on Vali.. she seems too out of it-" before he could continue Issei broke into a sprint and ran up to the terrace....the only usual place where he and Vali sat down and talked about each other, their likes and dislikes, how they spar, advanced magecraft and sometime about tales too and even....about their fears; seeing how they were so young it seemed childish but if taking in account how quickly their growth rate increased it was not a surprise seeing them maturing a little and learning that the world is not always black and white .


8 black wings waved in the air as a girl with snow white hair, was standing on top of the mansion's roof pondering in her thought, the words that the Devils used when she decimated them neatly, it was her first time killing something, rather someone as they still had their senses they said quite a bit hurtful words towards a child who was trained as such to protect herself and what was precious to her, she had seen her fair share of killing but doing it was something she did not imagine she would do at such a young....at such a time .

Lauding over victories was never a thing to her, she always respected the one with power to protect and repel.... she on the other hand felt like a monster the words.. the cruel words that resonated deep within her conscious, she did not understand it quite well it hurted her when those devils said she was good for nothing beast waiting to be unleashed, to be ready to kill on sight.... Monster it was said by a mage devil who reeled back before he was swiftly cut down by Vali .

She felt lost .... there was no one there for that time... she knew they had their reasons but in the back of her mind questions sprung.... Do they hate me?.... this was the most deep question she ever asked herself.

"Vali !" shouted a voice from behind her, her train of thoughts now broken she lifted her head and turned around, a fake smile covering her face .

"What are you doing here Vali ?" asked the boy, the boy she knew too well, the feverish brown hair with distinct eyes of blazing sun and lightning strikes, currently overshadowed by clouds of concern.

"Vali..." he said as he received no answer but he received something entirely different... a Question.

"Issei....are you glad that you met me ?" asked Vali in low voice, she expected a mocking laughter from the boy who was all too precious to her only to be met with one of the most bright smiles she had ever seen .

"Of course, Vali you are a irreplaceable person to me, seeing you hurt makes me hurt too, whenever you frown, I feel my inside quake.... when Uncle Lucifer told me that you killed the mercenaries I knew something was wrong you wouldn't run away to the top like that, the Valiana I know wouldn't....Let them say what they want what matters is you and 'your' feelings and words not the others, not mine not Uncle Lucifer's but 'yours'.... we cannot change or run away from reality but what I learned since I came here was to accept what I have and what I am... I willing to become a laughing stock to others for the sake of my precious ones... that includes you Vali... so would you be willing to take my hand and step down from there it doesn't suit you well for now" said Issei with a bright smile as he held his hand out for his dear friend, Vali teared up and accepted the hand graciously.



Stay positive stay cool


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