
Emissary From Beyond

The Demon Lord had been defeated... but at what cost? Thousands of lives were lost, the princess sacrificed herself for the sake of her kingdom, and the Emissary of the Goddess, Lucius, was sealed to preserve peace. After years of isolation and regret, the dragon had begun to lose hope. However, it was then that he was greeted by his creator: The primordial goddess Celestia. And with a smile on her face, she said to him: "Well done. You have preserved the peace I've always wished for... They no longer need my protection... Thus, I've decided to reward you by undoing this seal. ... Now go forth, my child. See and explore this world to your heart's content. If you so wish, you may destroy it and create a new one, for I will allow it. THIS is my last task for you!!"

SNAKE_JAB · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Encounter

It's been a couple of days since I've confined myself to this library, or as Ruelle calls it... 'Apocrypha.'

... During this time, I've managed to catch up with some of the most recent events that have occurred while I was sealed.

There are eight nations in total: Isera, the nation of freedom, known for having the most diverse population in the world. Kreiztarch -- known for its highly advanced technology and firepower. Krova, the nation of Elves -- known for its spirit magic. Millennium, a matriarchy entirely ruled by women. Talos, a nation surrounded by the sea-- known for its vast trading network around the world. Because of its reputation, it was dubbed an 'economic powerhouse.' Symphony, a nation ruled by Beastkin. Azura, an island floating in the sky and home of the Fallion. A race that evolved from harpies. And finally, Ezidrir. A nation of warriors whose sole purpose is the thrill of battle.

Apparently, after the war had concluded, many began to call it the "War of Liberation."Each nation did its part in cleaning up the aftermath. They rebuilt towns, bridges, farms... Even after everything was fully restored, they all came as a collective to create a task force dedicated to protecting and upholding the law... It came to be known as the "Sacred Order."

...However, knowing humans and the way they run things, most of the information in these books are probably one-sided. Nevertheless, they do give me a general idea of what happened.

In addition, I've also started to learn the basics of dark elemental magic. ...Unlike the power of light, dark elemental magic is more like manipulating the very darkness around the environment and using it as a weapon.

The more I understand this power, the better it is for me to control it... But that isn't everything. After all, my mission is still yet unclear.

With these new powers, I'll be able to sneak around more easier. ...I just hope that I can make the proper judgment that Celestia wants.

I don't want to destroy this world; it's the place my friends fought for, after all.

"Ruelle," I called.

"Yes, Master Lucius," she replied.

Lately, Ruelle has made it a habit of hiding in my shadow. Makes it very convenient for calling her to my side.

"I suppose it's about time I reveal why it is I'm here. ...If we are going to be working together, it's best we are both on the same page, wouldn't you agree?" I said.

"I see... I too was curious as to why you have returned after all of these years," said Ruelle.

She took a seat and listened to my entire story. About how I was sealed for a prolonged period of time and my mission.

"And there you have it... If you have any questions, I'm afraid I don't have much to go off of, either."

"If I may, Master Lucius. Would it be all right to give my perspective on things?"

I gave her a slight not, allowing her to speak.

"...From the information you provided, the only probable outcome that I can see awaiting this world... and that is utter annihilation."

I can see why she came to that conclusion. The way things are now, with the Demon Lord no longer as a common enemy, there are some humans that will take advantage of this situation and begin to make their move.

A war would only lead all of humanity to their doom. This is something that I won't allow to happen... ever.

But I can't say for certain until I see things myself. First, I have to make it to the capital city of Isera, Solace.

"Ruelle. I believe It's time that we get going. Can I trust you to lead me to Solace...?" I said.

"Yes, Master Lucius. Rest assured that I will make sure to get us there before daybreak," said Ruelle.

Location: Unknown Forest [night]

"Master Lucius. To avoid any unnecessary setbacks, might I suggest heading there on foot?" said Ruelle.

She's right. Flying overhead would only make me an easy target for detection magic and incoming attacks

"*Lands* I suppose you're right. This will also let me see the full capabilities of this body," I said.

Now then, let's see...

<Second Grade Magic [Acceleration]..!>

[Some time later]

"Master Lucius, I am detecting a small carriage up ahead. ...They seem to be running away from a pack of Reaper Wolves," said Ruelle.

Reaper wolves, huh...? A type of wolf that uses elemental energy to create mist. These types of monsters normally hunt in packs, which makes them highly dangerous.

At this rate, death is imminent.

"Master Lucius. After carefully analyzing that carriage, it seems to be a carriage belonging to the Weiss family," said Ruelle.

The Weiss family. A prominent family of merchants. Their name carries major influence in the capital. ...But something doesn't seem right.

If there was someone of that stature in that carriage, where are their escorts? Surely they would have some knights accompanying them. Unless...


All right, let's see if this can work with invisible targets.

<Innate ability [Eyes of truth]..!>

Good. My 'Eyes of Truth' can normally see the flow of mana and other abnormalities. All that's left is to destroy these lowly beasts!

<Innate ability: Mana manipulation[Bow]..!>

<Innate ability: Mana manipulation[Arrows]..!>

"Begone!!" I yelled.

The arrows of light hit their mark, and their targets were obliterated in a ray of light. Looking back now, I did a pretty good job holding back.

...Hm. It seems like the carriage stopped. I should go and claim my reward.

"Halt!! State your business!! Were you the one that shot those arrows!?" asked the man.

Ah, so a knight was driving the carriage. That means that all of her other escorts, along with the driver, are dead.

"Greetings. My name is Lucius, a priest," I said.

"A priest, you say? *cough* *cough* I, I never heard of a priest using attack spells. ...Were you the one who saved us?" said the Knight.

Judging from the scars on his face, he's probably a veteran knight. ...Just who did he go up against to get him to this state?

"Do you need healing?" I asked.

"*Huff*Huff* No need... I can still...keep going..." said the knight, holding his side.

Humans and their stubbornness -- or is it pride? Well, there's only one way to get through to these kinds of people.

"As a priest, it is my duty to save people. It's a vow that we've all undertaken as members of the church. ...I'm sure you understand what it means to devote yourself to the people you swore to serve, don't you?" I said.

"*cough* That's right... But it's too late for me now. I've... lost too much blood *cough*," said the knight.

What he's saying is correct. Normally, healing the body wouldn't solve the problem. Using simple spells such as 'heal' and 'intermediate heal' won't work. However...

"If it's that you're worried about, then it's no problem," I said.

<Sixth Grade Magic [Regeneration}..>

"M-my wounds..! They're... healing?" said the knight.

Regeneration accelerates the body's healing process by a significant amount. Since blood is also produced in the body, using this spell is very effective.

"T-thank you, sir! I will make sure to repay this debt!" said the knight.

𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬! 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬! 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬!

"Hm...? What is it, young miss? *whisper* ...B-but?!" said the knight reluctantly.

"Ahem...! It would seem the young miss would like to thank you in person. Please, go on inside," said the knight.

𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬! 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬! 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬!

"...Greetings. My name is Kassandra... Kassandra Weiss. Daughter of Arthur and Victoria Weiss... It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," said Kassandra.