
Chapter Six

The boys returned to their separate ward very tired as they looked at each other with thought of what the other went through.

"What did they do to you guys" Ken asked but no one answered him because they were looking at each other with no intention to speak.

Uther broke the silence "I was chased by a beast,if I had not run and hid myself, I would be a dead meat by now"

Marshal and Ken looking at themselves wondering who had the harder task

"I was involved in a sword fight with a boy about my age but the difference is that he is more trained" Marshall said

Ken took a deep breath before speaking "I was fought by one of them too, he used sword and I just had to avoid all his tricks even though I had no idea of what I was doing"

The trio became confused and needed answers to their questions. They wanted to know what the division was up to, the reason they went through those challenge and what they wanted from them. The sound of the ward gate opening disrupt their thoughts as they each looked up seeing Sandra.

Sandra, a beautiful woman in her thirties is very keen,smart and one person that shouldn't be messed with because she doesn't take it likely with her victims. Despite her voracious attitude she is one sweet woman that everyone will want to be with.

Sandra was a victim of marital abuse, she was often beaten and maltreated by her husband almost got her killed. Sandra in her act of self defense killed her husband and buried him in his living room. She had no child in their ten years of marriage because each time she took in, she experienced miscarriage from her husband's abuse.

Sandra's husband was one of the co-founders of Emeress and as a wise beautiful woman, she slipped her way through the men occupying her husband's position and became the leader of division Sandra walked into the ward with a broad smile on her chin. She looked at the boys amazingly that the trio wondered in their heart what was wrong.

"Congratulations" she said with a charming smile

"Your performance was amazing" she continued speaking "I never knew you little brats could survive till now" she said still smiling.

Ken tried getting up but could not because his hands were tied to the wall "so you want us to die out there?" He asked

"Of course but now it seem you guys will be a good tool for me" she said looking at them

"So I had a change of mind, if you survive till the end of the training, then…" she said this time without smiling.

"Then what! What do you want from us?" Ken asked

Sandra squat with her hands on her knees facing Ken directly "That's none of your business young lad, you have no say here".

Ken furiuos stood on his knee as he couldn't get up properly and yelled "you killed my mum! witch!"

Sandra slapped him and he fell on the floor "you've got some guts you know, you think you can be a pin in my butt? Be careful so I won't do to you what I do to others like you"

Ken struggled to stay put while his friends looked at him wishing they could be courageous as him. He was the youngest but the most outspoken causing him to be the center of admiration amongst his friends. Sandra left the ward with the boys inside as the gate was closed.

Sandra whispered to the guy guarding the gate "make sure to lock them at separate wards and tie them properly. They can be dangerous despite their age"

"Yes Sandra we will do just that" the division guy heed to her command and walked out.

The guy walked back to the ward with three others to keep the boys at separate wards.

"Uther! Uther! Uther!!" Ken called

"Don't you ever keep quiet?" Uther asked

"Marshal! Marshal! Marshall!!!" He called the second time

"What do you want" Marshall asked

"Did you both hear what she said?" He looked at them, turning his neck left and right to their ward.

"That we will be used as tools" Ken whispered

"Hmmm Marshall, Ken, don't worry we will be out of here very soon" Uther assured them.

Ken looked at him laughing "what's giving you this assurance? And how are we going to get out of here, have you even asked yourself if we will leave here alive or in corpse?" He said as tears strode down his chin. Marshall and Uther looking at him.

"Ken, my dad used to tell me to take things easy,time will come when we'll know where all this is leading to, we must not die before we do that, okay?" Ken nodded after the comforting words from Marshall.

He continued crying again "I just miss my mom so much, I wish I can see her now"

"Ken try to comfort yourself, I and Marshall also miss our people but crying won't bring back your mother" Uther said looking at Ken from his ward.

Ken remained in his sober mood with memories of the beautiful moments he had with his family ravaging his mind till he slept off. Uther and Marshall also felll asleep.


"Ken! Ken!" Mrs Michael called kneeling before her son as he gradually opened his eyes.

"Mum" Ken called out surprised

"How are you doing my son?" She asked caressing her son's chin with an angelic smile

"I'm not fine mum" Ken resumed sobbing "mom please take me back home, I want to go home".

Tears dropped from Mrs Michael's eye to Ken's trouser. Ken felt the heat of the tears much on his skin and also did not understand why his mom was so white and wearing a white gown because she hates white so much, he tried asking her but she cut him off.

"Don't worry my son, you will get past this, be strong for me, be very wise and trust no one okay"

"Yes mum, but–"

"Where's your handkerchief" she asked holding his hands and looking around him for the handky with her eyes.

"It's in my shirt mum, I tuck it in there so no one can take it from me".

"Try and study what's in it when you're alone, okay?"

"Yes mum" he replied happily

"mummy, where were you all this while?" Ken asked