

" hah hah" these were the sounds that accompanied the sounds of twigs and branches breaking as Tang lei fled for his dear life. He had been running for more than the time it takes for two incense sticks to burn but still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

He went hunting early in the morning to get some coins to buy cultivating resources only to run into the shadow bear, a fourth layer foundation establishment realm fierce beast. Tang lei, a third layer foundation establishment realm cultivator has no chance against such beast.

With determination and will to survive Tang lei pushes his body to the limits while cursing

" stupid beast, just leave me alone!"

Unfortunately the fierce beast had no intention of letting it favorite food get away from it.

Tang lei and the bear ventured deeper and deeper into the forest as the pursuit went on. About a few feet ahead, he spotted the horned viper which can also be compared to a cultivator of the third layer of the foundation establishment realm. The foundation establishment realm is when the cultivator sense the qi around absorb it and use to strengthen themselves. A cultivator at the first establishment realm can produce a force of 100 kilogram, showing how magnificent cultivators are .

As he dashes toward the horned viper , Tang lei intentionally makes loud noise in order to attracts it attention which he succeeded in getting. The viper saunters to him but instead of a sumptuous meal, it comes face to face with the shadow bear. Tang lei takes that moment of the two fierce beast facing off to run away praying that the viper can delay the bear. As the bear approached the viper, fear can be seen flashing in the eyes of the viper. it bares it fangs and sprays it toxic venom which can melt steel at the bear .

~sizzle~ the venom burns the hair of the bear off revealing a deep red scar on the exposed skin. Instead of scaring the bear the act further enraged the bear. with a roar it went berserk and attacked the viper crazily. only the disgusting sounding of bones being chewed could be heard as the shadow bear continued it pursuit of Tang lei. This all took about 5 seconds and considering the speed of the shadow bear. it won't be long before it catches up to Tang lei.

Tang lei executes the swallow step, a yellow class martial art and flies over the narrow stream and over a rock with the bear in tow. At this time Tang lei is nearing break down as despair gradually swallows him.

He is unwilling to die. he has to take care of his parents and also wants to cultivate until his talents runs out. Is all this dream going to be wiped away and forgotten.

"Heavens don't forsake me!!"

screamed Tang lei but nothing and no one seems to hear or reply.

The distance between him and the shadow bear has gone from 3 meters to only half a meter. Just as the bear was about to lay it claws on him, Tang lei found the perfect chance to get away from it. it seems the heavens haven't forsaken him. A fallen tree in the way has just the space that a full grown man can pass through only by crawling. Tang lei does his best and slides under it and comes out at the other side.



the bear crushes head on to the tree and roars in pain. This further agitates it as a yellow glow surrounds it claw. it slams it claws on the tree as the tree turned into splinters. Tang lei who still has his attention there whilst running screams

"holy fuck"

and increase his speed.

Just as he was about to take a curve around a bolder he notices an emerald glow under the boulder.

"how beautiful"

but this brief distraction turned out to be a fatal one.....

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