Starling City Airport.

When Daniel and Oliver came outside the news reporters and paparazzi surrounded them and starts asking questions like "How did you survive on that island? ", "Were you alone on that island?.

But Queens and Merlyn security dragged them away.

Soon they parted and went to their own house.

At Merlyn Mansion.

A car stops in front of the gate and Malcolm and Daniel comes out from it. The driver went to take the wooden box (similar to Oliver's but black in colour) from the trunk but Daniel stopped him and said that he will do it himself.

[Malcolm] Seriously... I have never seen you being that sentimental to anything.

[Daniel] No just... let's go.

When Malcolm opens the door Tommy comes outside and hugs his brother.

[Tommy] Oh I missed you. I told you yacht sucks.

[Daniel] I missed you too brother.

[Malcolm] are you both going to keep this on or can we go inside.

When Daniel comes inside the house he directly went to his room with Tommy, unlike Oliver who had a very good relationship with his servants.

Queen Mansion

Oliver comes inside his room and hides his box below his bed.

The plan was to keep their good side on for few weeks, make their lair and then on their bad side but only one at one place otherwise public and police will easily understand that two of them came back and suddenly two hoods started to show up.

Daniel P. O. V.

He changed his clothes and starts getting ready to go out. Tommy comes inside his room and sees his brother getting ready.

[Tommy] Hey dinner is three hours later why are you getting ready this soon.

[Daniel] No.. I'm going to Queen Consolidates then I'll join you at Queens.

[Tommy] Wait why are you going to Queen Consolidates...

Tommy realises that his brother is going to meet his best friend.

[Tommy] Oh.... she didn't even come to see you at the airport.

[Daniel] Might be on work..she's also smart she knew that it's going to be nearly impossible to meet me at the airport.

[Tommy] Or maybe she forgot you.

[Daniel] Seriously.... and by the way, I'm taking your card.

Daniel comes out of his room and calls his driver to take him to Queen Consolidates.

Tommy was confused about what his brother just said as he looks in his pocket and didn't found his credit card.

[Tommy] Hey...

Felicity P. O. V.

She comes out of the office and hears a familiar voice.

[Daniel] Look who's getting old.

Felicity turns back and sees Daniel. She runs towards him and hugs him.

[Felicity] Look who's coming back from the dead... I missed you and by the way why are you here? .... you are supposed to be at home with your family... friends.

[Daniel] Oh I am with a friend and I also had to give you this.

Daniel takes out a key from his pocket and gives to Felicity.

[Felicity] Is this my home's key I gave to you.

[Daniel] Yeah I kept it.... it gave me hope that one day I'll meet you again and why you didn't come to see me.

Felicity frowns on Daniel's comment and quickly replies.

[Felicity] I came to see you.... with flowers.. but security didn't let me.

[Daniel] You should have called me or texted me.

[Felicity] Yeah... if you had a cell phone.

[Daniel] Then why don't we go and get one.

[Felicity] For me or you?

[Daniel] Maybe for both.

Next chapter