In the Kingdom of Emeral, a young and unlikely hero named Eel is thrust into a world of war and magic. Born to Regent Destro, Eel is forced to participate in the Combat Festival, representing his family's honor. Under Captain Orion's guidance, Eel learns combat skills and discovers his dormant magic. But when his cousin Prince Nogu stages a brutal coup, slaughtering the great cities' Regents and seizing power, Eel's life is forever changed. With his world turned upside down, Eel embarks on a perilous journey to warn the kingdom of Nogu's treachery. Joined by Captain Orion and the mysterious Asa, Eel must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and confront the secrets of his own destiny. Will he be able to overcome the odds and save the kingdom, or will the forces of darkness prevail? Dive into the world of Emeral to find out.