
Embracing the Sociopath’s Heart [BL]

Raven remains emotionless after losing all his swim team in a tragic accident, while Alaric bears the weight of his father's blame for not saving his schizophrenic mother. Alaric, part of a prominent medical family and owner of Harper Hospital, crosses paths with Raven. Raven, a significant project for the powerful mafia organization Corvus Noir. Their lives, twisted by fate. They shouldn't be together. They shouldn't know each other. Yet, Alaric, intrigued by Raven's sociopathic traits, descends into an inescapable love. #sliceoflife #friendship

Tizzz · LGBT+
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24 Chs

The Show Must Go On

🔞🔞Please refrain from opening this chapter if you are under 18 years old. Exercise discretion; this is a work of fiction with all its imaginative elements.


"N-no. Just… you can keep going!" Haidar had said, despite his earlier hesitation, indicating a desire to continue.

"Well then… The show must go on," Ryder affirmed softly, balancing professionalism with care.

He guided Haidar gently back onto the bed, easing him down with a steady hand on his shoulders. Ryder then leaned in, his lips finding Haidar's neck.

He kissed passionately, leaving faint kiss marks as lasting "souvenirs."

Haidar emitted a soft groan as Ryder eventually pulled away, signaling a mix of discomfort and emerging pleasure.

Despite this being Haidar's first experience of this kind, there were fleeting moments when he seemed to find enjoyment in the sensations.

Ryder, observing this, continued carefully, his fingers exploring more intimately. He slowly inserted his ring and pinky fingers, paying close attention to Haidar's reactions.

Haidar tensed up again, his expression contorting with a hint of pain. Ryder maintained a gentle hold on his shoulder, keeping him relaxed and grounded as he navigated the sensitive area. His fingers moved with precision, searching for the spot that would enhance Haidar's pleasure.

Suddenly, a moan escaped Haidar, a sound that blended discomfort with a burgeoning sense of pleasure.

"This is it? Your G-spot?" Ryder asked, noticing the change in Haidar's reactions.

"G-spot?" Haidar echoed, confusion lacing his voice as he processed the term.

"Everyone has it, men and women. Didn't you know?" Ryder explained, a hint of surprise in his tone at Haidar's lack of awareness.

Haidar shook his head, his earlier discomfort giving way to curiosity.

Ryder's smile deepened as he watched Haidar's reaction, his expression teasing and filled with a knowing mischief.

"Now you'll know," he murmured, adjusting his technique as he continued to stimulate Haidar's G-spot with a practiced ease.

Haidar's body writhed and trembled under the skilled movements, his mutterings becoming less coherent as sensations overwhelmed him.

Observing Haidar's responses, Ryder knew when they were both ready to progress. He paused his actions momentarily to retrieve a condom from the nearby table.

He yore the package open using just his teeth and one hand—a motion that didn't go unnoticed by Haidar, who watched with a mix of awe and nervous anticipation.

Ryder's confident handling of the condom, a task he performed effortlessly despite the age difference between them, only reinforced Haidar's impression of him as a consummate professional.

As Haidar watched, the advice of a girlfriend echoed in his mind: "Isn't sex all about having fun?"

The young man before him seemed to embody this philosophy, engaging in the act with a joyous abandon that was both infectious and intriguing.

Once the condom was securely in place, Ryder's signature smirk reappeared, his demeanor reassuring yet bold.

"You're all set. It shouldn't hurt as long as you stay relaxed," he advised, his tone soothing.

Haidar closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to steady his racing heart. Anxiety mingled with curiosity and a burgeoning desire to continue, to explore this new realm of sensations.

Although far from his usual experiences, Haidar found himself more accepting of the situation than he expected.

As Ryder began to enter him, Haidar experienced a whirlwind of emotions. His body tensed initially, then gradually relaxed into the encounter. The sensation was unfamiliar, but Haidar was determined to face it head-on.

"Perfect," Ryder praised softly as he noticed Haidar's efforts to relax. The compliment, however, unexpectedly flustered Haidar.

Embarrassed by the approval from someone much younger, his cheeks heated up, and he instinctively covered his face with his arm, trying to hide his blush.

"Shit," Haidar muttered, his voice a mix of frustration and embarrassment.

Despite his internal turmoil, there was also a sense of adventure in his tone—an acknowledgment of stepping into uncharted territory, and perhaps, a realization that he might just be enjoying the journey.

In that moment of vulnerability, Haidar was struck by a sudden clarity, realizing the nuances of intimacy he had overlooked with his previous lovers. The depth of this realization brought with it a wave of embarrassment that seemed to engulf him entirely.

As he shielded his face with his arm, trying to hide his emotional turmoil, Ryder's movements continued, fluid and rhythmic.

Ryder, perceptive to the shift in Haidar's demeanor, adjusted his approach.

He leaned in closer, his voice low and soothing, trying to reassure him.

"Nah, don't hide… don't hide… you pay me for this enjoyment… no need to be ashamed of it. Let it out… let it out…," he encouraged gently, his words meant to comfort and liberate Haidar from his self-imposed constraints.

Ryder maintained a gentle and steady rhythm as he continued to move, his hips swinging in a controlled motion, guiding his movements with precision and care to ensure comfort and enhance the experience.

His focus was on creating a connection that transcended the physical, aiming to foster an environment where Haidar could embrace the experience without reservation or shame.