
4 Godson

Aerion called Dorian telepathically and children of the forests green seer Green.

They arrived in the hall and kneeled before Aerion.

"Rise! So Dorian how is everything going on"?,How is everyone Doing"?

"Everything all right lord Aerion , we have everything now big and beautiful place to call home , enough food to eat,you give us power and made us more than mortals , our people are happy . Learning new things we started pursuing art and craft, be have more peace and time to think about other things like philosophy and many.

"Green have you contacted with your other children of the forest? What are they doing with the first men ? Do you want me to help?

"Yes my lord I have talked with them, they all call me traitor because I left and followed you, even old god's do not care about it ,"first men are also there creation. They just don't want share with them ",not all of us are peaceful some want to be more powerful, but we have to stop them for destroying the weirewood trees .

Aerion pov

Yes!! I can finally show-off my awesome magic, after 40 name days I am finally able to create awesome golden spear like Gungnir all the functional runes for perfect aim , indestructible, recall ,life and magic drain ,magic emental compatibility.

" I am getting powerful doing nothing though I can watch movies read stories by using my magical knowledge and system from other worlds . This is called life , I don't want to create technological weapons also and to much fuss about them is not cool . I am probably as powerful as Spiderman physically.

I have a dream to bitch slap Dragon lords , slap Night king, piss on the wall that's all.

Now I am going to show-off so the people remember me think about how cool I am .

"Dorian let's go show them why are we superior, he teleported to the island of skagos where Giant castle is located.

"As he appeared all the giants started calling Godson ! Godson! Godson! .He looked at them and saw Wull came running and hugged him.

"He saw that the hill now is the centre of Giants settlement there almost 2000 Giants living here. Green and and other children thaught them how to farm so they do not have to worry about food , Elvenheim help them in making clothes,they mine iron and gold and precious gems and send it to us .

We provide them armour and weapon made of elven metal with magic and light as feathers because of runes and elastic than all metals ,but they prefers giant battle axe,war Hammer and some use bow as weapons, well they can protect themselves. All the armour and weapons are very beautiful because of elven aesthetics, that's why they create 4 or 5 weapons per year. Atleast Wull and his wife wylla and the guard at the gate have armour and some best warriors.

"Aerion is not much interested in island or the Giants so he doesn't bother with much it's not like he needs them to fight for him .

"Let's go Dorian, Wull and we have some fun!,

He summoned flying boat that he created with magic runes like in thor movies .

"All the Giants were shocked by seeing boat flying in the sky with there leader the all cheered "

"Boat was fast we moved south and reached near woolfswood and saw a settlement near by we Descended infront of them all of them started yelling and took there weapons and became ready to fight us ".

"Stop we are not here to harm you all . I was curious so I just came here to talk who is your leader?.

"But one of them still attacked by rushing at Aerion, he side stepped at punched the man so hard that his fist passed through the attacker's stomach. All of them got more scared and started yelling demon!he is demon!

"Enough who is your clans magnar come forward or I will end you all at this moment and. Summoned the Gungnir it came flying to him from the boat".

"A man came forward he was quite tall approx 6'4 with black hair and grey eyes and said "I am wolf tribes magnar ". Who are you people why have you come here?

Aerion pov

"I thought i am the most handsome men in the world and no one recognised me , shouldn't the minions of big boss rile up by the insult other throwed . My retinue Wull and Dorian didn't even defend me . "I need to teach them how to be proper minions,they didn't even introduced me but just stayed looking at me. How will I be mighty if they not behave like good minions. "I need to show-off so people will talk about for thousands of years and praise me , i should act like generous god .

"I am king of this lands that you live on . "I am the Godson, ruler of all the lands under sky.

"So you are the one that children were talking about, we are the worshippers of old god and you . forgive us my lord, we didn't not recognise you we have never seen people like you and we the wolves tribe will always be your followers and followers of old god's.

"Atleast someone knows how to praise , looking at Dorian creepy looks he's giving me.

Gives me chills . I need to act generous and give him some powers so that his tribe can rule more . Well I know he'll form stark family. So let's give him power boost and bind his blood with power of ice and Direwolves.

"What is your name wolf Magnar?"

"Cregan my lord"

"From this day forward you'll be cregan of house Satark' . I will grant you powers of winter and Bond your Lineage with Direwolves and give you knowledge to form a kingdom to protect your people and and protect lands of North". Come forward and become my followers".

"He moved forward and kneeled",we will forever follow the old ways and you.

"Aerion used his ice magic and summoned a Direwolf from Elvenheim bonded them with Cregan's blood and transformed his blood and body to fit for the power"

"All the wolf tribes was kneeling and was in awe as he transformed Cregan into Handsome man with black hair as night and blue grey eyes".

Cregan Pov

I was busy talking with one of my leaders about the deal weade with children of the forest.Then I heard people yelling and shouting i walked out and went to see the commotion,there I saw two beautiful men with

Pointy ears and a Giant in beautiful armour. Then I saw one of them was most beautiful being i have ever seen he was tall and slender with platinum and golden hair , purple golden eye's as I was moving forward one of my men attacked him and he effortlessly sidestepped and punch through the man . At that moment I knew he was the one that children of forest was talking about.

"He called for me and I kneeled before him so that he doesn't harm us but I didn't know he was going to give me more powers and i accepted to become his followers.

"He called me forward and used his power on me i felt cold and warm at the same time all my previous wounds are gone and i became young he gave me a house name and made my family protector of North."The wolves are big as horse grey coloured fur red eyes it was perfect for hunting I was happy. Now I believe he is the son of Old God's.

Dorian pov

I saw my lord called me for having fun. My whole tribe has become powerful and have peace we do many things now like create art forge weapons build beutiful architecture explore the realm of Elvenheim.

We worship lord Aerion as God he made us more than just a mortals. I followed him to the giants castle where stupid Giants live. Wull that oaf Giant hugged my lord. Even we don't dare to touch our lord but the big oaf hugged him . If weren't for my lords generosity and there undying loyalty then I would have killed them .

We followed our lord on his journey to the south where we found group of men .lord wanted to talk with them I was admiring my lord and didn't notice someone attacked our lord .

My blood boiled i wanted to kill all of them but our generous lord gave them powers to there leader and made him protector of our lands .

I will only be our lord's perfect right hand man ,i am learning how to act as perfect right hand man , he talked to me telepathically and told me to introduce him next time infront of someone else, I was ashamed that I didn't know such a simple thing. But I will learn it.

"Aerion asked ,"do you know,who is the magnar of the south , he is cutting the weirewoods to much"?.

"Yes lord, he is called Garth the green hand and call himself king of the first men , he cuts the weirewood trees and and sacrifices children of the forest to become powerful ", replied Cregan.

"Dorian said we should kill that pest and his entire tribe for this act my lord "

"All right, let's go we teleported in the boat and moved towards south all the wolf tribe members cheered with awe and fear".

"We soon reached near Blackwater Bay where kings landing will be .

"Aerion used magic and scanned the area and soon he saw war between children of the forest and army of first men , He woved fast towards the area and saw first men killing children of the forest and cutting weirewood. Children of the forest were loosing the war .

"Aerion became angry because of usage of blood magic and siphoned souls of dead . He Dark clouds appeared in the sky thunder rumbled he used most of his magic and throwed Gungnir charged with lightning and fire at centre of the army of first men where Garth was boom!!! đŸ’„ đŸ’„ đŸ’„

"In one attack more than half of the first men army died Garth with all the powers was seriously injured". Battle stoped all of this happened in matter of moments everything was quite, deadly silent, all of them looked upward and saw golden flying boat and three men , thunder was cracking and rain started boat descended and they walked out all the children kneeled and cheered Godson! Godson! .

"Aerion raised his arm and they stopped cheering, he moved his arm towards the spear and Gungnir came back for him ".

"He walked towards Garth and golden armour appeared on him with crown helmet he looked down and said " from this moment forward you all will stop killing children of the forest or I will erase you and everyone this very land that you wanted to conquer" his voice resounding everywhere in westros every one heard it .

"It was the moment everyone learned who is the owner of this land ".

"Garth was for the scared so much that he unknowingly kneeled despite the turned flesh"

"So you are Garth the green hand using souls of children of the forest to fuel your power "Aerion said.

"Garth was scared infront of him was standing someone,who he thought as myth children of the forest were talking about when he killed them they were saying he will come forward him The Godson".

"For the cime you have committed i curse you you will die in 10 name days every day will be living hell for you" said Aerion.

And walked away from there towards children they were still kneeling. "He said rise , and ordered leave the area and move towards north and other places no need to fight them ".

He healed some of the children they whispered and disappeared in the forest.

"This day was eched as wraith of Godson,and end of blood and soul magic. Except children of the forest did it by creating corpse queen and Night king in the future ".

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