
2 journey, Giants

I started my journey 2 days ago but I haven't been able to find any one , well who cares I am gonna practice my magic I started my rigorous training or just lazy training, it's fun to be able to anything quickly now I can shoot ice daggers, and ice bullet well it's it's been a month, i travel a little and go for rest in my castle as I grow old I'll become more powerful all is good ,using ice magic has been easy as god said world is low level so I can't use powerful magic but it's not all base I can use basic magic but I will master thunder magic and nature magic, but thunder magic is very har i can only use sparks that's all this world is more in tune with ice and fire , it's been 500 years, to me it's not like a year has passed at most so It doesn't matter. I think long lived creatures have different perception of time, i learned how to use ice magic all basic ice magic, you can say I am the strongest ice mage in the world besides god .

I recently started using fire magic but it's hard for me but I'll learn it in time ,I livedost of the time in my world i started learning potions making, in my travels I met lots of magical creature with intelligence and without, i travelled to Blackwater Bay, reaching the supposed location of kings landing.

For 10 years I stayed here and started practicing my transmutation Harry Potter is a lie transmutation is very hard to learn.

Arion started his travel once again he delved in the technology and built the first telescope most of his invention were for fun or to help a friend in need .

Arion s name echoed among the Giants,for he had left a mark on the land. He met the Giants in his travels and he cast a powerful spell , transforming once snow covered skagos and skane island into a vibrant land of magic ,basking in the sun's warmth .His actions altered the very essence of the land , making it testament to his power and influence.

Multiple creatures of magic , such as unicorn and Direwolves,Mamoths came to those lands and lived in their valley.Even Giants joined Aerion with permission, of course. After all , it was recognised that Aerion was the owner of the land , and they were just guest.They had a name for him , The Godson"

After many discoveries and encounters with different creatures, he decided to travel to the Dotharaki Sea . It was 40 years before the invasion of westros by the first men .

When I crossed the arm of Dorne and looked out and saw the narrow sea , it was wonder. Magic is something I have lots of knowledge and I have been practicing it for long time ice magic I have lerned it enough to be able to walk on water .

With water magic, i walked on the water and crossed the narrow sea years of travelling and learning magic I was able to make paper learned runes with children of the forest, learned to carving of face on weirewood trees after all I was born from there unsuccessful creation. It involves ritual of sacrificing something, and so I did . I went after dire wolves , shadow cats , and Giant.

Giants are not stupid they are surprisingly peace loving creatures it just the do not have enough food to sustain them that's why there are far less and they hibernate most of the time and this how they survived.

I remember the day I met Wull . He was intelligent he challenged me so fought them but I was stronger without magic. We fought for 3 hours and they submitted to me after there leader's defeat. I could have killed him long before the fight , but it was fun . And he was smiling so I know he was happy, I taught them language.

I gave him prolonged life and potions for making him strong and intelligent, they became the royal family of Giants I planted lots of weirewood trees with the help of children it brought beauty to the island like no other place beside my realm

Now this island belongs to me and I placed a gate to my realm on a mountain surrounded by weirewood trees that connects my realm to the skagos Giants can enter the realm of Elvenheim some unicorns and horse went inside my realm to live . I created a huge castle for the Giants with my magic and they have a duty to guard my gate.

Present pov....

After crossing the the arm of Dorne and walk to the Dotharaki Sea. After some time , I settled down in a small forest near where the Dotharaki Sea and Valyria met.

It was small forest and a small clan of people with pelts and leather pants . They were doing well for themselves for the first few years . It was until 4 years I heard the sound of steel against the steel and the cries of women and children. I came near the treeline and looked at them . There were fire every where most of the people were dead some some were mourning.

Most men were killed many were dead and captured children, I don't care most of the things but when someone hurts childrens even my blood boils for the first time coming here I was angry so I followed them they were another cannibal group i focused my senses and I heard so many people were being tortured women's were being raped . "I don't care if I don't see them doing but when I see it and feel them I will save them .

I saw guards near wooden wall and gate i entered through the gate killing every guard with ice daggers i walked ice daggers formed behind me and moved forward killing every guard I killed there leader and went where children were not even two minutes passed and they died. I went where children were they scared they did not understand why those people died . I removed my hood they were shocked to see someone so beautiful.

"Aerion said don't be scared kids none of them moved forward, relax I will not harm you I'll take you back to your home then one girl came forward ,she had black hair as night and blue eyes she yas ten and two name days old ,"Aerion asked what is your name?" She replied Lyra" " tell those children to follow me Aerion replied.

Lyra Pov

I was so scared when they attacked they killed father and captured me my younger brother Eren Was alone what will happen to him they locked us in the cage with other children then all of a sudden all the bad people died then a man came we were scared

He removed his clothes covering his face he was so beautiful i have never seen anyone this beautiful he said to us don't be scared and said he will take us to our home I will see my brother again.


Erion took them to their small can when they saw the children all the people in the small settlement came running to their family and there old leader looked at me with caution.

After they talked with children they focused on me all of them noticed me how I looked I had golden silver hair, golden purple eyes I was wearing white clothes from magic they had never seen anyone like me .

The old village leader walked near me cautiously and kneeled before Aerion and said thank you lord for saving our children.

"Aerion asked stand up old man no need to kneel tell me what is your name ?" Dorian my lord " So Aerion directly come to point and said "Dorian do you and your Village want to follow me"?

Dorian talked among them and layra told him about me he became awed and was happy to follow me on then you all will be my subjects.

"Aerion asked Do you all people accept me as your lord ? If so I will protect you I will take you to a land where you don't have to fear any one , you'll have food to eat a place to live and to call home this is my promise to you will be more than just mortals you all will be like me powerfull " you'll only have to be loyal to me.

They all kneeled together and said we will follow you my lord!!

I opened the portal my realm where they will become new race elves

Next chapter