
The Beginning

"According to our source, Singto and Pat have gotten close when they were shooting their series entitled "Turn Left, Turn Right". Previously, we've made reports about sighting them going out together without companions. It is no surprise that. . ."

"Singtuan did you see my stockings?" A familiar voice at the background of the person Krist is talking to reached his ears.

No. . .no. .. no. . .it can't be. P'Singto would never-

"Have you checked the couch?" The person he is on the phone with responded.

He sounds so happy. ..

"I got it, Singtuuuuaaaaan. Thanks. I'll wait for you in the car, na. . . Mwah!"

When Krist heard Singto laugh and respond with a 'mwah', all his hopes shattered. Tears threatened to fall down his eyes and a huge toad got inside his throat for some unknown reason. It's difficult to breath. It's difficult to utter a word. Fuck!

"Kit? Kit are you still there?"

Krist clears his throat to get rid of its sudden tighntening. "Yes I'm still here."

"You sound odd. Are you unwell? Do you have someone with you or do you need me to drop by. . . "

Yes, P'Sing. I need you.

"No there's no need. I already ate a pill for cold earlier. I just called to hear from you. It has been so long since I talked to you, P'Sing."

Krist heard the older man laugh. "We saw each other two days ago, Kit. Getting all clingy again?"

Krist hummed. He can't say anything more. What's the point of calling his P'Singto to confirm if he is truly in a relationship with his previous costar Pat when he clearly heard them being all lovey dovey on the other side of his phone call?

He silently took a deep breath and steeled himself. He needs to know where he stands once and for all.

"That was Pat, right?"

Singto became silent on the other end.

Silence means yes.

Krist forced a laugh. "You are keeping secrets from me now, huh, P'Singto. That's alright. But you need to introduce her to me properly next time. Your brother needs to meet his sister-in-law properly. Oh, look at the time! I need to go now. Bye, Phee."

"Kit I-"

Krist ended the call before Singto can say anything and threw his phone at the tv screen which now shows clips of Singto and Pat.

The news is not fake. They are together.

At the realization, Krist's legs became weak and he slumped to the floor with tears streaming down his face. His P'Singto is not his anymore. Someone else is calling him Singtuan. Someone has been at his house, on the couch they picked together and even left their stockings there. Stockings. Even grade schoolers know what could have happened for a woman to take off her stockings.

Happy memories he had with his Phee flashed before his eyes. A bitter smile graced his lips. He should've confessed his feelings to the older man instead of denying it in front of their fans and coworkers. He should've taken the risk to say out loud that P'Singto is his. But he was a fool. Why did he hide his feelings when millions of fans would've backed him up and supported their relationship?

Because I might lose my Singtuan.

Again, his lips twisted into a bitter smile. But I still lost him because I didn't confess my feelings for him.

Krist weakly stood up at the sudden thought. He is stupid. So fucking stupid and cowardly for not running after the person he loves. All his excuses before like his image and fear of being labeled as gay sound stupid even for his own ears. He loves Singto. He loves his Singtuan.

And I fucking lost him because I'm a fool.

Dragging himself, he walked to his refrigerator to get a beer. When he didn't find any, he went to his mini bar to get a gin or anything with alcohol content. The first thing he saw was a bottle of his favorite wine. Hasty to get to it, he dragged a random chair and climbed on it to reach the bottle. Krist felt the chair he is standing on tilt before he felt himself fall.

Such a fool. . .

"You better wake up now so I can run through some things with you, Krist."

Krist moaned softly. Who is this irritating woman who dares to disturb his sleep? He's so damn sleepy!

"I know you are awake. You better get up now and go to the bathroom. Your cousin will find it odd that you're not up yet when you have work at 9:30." The same womanly voice orders him.

Cousin? Work at 9:30? What th-

"Get up!"

At the scream, Krist's body jolted up. "Why are you so damn noisy!"

His eyes bulged out of their sockets when he saw a white cat smirking. Smirking! Do cats normally smirk?! When the cat opened its mouth, all his previous beliefs about the universe were thrown out the window. Cats can speak human language!

"Don't gawk at me, Krist. Fix your expression if you don't want me to scratch your eyes out! There, that's better. I'm the goddess of transmigration and you are in the body of Krist who lives in a different world. I'll be giving you his memories so no one would doubt your identity. Don't ask any questions. You only need to know 2 things. One, you need to fulfill the original Krist's wish. 2nd, you can't act out of character. If you missed any of these two, I can't guarantee the safety of your body. You will not see your Singtuan again. We wouldn't like that. Would we?"

Krist swallowed a lump on his throat and shook his head. The cat is freaking scary!

"Good. Now, I'll give you a brief summary of this body's original outcome. You are in a world where Gers exist. Men can give birth and you are one of the few Gers. You and your older brother, Gun, are hiding your red marks or 'Zhushi Zhi' which identifies Gers from normal males. You'll find out more of your standing after I give you your memories. You are here to fulfill this body's original owner's wish to be with his ultimate crush, Singto. No, he is not your Singto. He has a different personality from your world's Singto. You'll have your first meeting with him today and I don't want you to make the same mistake of the original Krist who divulged his identity as a Ger right away. Because of his stupidity, he was raped by Park and lived a miserable married life. Don't be stupid. If you fail in this first world, I'll erase your existence and have someone else paired up with Singto." The cat threatened.

"Are you really a goddess?" Krist dazedly asked.

Instead of answering, the cat raised a paw. A white light came forth and flashed blindingly. Suddenly, Krist experienced a splitting headache and a rush of memories he is not familiar with flashed in his mind. When the light disappeared, Krist stared at the cat in awe.

The cat is not lying. Not. At. All.

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