
Elohim personal sex dungeon

Author: JohnC1
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What is Elohim personal sex dungeon

Read ‘Elohim personal sex dungeon’ Online for Free, written by the author JohnC1, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Don't come out at Night

I laid down in my bed while looking at the moon through my widow wondering how can the moon be these beautiful at night when my thought got interrupt.[whisper cara..cara] ,William my Little brother what are you doing here? sis I want to use the restroom,let go..Darkness take over the world,it destroy every part of the world which have light, expect for one light that shine which is the moon light in many years ago the king of darkness tried all missed to destroy the moon light that was impossible for he. Moonlight king secure the moon light so that evil real not pervaded, so that the king of darkness will not be too powerful.if his too powerful he will use it in his own advantage. Lord skenda zamiel king of the moon light son of king skenda lucian my duty is to protect the moonlight ,stop evil for pervading, make the light remain shining in every part of the earth,save people and fight against darkness out of the world.Every ten thousand years the king of darkness[lord rayven lofe zarin] will come to the earth, make people to be enemies, against each & use them weakness against them etc with other dark stuff. I stride outside my hostel toward the restroom why William were right beside me,yell with whisper voice how amany times do I have to tell you not to near the girl's, hostel what if hazel see us uh, do you want to put two of us in trouble? William please say something sis am sorry that I near your hostel, I drunk many water that is why ,please forgive me ,okay I forgive you.William we had reach the restroom don't waist time because I don't want Mrs Rose to notice that I am not in the hostel William rolling his eyes because he don't like Mrs Rose alright I'll be fast, William enter the restroom. Cara who was alone outside the restroom while waiting for her bother she look at the moon still wondering how how the moon can be these beautiful, cara notice that the moon light shine only one spot she wondered why is the moonlight shine only one spot she was more curious, she decided to go and check the place where the moonlight shining.Lord zamiel was wondering tried to come up with an idea on how to stop the king of darkness, all of a sudden a idea pop out of his head so he decided to tell his trustful men lord Ravan and long soki Lev The king do not trust anyone apart of his trustful men," your majesty the two men bow". lord Lev asked your majesty what brings you here am here because of my plan Ravan your majesty what your planwhile the two men look at each other my plan is in other to stop the king of darkness I need to go to earth, to look for any advantage or weakness we can use against him your majesty lord Lev your majesty that a good idea put it too risky, lord Ravan agreed with him,anyway your majesty but you can see everything on earth without you going their I know I just want to know something that I can use to destroy darkness out of the world I and lord Lev give you our full support and also your majesty be safe, I'll Ravan anything else no you can go before I go lord Ravan said your majesty had you tell your parents I'll tell them. zamiel gave he a nod before he go, your majesty Lev,how are going to earth? like you can not go like this don't worries you will know very soon okay your majesty good luck.After that Zamiel went to his parents room, when he reach the door he nock on the door when he heard a sweet voice saying you can come in zamiel open the door and go in when he saw his mother sitting on the sofa while resting her back and drinking juice while in the couch he see his father reading some documents. when zamiel mother notice that her son has come she was so happy and excited at the same time she decided to approach her son and hug he saying am happy you came and visit us and am happy to see you too Mom anyway son come and sit with me on the sofa son what brings you here Mom and dad i want tell am going to earth zamiel mom asked why do you want to leave us zamiel dad I know this will happen some day

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