
Elite Assassin's Special Love

Betrayed by her secretary and losing her ability to walk a year ago, Fu Mingxia decided it is the time to put a stop to her misery life. Then came into her life two fluffy babies, whose presence giving her infinite strength to fight her war and also taught her the wonderful feelings to be a mother. On one fateful night, her peaceful life was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of an assassin which his aim was to eliminate her, but undignifiedly fallen into her backyard. Not like it was the first time it ever happened. "Do you want to continue sprawling on the ground? Or should I tossed you out?" Fu Mingxia manoeuvre her electrical wheelchair and stopped around three meters from his position. The man sprang up from the ground and back-flicked his hidden curved dagger toward her before his eyes shook when he unintentionally glanced at her face. "It's you...how--" But she skillfully dodged and soon he felt his foot numbed. As he looked down, he saw a tiny dart pricked his calf. "You..!" .. After his first failed attempt to assassinate her, the man kept coming into her backyard. His persistence finally captured her attention. Not in the romantic way anyway. "What're you doing here again?" "I love you." "Do someone as busy as you love to play around like this, Master Shen?" .. Fu Mingxia's retreating back after revealing the huge secret and conspiracy in front of a mass of people without looking back at him made Hao Shen realised his chance to be with her was diminished. But he refused to give up. So he make some shameless moves just to show her and everyone, she is his special love. The love that he swore to protect till eternity. What is the secret? Could his shamelessness thawed her cold heart? ***Cover photo from Pinterest edited by me. Credit to the owner.

aurora_moon90 · Urban
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38 Chs

Rage and Sorrows

"Shen! I got a good news for you." Qing Fai, adorning a maroon suit and messy hairstyle banged the door open and strode in, still very much thrilled by the unexpected information he got from his people. Drip of sweats trickled down his face, proving he had rushed to the Imperial Hospital as fast as he can.

"What?" Hao Shen glanced at him for a second before he continues scribbling on his notepad. Only his occasional tapping on his keyboards could be heard in the room other than Qing Fai's heavy breathing.

"That man..Xia Min.. I just got an insider information, he will make his appearance in Xia Enterprise's launch event tomorrow."


The fountain pen in Hao Shen's hand made a long line on his paper but his expression remained impassive, as if the news did not affect his mind. He continues to write his notes but the slight shaking of his hand had betrayed his real feeling.

"Do you hear me?"

"I heard you. Loud and clear."

Qing Fai sighed deeply, exasperated when Hao Shen still did not stop doing his work and converse with him like before. It's been a month he excluded himself from their usual get-together after that day. And he also had become more serious and quiet nowadays, making it hard to talk to him.

"What do you want to do now?" Qing Fai loosening his tie and folded his arms as he regarded his friend whom feigning busy with his work. "If you want, I can arrange for you to meet that man in private."

"No need. I can do it myself."

"Fine." Qing Fai sighed in defeat as he smacked his own thighs and stood up. "I'll take my leave first."

Hao Shen nodded once. "I won't see you off."

"I know." Qing Fai strode towards the door. Frustration evident on his face. "Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault, she died. Besides, torturing yourself won't be able to resurrect her to life." He stopped at the door and second later disappeared from the room.

"I know." Hao Shen whispered to himself. He closed his eyes and immediately his sister's pale face when she was found strangled to death in her old apartment in Country F flashed across his mind, prompting him to open them abruptly. Rubbing his face several times to suppress his sorrow and rage, he stood up and sauntering towards the tall glass window overlooking the sea of buildings, sparing himself from being consumed by his heartache.

He stood with both hands inside his pants pockets while observing the bustling city beneath him, before he slowly palmed the glass wall as if he was touching Hao Ying's face. "I'm so sorry. I failed as your brother. Neither I managed to safeguard you when you're alive nor I succeed to find your murderer after you gone in these past five years. I'm such a disappointment." A drop of tear fell from the corner of his eye before he raised his face up to hold them from spilling more.


Meanwhile in Xia Enterprise, Fu Mingxia ambled out of the private elevator, followed by Fu Chu and directly arrived inside the CEO's lounge after she punched in the password for the hidden door. Han Lei and Xue Ling already waited for her arrival together with the COO, Raymond Wong and technology department's head chief, Angela in the office. Everyone stood up when she emerged from the door.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen."

"Welcome, President."

"Have a seat, everyone."

Fu Chu came forward and carefully placed the stack of coffee cups on the table together with a big box of donuts that they had ordered before coming here. She bowed once before striding out the room and soon came back with some small plates and dessert forks. "Please help yourself," she indifferently uttered and stood rigidly behind her boss.

"Don't be so uptight. Do eat."

Xue Ling instantly opened the box as she felt impatient to munch on the soft donut. "I want that," she pouted when Fu Mingxia picked up a chocolate and caramel covered donut and munching on it leisurely.

"You're too slow." Fu Mingxia licked the creamy chocolate left on her upper lip. "Ehhmmm~ This tasted heaven. It's been so long since I have this. Dig in. Only with full stomach, we could work with more efficiency."

"Indeed." Xue Ling spotted another donut with the same flavour and snatched it before anyone else did it. The others followed suit when they realised their President won't commence their meeting before they fulfilled their stomach.

"Alright. Now, let's start our meeting." Fu Mingxia sipped on her coffee as she glanced at her watch. 'Three ten. I still have enough time to pay her a visit if I can ended this meeting in two hours max.'


"Miss, I've got several emails and calls from some people, requesting for a private meeting with you after tomorrow's event..I mean Mr Xia Min. Should I reject them all?" Fu Chu busy skimming through her emails as she relayed the name of every person to her boss whom seemed absentminded after they got into the car.

"Note their names but reject their requests for now."

"Alright. Uhm..there's another one person, whom demands for your presence in Bliss, President's suite 1001, tomorrow 7pm."

Fu Mingxia frowned. "Demand? Who?"

"No name. He just left a message for you. 'Country F. Ying. You know who am I.' Who's this person? Should I asked Fu Jin to trace his IP address?"

"Let him be."

"So should I reject him too? Or accept the request?"

"No need. As I said, let it be. I'll go there but no need to reply to him." She sighed internally by the unavoidable meeting. "Did you get the flower?"

"I do. Twenty white roses with four red roses."

Fu Mingxia nodded once as she continues to stares out the moving car. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at an expansive and impressive cemetery, Eternal Memorial. A place where only influential family's members were buried.

They slowly climbed up the upslope stone stairs and ceased to a stop on the topmost ground.

"Wait here. I won't be long." Fu Mingxia tightened her grips on the roses bouquet and took a deep breath before she tried to force a bright smile on her face but ended up with a stiff smile.

Slowly, she ambled towards a cemetery under the shade of a big tree and kneeling down before she put the roses on it.

"I'm here again, my dear Ying Ying."