2 INFO + Changes

First of all, I am so sorry. I know I've delayed the next chapter since February and for real I am sorry. Lots of stuff went down.

The good news is that I finally finished school and have time to work on Elgnis now. The bad news is, I am not sure how long until I post the next chapter because I will be redoing every single chap. Yes. Full-on rework, adding more content maybe more chars and stuff. Some chapters might change just a bit but some could change a lot. Like the first chapter and other old ones. Those are the chapters which I will make longer and stuff. I pulled back all of the chapters and will start posting one every 2 days when I have reworked all of them and finished 19th. Which could take up to a month or longer, I will post them every 2 days because posting all straight on won't give me as much attention and I will also have time to do new chapters. 1st Chapter is probably the one that had the most work, more to Yosuke's backstory, his school life, and stuff like that. So yeah, if anyone has any questions you guys can DM me on my discord Trtl#0189. Welp then. Cya soon!
