

Hami: noun[c]. Mage. Protector. The title given to those who are able to control their Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at their disposal. Khaled Ben Sakir is a 'restricted' with a bad temper. He's not good enough to be a Hami but too dangerous to leave without a Riaf education. He yearns to prove himself, but hard work might not be enough.

RandomLurker · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Beta-read by the amazing ColdWinter12.

I heard everything from Masoda, and I will not waste time or space in frivolous salutations or regards. You are wrong, and you should stop.

I know times are desperate. The war destroyed everything and that mad man will not stop till he takes everything from us.

But, you are a Hami: a protector. Don't forget that! The great ability to control our Riaf, the core of all living things, and use it to move the elements at our disposal comes with a great responsibility.

I shouldn't have to remind you of this. You were one of my most talented and smartest students. Even in the elite Al Nokhba Institute, you stood out with your good heart and altruistic nature. You are a hero and a hope to many.

I know what you must be thinking: that I don't believe in you. But I haven't forgotten that you are also one of the Chosen. How could I when you are blessed with an incredible Riaf since birth? You've always had a talent for Tasin and Sehir Spells.* I believe that you can make the impossible happen. But we must never breach the vow we took as Hami.

You know what happened when our ancestors challenged Elginn's three principles: the laws that govern Riaf. They thought themselves pioneers of human history and dabbled into the fool creations and arts they called Founoun*. They fell into darkness. Because of the Hami of our past, there are now restrictions on the number of Hami chosen. Because of them, that man came to power.

Kasem, don't let your emotions blind you. Don't let revenge misguide you. Blood rituals are the most despicable of the Founoun.* Who are you willing to give as human sacrifices for that end? How much blood will you spill to save the rest?

The ritual you're willing to perform won't bring everything back to how once it was. It will cost too much. Mamlaka used to be a flourishing Kingdom twelve years ago but—

Kasem El Rokh crumples the letter in his hand and gives it back to the young messenger with the wild curly hair and tired brown eyes. On Kassim's right side the rebellion's leader, Faycil Al Abyeth clamps a comforting hand on his shoulders.

The Hami straightens up and says, "Tell Professor Moualim that this is my final answer."

The messenger nods and bows slightly then walks away to the desolated Inter-Bab*, a wide area sealed in concrete, functioning as a teleportation device. He steps into one of its gates: a number of circles made of runes and incantations directly engraved into the ground, each wide enough to hold five people at a time. The circle flares and transparent walls emmerge in a tube. He glances back hesitantly at Kassim and Faycil and seems like he's about to say something. But, he decides against it and the tube clouds in black and falls back into the ground leaving an empty space.

Kassim crouches back on his knees again in front of the wall of runes and sigils that already covers half of the ground of the once glorious ruins of Mamlaka's Citadel. He'll deal with the consequences of the ritual on his Riaf's purity later. He pulls open a new bottle of blood and dunks the tip of the quill in. Even if he'll never be able to use Riaf again, he can't go back now. This is his last chance.

He scrawls.


*Hami: mage

*Tasin and Sehir Spells: Fortifying and Enchanting Spells

*Founoun: banned arts

A/N: Hey! So before you start reading, there are going to be some confusing terminology that belongs in this story.

Lucky for you I've made an Elginn dictionary to help you out with the different terms! Check it out on my profile or scroll down to the end to find the explanation to the terms used in every chapter.

With that said, I hope you enjoy reading and please review! Feedback and Constructive criticism is always welcome!

RandomLurkercreators' thoughts