Watch the anime first. The first chapter will speak for itself.
Kouta, the male lead in the anime, was exhausted one day during the early peaceful days being spent with amnesiac Kaede (Lucy) who is referred to as "Nyu" for the time being, and collapsed suddenly atop of the girl on the living room floor.
Being too heavy for this innocent version of her to get him to move, Nyu makes noises of slight discomfort before noticing that he is sound asleep and peaceful.
Seeing this, she feels just as relaxed as he is suddenly, and as Kouta remains in a state of semi-consciousness, he feels comforted by being within each other's accidental embrace.
His frindge is played with, and she stares at his closed eyes.
For some reason the sight of his closed eyes is enough for her to sense his familiar presence, which triggers her real self to return temporarily, Kaede.
Out of her amnesiac state, her previous shadow with all its ego and horrors return as well, but despite the burdensome knowledge she is cursed with, it's as if by being in this situation, she is safe and is able to move on within the present moment, for Kouta is her saving grace; she feels protected.
Able to speak again instead of making random noises to express her feelings as "Nyu", Kaede coolly says to him while gripping onto the back of his shirt, "This is heaven. I have been praying for the day I would become crazy enough to truly believe my own delusions of freedom, but here I am with the real deal…".
In regards to her Lucy side, her darkness that appears as a force of nature of a self-defencive mechanism, a part of Lucy is always present within the real Kaede, for although Lucy carries the bulk of the horrifying backstory to be identified with, it doesn't change the fact that Kaede is also identified with some of these aspects too, and by extension always has Lucy close by, always being both Kaede and Lucy simultaneously, for Lucy is the embodiment of suffering.
Although that may mean that there is a little bit of Lucy in everyone, for anyone is capable of suffering, that conclusion doesn't do justice to the fact that Lucy as an autonomous being is literal and in the flesh through the body of Kaede, like an Unholy Spirit.
Lucy, watching the freedom and sense of protection that Kaede experiences within this moment, notices the peace and sense of protection gifted to her by Kouta's presence (unknowingly to him) as well, she too is capable of having a bit of Kaede inside of her.
Lucy and Kaede begin to evaporate as separate entities, and all that remains is the present, peaceful moment, of a girl who has been saved for the time being.
Her heart sweetened, warm, and yearning, she finds herself struggling between trying to cry and trying not to cry.
"Kouta… Kouta…"
*knock knock knock*
Someone bangs on the front door, grabbing the attention of Lucy.
Lucy automatically, like a machine, begins to plan out her strategy to eliminate the threat, but finds herself still not moving from the comfortable embrace of Kouta.
(Is she really needed when they are protected by him?
Logically speaking, there are consequences to actions and inactions, and the consequence of being tamed means being defenseless, and being defenceless has a consequence to consider that takes more value than personal yearnings, although both are true considerations.
However, there must be a situation where We can allow Ourselves to be free, regardless of the level of power our Saving Grace has to maintain our genuine, not just sense of, security.
Is that situation now?)
Lucy's analysis is silent, but her intuition speaks layers of detail.
Feeling weakened by the Kaede side of her in this moment, she contemplates what version of herself is most suitable for the situation, because for the first time ever, this alter (Lucy) doesn't want to do anything that she may regret with consideration for her personal relationship with Kouta's protective presence, as well as him as an individual.
(Long term, make him strong enough to protect Us.
Short term, hide, gather intelligence to understand the whole truth of the situation, and only then willingly let My guard down for Us.)