
Chapter 1: A Joke Worth Telling

" So there's a hundred bricks on an airplane..."

"Oh here we go" says Kev as he abruptly stops at a red light.

"Hear me out, this is a good one." says Benny as Kev rolls his eyes.

"100 bricks on an airplane, 1 brick falls out, how many are left?"

"Zero." says Kev

"No, ninety-nine you idiot." Benny exclaims.

"Well if one brick falls out, wouldn't all of them fall out?" Kev says inquisitively.

" I said 1 fell out." Benny explains

"Continue." says Kev as the the light turns green.

The tires mildly screech as Kev presses on the gas.

"Thank you." Benny continued. "Now, how do you put a horse in the fridge"

Kev scoffed, "Wha-you can't?

Benny sharply interrupted, "First...you open the fridge, then you put the horse in the fridge."

Kev shocked at the simplicity of the joke lets out an "Oh...ha ha."

"Now." Benny firmly stated as they slowed down towards an intersection,

"How do you put a cow in the fridge?"

Kev tries to answer, "What do you do? Cut it in pieces?"

"Take  the horse out put the cow in."

"It'd be easier to cut up." Kev conveys as he signals his right blinker to make a left turn.

Benny continues the joke not noticing Kev's mistake "There's a party for the entire barnyard, who doesn't show up?" Benny questions

Kev correctly answers with, "The cow?"

"Because he's stuck in the fridge right, now you're catching on..."

Kev gets ready to turn

"Malcolm went hunting but came across a bear, how did he survive?"

" He shot it?"

"No, the bear was going to the party."

"Why's a bear hanging out with barn animals?"

"Malcolm makes it back home but he dies, what happened?"

Kev makes the turn

"The bear got him?"

Kev smirks and lets out a slight chuckle, "No, he was hit by the f..."

Next chapter