

The moment Silvya mentioned the business talk her expression became dead serious.

Influenced by her seriousness both Jade and her father banished their current thoughts into the back of their heads.

Because they knew that the person in front of them was more than capable to lay this town to waste if she willed it.

The 72 council members of the elemental race were the (mostly) oldest and strongest individuals. Their ranking is decided every decade with a tournament like event.

At this event everyone would be able to challenge the council members for their seats.

It wouldn't be an understatement to say that the council members needed to fight back a flood of challengers, as a seat in the council would guarantee a phenomenal upgrade of the prestige and family ranking of the winning challengers.

However, even though it was theoretically possible tho challenge any seat, there was a tacit agreement amongst every elemental to not challenge the first twelve seats.

The reason was none other than their overwhelming might and experience that would crush any challenger in mere seconds.

That is also the reason why there were exactly twelve ancient noble houses among the many families. Each ancient noble house was founded by a council member seated in the first twelve seats.

In other words, the smaller the number of the council seat, the higher the strength of the individual you're facing. This was a rule of thumb that's actually really accurate concerning raw power.

Now, faced with the legendary individual ranked fifth of the council members, both Jade and her father were rigid under the pressure.

They knew the moment they pissed of Silvya, both them and the town wouldn't have long to live. Especially since their elders were currently away on a mission, leaving this area especially vulnerable.

Jade took the initiative to start talking first.

"So, may I ask what kind of business your ladyship would like to talk about? In order to reduce unneeded casualties and mobilizations we will need to know what your ladyship wants to do in this town."

Deep inside Jade couldn't help but be astonished at the identity of the woman in front of her.

"This girl is supposed to be at least half a millenia old?! No way in hell! Just how high is her cultivation then?

Also, there is no way that the aura she leaked earlier was everything she has. But why would she leak her aura in the first place?

If she wanted to talk then she could have just come to headquarters. Is she luring us? But why? What is her goal?"

Jade's thoughts were racing. A glance to the side to her father told her that his were too.

Just why would an elemental like her announce her presence in such a way?

Unlike inexperienced cultivators that have problems to control their aura leakage there was no way that the fifth ranked individual among the whole elemental race would have such problems! And she was still very unhappy about the fact that she had to abandon Rebecca's birthday party to get here!

While Jade's thoughts continued racing Silvya started talking.

"My business here is simple. I wanted to announce to every single one of you to scram from this area! If I find anyone associated with hunters inside a five mile radius around this location then you can be prepared to lose some of your members!

I simply leaked my aura to call you here since you would send at leat a few dozen spies after me while I'm attending to my bussiness if I simply asked you at your headquarters. Am I right or am I right?"

No one among the group of hunters was able to stand up to her words. Both because of her aura crushing down on them and the truth behind her words.

I mean, come on! As if anyone could resist their curiosity when they knew that the fifth pillar was doing some private bussiness in this area!

However, Jade wouldn't be Jade if she wasn't able to retort. Ignoring the desperate eye signals her father was giving her to stay quiet she started saying whatever was going through her head like the hot-head she was.

"Are you threatening us? The treaty specifies a non-agressive association with the other group. Openly threatening us is a violation of that pact. Are you trying to break the rules?"

Hearing her words her father next to her blanched. He knew that she wasn't involved in the deeper management of the hunters yet and thus didn't know the secrets that came with it.

And he knew at this moment that there was no way for them to turn this encounter around to their favor anymore.

Because he saw it. The rage that started burning in the eyes of Sylvia the moment his daughter's words came from her mouth.

"A little girl like you dares to talk to me about violating the treaty?

Little huntress, you don't get to teach me about the treaty that I helped to write down word by word.

You don't get to teach me about threatening people with their loved ones.

And most of all you don't get to teach me anything with that little bit of life experience you have!

Now, I am going to repeat myself for one last time.

Clear the area.

No one remains.

Whoever does will vanish, understood?

I will allow no one to interrupt or whitness my reunion with her!"

With every word the hunters were crushed under her growing aura.

This time Taylor was in time with his reply.

"Yes, of course! We will clear this area immediately your ladyship. Please give us just thirty minutes to clear this place."

Silvya observed him, her face expressionless for a few seconds before turning away and vanishing, leaving behind an almost unhearable whisper in the wind.

"Get to it then. The ban will be until midday tommorrow."

It didn't take long for the squad to report the happenings back to the headquarters while erasing every trace of them ever being at the field.

During the entire drive back Jade was ignored by her father who was obviously thinking about the encounter with Silvya. As she observed his expression she didn't dare to bring up Rebecca's birthday party anymore. But she needed to somehow get back there.

She already promised Rebecca to be back until midnight!

The moment the two of them were back in a private room she opened her mouth to ask him but he spoke first.


"No what?"

"No stalking her and no birthday party. Her house is in the restrincted area."


"No what?"

"There's no way that I am not going back to Becca's birthday celebration. I already promised her."

As Taylor heard the words of his daughter his expression darkened considerably.

"No, I won't let you out of this house until midday tommorrow. You already did enough damage for one evening with your words.

Your death will not be added to the list and there is no use in protesting.

I will lock you behind bars for the night if that is what will keep you here and safe.

But I will allow you to send a text to Rebecca saying you can't return. It wouldn't be fair for her to keep waiting for you all night. That will be all."

He turned around and started sifting though paperwork without looking up anymore and ignored Jade's screams of protest.

Taylor was thinking about Silvya's last sentence.

"Just who is she meeting to make such a fuss about it?"

Next chapter