

Chapter One


With these words a woman dressed all in yellow through her fist forward causing the side of the mountain to cave in on itself revealing a tunnel leading inward towards the back of the mountain. A woman dressed in red waved to a woman dressed all in black, and lead her team through the tunnel.

The team consisted of six women. The one in the lead held a torch above her head providing light as she led the team through the tunnel. She wore what looked like a fiery crown on her head. Around her neck sat a necklace made out of all cuts of Rubies. The necklace gleaned in the light from her torch as she walked. She wore a dress that appeared to be made out of fire wrapped around her almost like a cloak. It covered more of the back then it did the front, but it was obvious that it was made for comfort rather than style. On her feet she wore a pair of sensible red shoes, and on her hands were a pair of red leather gloves. The most I catching item of clothing however was the ring with the absolutely enormous Ruby she wore on her right hand.

"I'm still not sure this is the right decision. For all we know we are causing our own downfall."

Behind her came 2 women. The one on the left dressed all in yellow was the one who had punched open the tunnel. She wore A crown like the one in the lead, although this crown gave off a sense of trees and turned earth. The necklace worn around her neck instead of being made of rubies, was made of topaz. She wore a similar dress to the one in front, although it covered more. She also wore sensible shoes, but instead of leather gloves, she wore a pair of boxing gloves. She also wore a ring on her right hand, however instead of a ruby her ring had a topaz.

"I understand what you mean Torch. However, we all know he can't be allowed to continue corrupting the nature around us. If we don't stop him here all we know will turn to ash."

To her right walked a woman Who gave off the impression of a thief. She wore a crown that would not look out of place in a horror film. The necklace around her neck was made of pure onyx. Instead of a dress, she wore a trench coat that covered her from just below her neck to just above her knees. It completely enclosed her, and it would not be difficult for her to slip into the shadows wearing this cloak. Unlike the other two, she wore no shoes, and wore no gloves. In her right hand she carried A javelin. Like the other two she wore a ring on her right hand. However, this one had an enormous onyx similar to the one that her necklace was made out of.

"Watching as the land, animals, and people around us slowly succumb to the elemental madness would play havoc with even the strongest mind Nature. You know this. I'm not surprised Torch has misgivings. I do as well."

Behind the woman dressed in yellow walked a woman dressed in white. Even though she was further back in the line, there was no doubt that this was their leader. She carried a sword in her right hand, and the crown that she wore was one that gave off the distinct aura of royalty. Her necklace was made out of pure diamond, and the dress she wore actually made one think of a bride. Her shoes and gloves were also pure white, and in different circumstances 1 would not be surprised to find her walking down the aisle at a wedding. The ring that she wore on her right hand had a diamond that was even larger in size than any of the other gems that the ones besides, behind, or in front of her were wearing.

"Torch, Nature, Nightmare I sympathize with your view, but he must be stopped here at the source of his power, and we're the only ones who can do it."

To her right and behind the one dressed in black walked a woman dressed all in blue. This woman gave off the air of a blacksmith, and carried a hammer in her right hand with ease. On her head she wore a crown that looked as though it belonged to a princess of the seas. The necklace around her neck was made of sapphires. Instead of a dress like the Woman beside her, she wore a top made out of seashells, and a pair of pants that look like they were made out of coral. Despite how they looked, it was obvious that they were very comfortable. Like the woman in front of her she wore no shoes, although she did wear a pair of gloves on her hands. The ring on her right hand held a sapphire about the same size as the ruby worn by the one leading the team. As the woman dressed in white finished what she had to say, this woman rolled her eyes.

"Always so dramatic Sun. For myself, I will be glad when this mission is over. I didn't get to take my swim today."

Behind all of them, and in between the two pairs walking side-by-side floated a woman dressed in green. She held a bow on her back. And a small pistol in her right hand. She wore no crown, although she did wear a necklace that was made out of jade. Her dress seemed to flutter in a nonexistent breeze, it seemed also to be made out of silk unlike the rest. Unlike everybody else she seemed to be wearing slippers on her feet, and she wore no gloves. The ring on her right hand glowed unlike the rest. It held a large emerald, and gave off the air of peace, tranquility, and freedom.

"I think you can skip your swim for a few hours Storm. Making sure the world is still standing for the next thousand years is a little more important."

All of the women looked around the tunnel they were traveling through. Since Nature had punched open a mountain to enter the tunnel, 1 would expect the walls to be made of solid stone. However, looking around it was clear the walls were made up of something far more precious than mere stone.

Along the left wall the women could see all kinds of precious gems. Such as the barrel, and the Jasper. Interestingly though there were all kinds of rarely seen gem stones, none of the gems the ladies carried were represented.

On the other side of the tunnel instead of stone, or even more gems the tunnel was made entirely out of crystal. In fact, the light from Torch reflected off the crystal wall.

The six women proceeded down the tunnel until they came to a junction that had three doors. There was one to the left, One to the right, And one much further along straight-ahead in the middle of the wall. Torch turned to look back at the group and raised her eyebrows.

"Which one should we pick?"

Sun seem to extend something from her mind. A white glow surrounded her eyes, and she zoomed in on the door at the center of the hall. "Our target is through that door"she said pointing to the door she had marked.

Nodding Torch made her way towards the door. As they walked the doors on the sides of the hall opened and creatures not unlike demented skeleton started pouring out from the left and right.

Storm stepped out of line, and bringing up her hammer took a stance ready to defend the group. In response the woman dressed in green floated around so that she stood on the opposite side of the tunnel from the one in blue.

"Sky and I will handle them" Storm said nodding towards the skeletons. "The rest of you should probably get through that door. We don't know how much time we have before the fiend unleashes his special attack."

Nodding the other 4 women closed up ranks. now in more of a Diamond formation the four of them made their way to the door at the end of the hall.

Sky raised her gun, and taking aim started shooting the skeletons down. On the other side of the hall Storm was swinging her hammer at a great speed mowing down skeletons preventing them from getting near the others.

Torch opened the door at the end of the hall, and the four of them passed through it. The door closing behind them.

As the number of skeletons appeared to increase more and more no matter how many they took down, Sky turned towards her companion. "I don't think we'll be getting out of this one a life Storm."

"You're probably right Sky"Storm said swinging her hammer at another group of skeletons. "All we can do is hold him off long enough for Torch, Sun, Nightmare, and Nature to make it to the dark fiend."

Next chapter