

A giant 6 armed monster 18 feet tall with horns coming out of its head, red skin, with huge, gruesome muscles. It roars at me. I look upon the monster in sheer terror until I see it throw a boulder but it goes past me. I turn around and see six figures running towards the monster at impossible speed wearing scale like armor and dodge the Boulder. One in red, one in white, one in black, another in green, and another one in yellow. Then there's the one in the middle, blue. A beautiful shade of blue. I seem to be attracted to this figure. I try to get closer to him but he just keeps on running straight toward the monster weapons appear out of the figures hands each a different one they leap at the monster and then a flash of blinding lights then...COLLIN!!!! IT's Time to get up! COLLIN!!!! ALL RIGHT MOM I'm up!!! Man i really wanted to see the rest of the dream play out i don't know how my mind comes up with that kinda thing considering i don't have a single creative bone in my body. Well i guess its to late now I'm wide awake i should get dressed i get my clothes on and head downstairs and see mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Morning collin how did you sleep? I slept good mom had a weird dream but good. How well honey be careful you know the family motto if the dream felt real then it may be real. Yea yea yea mom I know some dreams can tell the future. Well of course they can that's how i know your dad was the one I… I know mom the day before you dad you had a dream of meeting him and getting married You've only told it like 50 times no joke.Yea well look what happened we got married and had you and your sister. As if on Q Riley come bounding down the stairs and hops in the chair next to me. Hi big bubber collin. Hi riley you know your not supposed to run down the stairs I know but i just wanted to see you and mommy so bad is all. Collin get off your sister back shes only eight calm down. Oh only them huh riley? Dad comes out from the laundry room with a tie undone around his neck. I guess you must not love daddy any more then sniff sniff. What no no no daddy of course i Still love you, She get out of her chai and hugs dad. Meanwhile I'm eating my breakfast. Hey hon can you help me tie this I can't seem to get it. Oh sure i can dear come here. Mom goes over to dad and helps with his tie, She finishes and he says well thank you honey pots. EWWw mommy and daddy are bing gross Aegan. I roll my eyes and finish breakfast and say welp im done im gonna head to school. Oh ok honey be safe, Of course mom always I start walking to school I only live five blocks away so I walk to school every day, it's better for my body and it's a nice day today considering it rained pretty hard last night now there's puddles everywhere but I don't mind them i've always loved water that's probably why im on the swim team. I continue to walk to school HEY COLLIN WAIT UP. I turn around and see Johnny one of my best friends.He comes bounding up to me. Hey collin glad i Caught you before you got to school. Why? Because kevin is planning to jump you on your way to school today i heard it from Cidney this morning, you sure dude? Yea i am what is his problem with you. Its because he thinks he's the captain of the swim team so he can do whatever he wants and that he's like god or something and he can't stand that I'm faster than him when it comes to swimming holding my breath and at diving. Oh ok now i know why he doesn't like you. What's that supposed to mean? Well you've always had a thing with water i still remember that one time we were like Five and i was afraid to go in the water mean while you are doing back strokes like its a piece of cake. HA yea i remember that didnt billy push you in and you were screaming bloody mary until i said stand up and you did and the look on your face oh my god, good times good times. Yea yea never going to let me live that down are you? Nope I will not. Yeah ok whatever So what are we going to do to get to class, meh its cool wheal ,just go in the side door I'll text billy to open it for us he's always at school like an hour before it starts. I pull out my phone and shoot billy a text to see if he can open the door. He can, we go around to the side entrance and wait then we see billy come walking up to the door and open it. Hey billy thx for opening the door for us. Man any time and all the better I get to spite Kevin that dick. Yea i know dude i know come on let's get to class. We head to class first hour was pretty uneventful blah blah blah law blah blah blah law enforcement class is so boring. Second hour I like second hour English it's always fun. Mr chambers is a fun and cool dude he always makes english class fun. Then there's third hour Geometry with miss lubering i HATE math ok its because im not that good at math and plus Kevin is in it. I feel something hit me in the back of my head I turn around and see kevin Beating his fist in his palm mouthing the words your dead. Well swim practice should be a lotta fun today. Fourth hour was ok I hung out with my friends and we mostly talked about the new kingdom hearts game that came out it should be really fun. Fifth hour Sucked its biology its not cuz im bad or anything no i'm quit good at it naw cuz of this jackass named Shane. He is quite literally the typical country Hick. He thinks he can do whatever he wants even if he gets in trouble I wanna hit him across the face with a chair but no, no violence is allowed at the school. But I bet he's all bark and no bite so i don't really care. Sixth hour is world civ were learning about world war two it's sad but informative i had no idea Hitler was turckhish. Seventh hour is Spanish I am not good at spanish whatsoever i could not do it to save my life. I mean i'm learning little bits and pieces here and there but all in all the best ill get is a C minus if im lucky. Eighth hour rolled around my Eighth hour is in my seventh hour classroom and I just hung out with my friend alex she's got this hole goth thing going on and wont lie its kinda hot but i've already been down that road and she doesn't like me that way it's probably for the best, though we would never last. Now it's time for Swimming practice. Finally probably the only part of the day I actually like. I don't know what it is but I've always like to swim well I just like water in general it makes me feel safe and calm. I'm also the fastest on the swim team. I head to the locker room look around and I don't see anyone else on the swim team that's weird usually kevin and his crones are here by aw well that just means I can swim in peace. I change and head out to the pool and start to do laps and I can't stop thinking about kevin even if i'm faster than him at swimming that can't be the only reason he's mean to me. Did I do something to him in the past that warrant him not liking me? I can't think of anything I did wrong to him in the past i mean hell i moved here two years ago. I've had fun here i got the top grades in my class won multiple medals and trophies and secured a good scholarship. You know what I don't care if he doesn't like me then forget him.I get back to swimming and I Hear someone yell COLLIN!!! I look up and see Kevin and his goons calling me over I say what do you want kevin. I just wanna talk or rather do you want me to talk to your little friend here. Kevin's goons pull out Billy from behind them and he has a black eye with his glasses gone. I get angry KEVIN WHAT DID YOU DO?! I get out of the water and head to them Woah now collin slow down there or else the ginger gets it. I back off what do you want kevin? What should be mine before you moved here I Was the king the most popular number one in everything, swimming, Grades, popularity, but then you come out of nowhere and take it all back well now i'm taking Back my kingdom and Im going to show you im going to show you all whos the king

ruin all that and it's time you learned your place beneath me. Kevin keeps on talking and monologuing i take this window of opportunity to sucker punch the guys whos holding billy in the jaw and he releases billy. RUN BILLY RUN!!! He takes off into a dead sprint out of the pool room. Kevins goons rush me and Grab a hold of me with a firm grip. Now you see collin you shounent have done that I was just gonna talk to you and rough you up a bit but now. Now i'm gonna Kill you. Kevin rushes at me with his goonis still holding me in place and he uppercuts me in my gut. I double over in pain because I'm winded and out of breath. He then kicks me in the side of my head with the side of his foot. My nose starts to Bleed he then Grabs me by my head and pulls me up to his head and says you had enough yet huh have you he then kicks me in my gut so hard his goons let go and I go back to the floor. So have you or do you want more? His goones laugh i stand up straight look at him dead in the face and spit blood in his face that all you got? His face goes red and he picks me up and throws me in the pool. I go flying and hit it with a smash and a large splash. The impact hurt but as soon as i go in i feel better. I swim up and look at Kevin and he looks around and sees a button on the wall. I know that button it closes the cover to the pool. He picks of a section divider and Slams it in the button.The button breaks and the cover begins to close. Yo Kevin what are you doing man says one of his goonies. Another races to the side of the pool and tries to reach out for me but can reach me. Another says aw hell naw man this is not what I signed up for i'm out and he dashes out. Kevin yells Come on guys let's get outta here! They grab the last guy that was trying to help me and run of mine while im trying to swim to the other side of the pool to get out but im just not fast enough. The Cover goes over my head and i'm bobbing under the water gasping for air and then I see it close and im desparetly trying to get out but I can't find one and I can't get a hold of the cove to rip it open. I'm running out of oxygen my lungs there on Fire right now everything is going dark my thoughts drift to. So this is how I die huh underwater drowned my kevin? Huh well no use dwelling on it now I guess good bye world i hardly new thi. Then everything goes black then I see some thing the pool and I can Breath I land under water and bend my knees and jump up and i go rocketing outta the pool through the cover and break the ceiling. Then im above the school high high high above the school and now i'm falling towards the forest then everything goes black.