
Elemental War (Sinto)

Author: Gavin_Sinto
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A long between 10 Clans

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Chapter 1PART 1

Elemental War

There were 10 clans, each in their own territory of land. Along with a lord for each one being the soul of their entire clan, however one of them planned to attack their nearby clan in hopes of gaining control over more land and expand their land…

CHAPTER 1 : A war is drawing close

"Has there been word of the Jinhara?" the men turned to see their lord walking into the conceal room where his four top guards kept watch over the nine other clans in case any of them attempted an attack on their clan. "Lord Nakahara we've seen the kaiosien around our boarder while the others seem to be staying in their territory for the time being"

Nakahara put his hand on the large table tapping his finger for a few seconds before announcing : "I will need a group of five men to go in the outer area and keep watch for any enemies that intend on breaching the border of our land and cause chaos to our citizens"  Samura, his highest ranking Council member bowed to him.

"It will be done my lord, I'll see to it that a worthy unit is positioned there by tonight" Their lord nodded to him.

"Is there anything else I need to know before I depart back to my throne room?" They shook their heads as one of them replied : "No sir you should be up to date for the moment, we'll let you know if anything significant catches our attention" he went back to his throne room while the men stayed seated at the table going over any details that might need to be focused on.

"About three days ago a shipment of food vanished from it's usual transfer route, but we don't have enough evidence to convict the clan that did it"

"What about the Kaiosien? Another suggested, they've been the ones acting strange lately, especially since they go around near our boarder as if mocking us or trying to steer us into war" They all looked at each with expressions of agreement.

"But still…we can't just go around making assumptions against another clan just because they're near us, they haven't done anything and we have nothing against them. Its like if we left our land to gather supplies but happen to find ourselves near foreign land" They sat there talking it over for awhile…

Meanwhile in Kaiosien…

Maeno, the lord of the land sat in her throne starring sharply at the ocean that could be seen just outside her window. She had light red hair with purple eyes, her skin looked flawless.

" Masoda, come here" her 2nd in command Masoda was a youthful man with short blue hair along with red eyes. She always would call upon him for either an important task or something she believed was a waste of her time.

"Yes lord Kaiosien?" he asked bowing with his hand across his torso.

"I have a task for you and your best men" He nodded waiting patiently for her orders. She looked him dead on in the eye, the sunlight gleaming off her eyes like marbles. "I want my trusted enforcer which would be you, to head to Nakahara…and take their lord down" Masoda looked at her with great surprise. "You want me to siege the northern clan…take it down by force?!" She sighed closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "That won't be a problem will it?" She responded looking at him with a face of annoyance to his hesitation.

"N-no my lord, I will make way to our target once I've compiled a group of men and have various resources for any situation that might arise in the mist of battle" She smiled then waved her hand signaling him to go. Masoda walked out again with a surprised yet worried look.

(Why would she have us invade a foreign territory, especially Nakahara? They're probably suspicious of us as it is and are preparing for an incoming attack of any kind) The warrior walked over to their barracks and in no time found enough men for the mission. At about 7 pm the  sun was beginning to go down, it was at the point where the star appeared a dark red just before night fell.

"Alright men, we're headed out for the Nakahara any questions?" A soldier lifted his hand up replying : "Why must we invade their territory, isn't there somewhere else to take siege over?"

"Sadly these are our lords orders so I can't do anything about it" The men sighed as they loaded up the ship and made their way towards their target…

Meanwhile the unit that sailed on the boarder of Nakahara's land spotted the opposing threat.

"Men, looks as though we have trouble approaching!" Samura announced clenching his fist for the coming battle. Moments later their ships collided and stayed in place, allowing Masoda along with his unit to jump aboard the ship.

"Ah if it isn't Masoda" Samura commented in an offensive stance. His target laughed before dashing towards him with a sword in his hand, the north warrior stopped it with both hands just before his enemy could bring his blade all the way down. Blood dripped from the hero's fingers but didn't seem to wound him enough to effect his concentration on the battle.

"Nice shot Masoda…but you'll have to put more power into your blows if you intend on doing any significant damage" He pulled the foe closer by his blade and kneed him in the ribs, the assailant fell to one knee breathing hard with the air knocked out of him.

"Y-you…little shit!" he weakly rose to his feet beginning to throw a barrage of punches in his opponent's direction. Each blow missed no matter how he threw it, Masoda even would hesitate between strikes as a way to catch his target off guard but still it utterly missed.

Suddenly Samura moved his hand straight ahead with two fingers pointed at the assailant like a gun or sword and a bolt of red lightning shot out of his finger tips. Masoda's eyes widened as the attack went straight for him. The foe was struck head on by the attack, causing him to stagger backwards landing on his back.

"D-damn it…he used his Ruby-red gemstone to attack me...I can't feel anything, or really move at that matter"

Meanwhile East in the  Saratobi's territory…

"M'lady Dousika, Kaioshin seems to be planning something.  We have received reports about suspicious movement," a young man reported.  He stood at military grade attention before his clan's leader, Yuki Dousika.

Yuki smoothed her clothing down and rose to her feet.  "We must prepare then.  For anything.  Ready the walls, Douka," she ordered.

Douka, the young man, nodded and rushed off to do her bidding…

Masoda laid there paralyzed from the fierce attack, Samura looked around and so his men had already defeated the rest of them.

"There, looks like we took that unit out without much trouble... now if we don't have any further issues with the Kaioshin I think we'll be just fine..." The young soldier Douka watched the ending of the fight.  He returned quickly to help fortify the Saratobi defenses. Days later the saratobi received two letters, one from the nakahara and one from the kaioshin. Both were letters stating to make an alliance with them. It was taken to their leader to make a decision. Yuki Dousika looked both letters and decided to send the Kaioshin clan an agreement letter.  She sent it off and had a bird take the rejection to the Nakahara clan.

Nakahara was sitting on his throne when the letter arrived, "Seems I've been rejected... no matter I'm sure I can handle the likes of the Saratobi along was the Kaioshin" one of his attendants got down on one knee and replied : " sir are you sure we can handle this much? The kaioshin alone are trouble enough but joining up with the Saratobi!?" Their lord looked at him and continued : " I said we can handle it I didn't say it would be easy, it is true both Clans are powerful indeed but I'm sure we'll find a way"

Yuki ordered her guard to be doubled on the border with Nakahara and retired to her chambers to brainstorm strategy for the Saratobi and Kaioshin against any enemies. Meanwhile Nakahara stood Just outside his fortress, looking at the water. At the moment he couldn't see any ships but knew, now would Probably be his best chance to send his units out before an enemy got too close, limiting his men's advantage.

"Alright men, I need one unit of five headed for Saratobi while another unit heads for Kaioshin" His soldiers bowed to their lord and quickly sailed off in two directions.

"My lord...are you sure two units of five is enough to make a dent in either clan? His attendant commented.

"We can't afford to send large quantities of men, we'll also need defense in case either clan is planning this as well"


Yuki ordered all of the defenses be bolstered and all armor and weaponry by enhanced immediately.  She could feel danger in her bones and soul.  She stood outside on a balcony, looking out toward the Nakahara clan territory.  She touched the middle of her chest where her soul is and sighed. Douka approached, "M'lady, your orders are complete.  Scouts are watching the border and are prepared to warn us."

"Good," she said, "I can feel the eves of war arriving." Miles off their territory, Samura was headed straight for them. "Prepare yourselves men, who knows how well prepared they are" They could see the barrier up ahead. Scouts used their horns to signal the arrival of enemy before retreating. Soldiers readied themselves for the invaders. Nakahara's first unit with Samura as the leading captain released a large Fireball from there catapult aimed straight for a watchtower on the top of the barrier, it impacted the window taking one of the first watch towers down.

A regiment of soldiers marched to attack the unit.  They arrived quickly and attacked mercilessly. The Saratobi swarmed the large steel ship as it stopped in front of the large wall keeping the ship outside. Saratobi soldiers dropped from the large wall landing on the ship as if the height were nothing. They released blasts of fire from their fists, combined the power seemed overwhelming for Samura's men. Luckily the leader evaded the waves of heat and quickly climbed up the wall as if it were nothing.

"We have to stop him before he gets inside!" One Saratobi shouted. Douka emerged and sent an energy blast directly at Samura.  'He mustn't get to Lady Dousika!" The blast struck him in the back knocking him on top of the barrier. He laid there in pain before forcing himself up moments later.

"I-I can't fail this mission" Samura jumped from the top landing on the roof of a house inside the city then dropped to the street hiding between houses slowly making his way towards the large fortress. (Crap there's guards all over the place, then again I shouldn't be surprised) He saw rows of men on the large stairs and on the balcony. Douka followed Samura quickly, sending blast after blast at the attacker.  "Stop and fight, coward!" The warrior jumped up releasing a bolt of red lightning just barley missing hitting a few feet away from him.

"Don't get in my way!" He threatened. Douka continued his energy assault.  "You are trespassing and you will be punished.  Fight now or it will only be worse!" The warrior sighed and once again released a bolt of red electricity aimed directly at him this time, it went straight for him nearly instantaneously. Douka dodged and shot another of his own green energy at Samura. Taking a deep breath and focusing the power of his gem, Samura made a shield made out of his own electricity to withstand the power of the attack.

"Fine, let's see you withstand this attack, it took me weeks to master!" The Nakahara soldier pulled both his hands back with two fingers against each other then threw one hand forward with two fingers still against each other like a gun releasing a massive wave electricity the width of the attack was so great it seemed nearly impossible to dodge it, in a massive shock wave of light Douka was electrocuted as the surge of power went through his body knocking him off his feet. He laid there with small Sparks of electricity appearing every now and then. Douka's breathing was nearly nonexistent.  His heart beated slowly from the jolt.

Yuki emerged, feeling her number two had been defeated.  She swept away her pain and launched a streak of razor like green energy at Samura. The guy pulled out a sword from his waist and charged the new opponent as well, they clashed the green energy piercing against the strong sword with sparks flying all over the place. Suddenly the Warrior's sword went flying backwards Landing in the main yard where all of the guards were.

"Great just what I need" he complained just barely dodging his opponent's fierce blades. Soldiers swarm Samura, creating a shield around Dousika.  They attack Samura. The Warrior turns to see his sword stuck straight in the ground just passed the line of guards.

" it shouldn't be that difficult to get to it from here" he charged the group of men managing to trip three of them with a roundhouse.

"" damn it get him!" One of them yelled. The few remaining guards still standing threw daggers aimed for his head and torso, luckily the warrior managed to dodge them just barely with one of them tearing through his shirt's shoulder.

"Got it!" He landed next to his sword and quickly pulled it out. "Alright bring it on I'll take all of you on, you can't protect Your leader forever "The guards charged into another attack, hacking and slashing at Samura the best they can.

Yuki began charging a powerful energy attack.  A green aura covered the Saratobi leader. The Nakahara warrior kept his eye on the leader while managing to knock out a guard and stab two straight through the chest. Even after a few kills there were still a large amount of enemies just surrounding him in the yard, no telling how many or how strong there was inside the Saratobi's main fortress. Just then the ground shook and all the guards ran from the area. Yuki glanced around curiously, concerned that her guard would desert her so easily and uncharacteristically.  She kept her move powered up. Thinking quickly Samora gripped his sword and threw it aimed directly at the charging foe. It spiraled out of control yet seemed to stay on the path towards its target. A guard intervened in time and knocked the sword away. Yuki launched her attack at Samura at lightning speed. His target charged up all the electricity he could but was hit by the powerful Ki attack. Samura staggered backwards sliding across the courtyard landing right next to the steps to the entrance of their lord's fortress. Some of the guards came back surrounding the intruder in a circle of men to keep him from escaping.

"Don't move!" A guard shouted keeping a tight grip on his weapon. Samura weakly lifted his head up and charged up electricity in his palm. Luckily his hand was on the ground so none of the soldiers noticed it. Just then he released the charged up energy causing a wave of electricity to scatter in all directions taking out every guard in the court yard except the two high ranking warriors he had been fighting while ago. Douka managed to return to his feet, and the land of the living.  He pulled out a sword and charged the other warrior after the electric attack. Dousika pulled put poisoned throwing knives and prepared to throw them at Samura. His opponent managed to deflect two of them when one of them suddenly stabbed him in the waist.

"Shit how did it hit me!?" Samura fell to one knee quickly pulling the poison knife from his waist dropping it to the floor. He could feel himself slowly getting dizzy from the poison and the loss of blood seeping out of the wound. "I don't have time for this" he pulled out a small ball and tossed it over to the two remaining enemies it went off in a flash of light blinding both of them while also separating into shards of sharp metal stabbing both soldiers in their waist as well. They let out a groan of pain and fell to the ground still Blinded by the light. Douka fell again, groaning and hurting from the shards.

Dousika swore and used her power to heal the wound.  She slowly approached Samura, prepared to throw more poison knives. Her foe managed to get all the way up the stairs and began climbing the main Fortress to get in. He was nearly all the way up to the roof when Douka spotted him and gripped her throwing knives tightly in her hand concentrating her accuracy on him. Dousika threw and watched the knife go through his left shoulder. She advanced toward him. "Is your leader angry I turned him down?  Are you here to throw a fit on his behalf?" The injured Warrior fell from the top of the base hitting the ground.

"Ugh...I can't take much more" Samura used his sword as a cane helping him to his feet then threw his sword at his Relentless foe, once it was close enough he released a bolt of electricity that reflected off the sword that struck her in the chest. Finally he collapsed on the ground losing consciousness...

Dousika staggered back and dropped to her knees.  She pressed her palm to the injury and cries out in pain.

Guards grabbed Samura and carted him to a reinforced dungeon cell that dampened powers. Medics grabbed Dousika and Douka and hurried them to the infirmary…

Tanzin of the Kaioshin stood with his unit of skilled warriors.  His orders were to await danger and attack any enemies of the Kaioshin.  His second in command, Karo, stood just behind him. Her long onyx hair glistened in the dying sunlight.

Meanwhile near Kaioshin's border...

Takamora and his unit from the Nakahara arrived in a blind spot the Kaioshin hadn't noticed and the captain along with his men snuck over the wall into the garden-like area, large bushes like a maze filled the area.

"We should be fine as long as we don't make any noise" Takamora ordered as they made their way slowly through the maze, the sun finally disappeared with it making it hard for the men to see where they were going. Every now and then they would see a faint glow of a lantern from a guard checking the area, they would quickly hide behind the corner. Tanzin walked between the guard checkpoints, antsy for battle.  He made sure the gaping was correct.

Karo follows her superior as back up.  Both were on guard and looking around with the gap closing between guards,  Takamora ordered his men to hide together while he continued alone in case he was caught. The dark blue haired mercenary moved swiftly across the narrow twist and turns barely making noise except the gust of wind that followed from his speed. He managed to reach the fortress sneaking through a window of the large three story fortress. Once inside he saw a large hallway with tons of doors on both sides.

"Ugh you gotta be kidding me" he complained... Tanzin and Karo went inside to check on reports.  He turned and saw the blue haired man.  "Intruder!  All warriors to arms?

Karo pulled her doubled sided axe from her back. "Great now this" he complained pulling out two swords. The unit captain dashed forward gripping his blades tightly. At the last second he jumped over Karo clashing blades with him before landing on the other side of the guard. Takamora slid his swords back to his sides and took off towards the throne room. Karo almost fell to one of her knees.  She and Tanzin chased after Takamora. Guards ten deep and five across stood guard in front of the throne room.

The dark blue haired Warrior ran as fast as he could not stopping towards the large door, the large group of officers began shooting arrows at the Nakahara luckily he managed to dodge every single one taking one of them down. Standing nearly in front of the large door, the remaining officers continued their assault with their arrows. Using his quick reflexes he managed to deflect each one with his steel sword. Every now and again the arrow would deflect perfectly hitting a guard in the ribs knocking him down to bleed out. Using all of his strength he punched the large door as hard as he could. A large echo rang through the hallway.

"Damn, once more!" He struck the door once more. Karo flung her axe, the handle jabbing the assailant in the back.  The blade end hit the man's shoulder, cutting into it.

Tanzin took his opportunity to shoot energy at the Nakahara. Blood ran from his wound as he pulled it from his shoulder.

"No...not yet" he whispered. Suddenly he deflected the blast causing it to fly back at his attacker. As it made it's way back towards Tahim Takamora's gem shined bright surprising every one. His eyes went read and he took off at speeds never seen before. He moved so fast no guards could keep up with him, Takamora struck Tanzin in the chest with great force. The Kaioshin went staggering across the long hall smashing through the wall laying there badly wounded.

"W-what is this?" A guard said scared by his immense boost in power.

"This is someone who's mastered the true potential of the lord's gem" he answered. Karo lunged against Takamora.  Her hands glowed with her power.  She used it to burn the Nakahara on the shoulder and neck. The mercenary grinned and kicked his enemy in the jaw taking in a deep breath, his gem went green and his wounds healed.

"It'll take more than that to beat me" He laughed as his opponent laid on the floor in pain. Takamora kicked the door so hard it fell to the ground.

"There you are" he said walking towards the lord. Kaioshin looked down on him from his chair with his gen glowing constantly.

"What do you want?" The lord questioned not moving from his chair.

"Isn't it obvious? Im here to take you and your clan down to keep you from expanding any further than you already have!" The warrior threw his sword at Kaioshin's chest, the lord sighed closing his eyes accepting his lose...the blade pierced his body with blood seeping all over the sword and his clothes..."Fine, you've bested me and taken my territory...I have nothing left to say" The lord dropped his head dead. Karo and Tanzin watched in horror as they were unable to protect their leader.

The light faded from Tanzin's eyes as he died. All of the men could feel their gems go out with no source of power from their lord. Takamora pulled the sword out of the corpse and slid it back to his side. He then picked up the corpse and placed it in a nearby coffin in the corner of the room.

"My lord, I have taken over the Kaioshin territory, and without their lord they have lost their abilities" Nakahara confirmed his second units victory then tried to get in contact with unit 1... "Hmmm no response, seems Samura was unsuccessful in taking over the saratobi's territory" once finished with the update the remaining men from Kaioshin just watched as their enemy sat on the throne watching them.

"By all means, anyone who wants to overthrow me please come try, I'm sure you can defeat me with your gems now completely worthless and drained of power while me on the other hand has unlock the full potential of a gem" Karo stood and grabbed her axe.  She limped toward Takamora, wielding her weapon.  "I will not give up!  That is not how the Kaioshin are!" She raced towards her target gripping her axe tightly, she swung full speed at the enemy  tempting to  decapitate him. But as the blade was about to make contact, he vanished and she struck the throne instead. Suddenly she felt a hard blow to her back, she let go of her weapon and collapsed on the floor.

"I told you...now go before you lose more than the battle" He kicked her over too her remaining allies as they caught her. Karo spat blood on the floor. "Tanzin gave his life.  All warriors should!"

"This battle is over, join Nakahara or leave this land" Takamora sat back down pulling the axe from the throne tossing it away. Karo got up and left.  She went as far as she could toward Saratobi land before collapsing and dying. The guards gave both their lord and the two warriors a proper burial before leaving the territory...

Meanwhile Samura was trying to figure out how to escape the dungeon however he could. He punched the cell as hard as he could but it had no effect.

"Owe, what are these made out of!?"

"Power suppression steel and concrete.  It drains your energy gem to safe levels and dampers your bodily strength," Dousika said.  She approached the cell but stayed out of arms reach.

"Why keep me locked up in here? Why not just kill me and get it over with?" He asked gripping the bars.

"Bargaining chip.  I can use you as leverage to keep your people at bay.  If they want you, they'll adhere to the letter I sent them.  If not, well, that's a tough blow for you, isn't it?" Dousika replied.  She smiled darkly. Back in Nakahara's land one of the lord's servants came up to him holding a letter.

"Thank you" he said taking the envelope and taking out the letter..."Hmmm... so that's why he's not answering, I thought so... to think Samura would get captured by the likes of them and yet we took over Kaioshin with little trouble"

"What is your course of action?" His assistant asked. The lord pondered for a moment...it was a tough call, on one hand he was sure to find someone to replace him, on the other he didn't want to seem brutal in the eyes of his men and citizens...

"Alright we'll try to get him back, write to them what their terms are on getting him back" his men nodded and left...

Dousika left her prisoner to his isolation and returned to her throne.  She took the time to rest before a letter arrived from the Nakahara.  She opened and read the contents. Afterwards, she wrote back: "To receive your man back, I request a complete and permanent ceasefire. I will settle for nothing less or he will hang outside our gates for the crimes he's committed." The lord wrote back accepting the terms and waited for the Saratobi's response. Dousika read the letter when it arrived and sent another explaining that she required the signed treaty papers at the meeting to exchange. She writes that they will meet in a neutral area.

After getting the final letter for the treaty Nakahara sighed in annoyance but decided to agree. The next day they met in a secluded area between the two territories that were abandoned with no life anywhere, Nakahara stood with one of his remaining strongest Fighters standing next to him as a bodyguard waiting for the Saratobi to arrive. Douka walked beside Dousika, holding the suppressing chains on Samura.  Their party consisted of the three of them, and another skilled warrior. They stopped twenty feet from the Nakahara. He had his guard set up a small table with fold-out chairs as one of them sat down while his guard watched. Douka brought Samura over.  Dousika sat in a chair and looked at Nakahara.  "I brought you your warrior.  Do you have the documents?" Nakahara nodded sliding it over with his signature on it. Dousika looked the treaty over before signing as well. Douka unlocked the handcuffs on Samura. Once everything was cleared up Samura went back with his lord to their territory. Dousika returned to Saratobi land with her people afterwards.

Nakahara sat on his throne thinking...meanwhile a call went out from one of the guards who left Kaioshin when it was taken over, the call was sent to Clifton, a clan that was north east of the Nakahara and North west of the Saratobi. The letter alerted them of their defeat and asking for assistance to reclaim their land...

Shimazu the lord of Clifton revived the later just days after the defeat and was quick to respond. "Seems the Kaioshin were utterly defeated, hmph in my opinion I always saw them as undefeatable at least to some extent...but to think they'd be crushed by one mere assailant, he must be a gifted one to do something so dramatic... Never the less, when I'm called for help I almost always answer that call" Dousika learned of the defeat and sent a regiment of warriors to assist any Kaioshin left in reclaiming their land. As men from the Saratobi and remaining kaioshin made their way to their taken land, the Clifton were making their way towards Nakahara. Hearing word of this the lord banged his head against the wall in announce. "Great two problems to deal with...approaching enemies and our new territory might get taken away...but I don't know if I should send back up for Takamora"

Saratobi ordered her men to keep women and children safe during the fighting but to engage in fighting as little as possible so as to not strain the peace with Nakahara. After an hour Takamora saw enemies making their way up to the throne room, he quickly jumped out of the seat waiting at the top of the stairs.

"What do all of you want?" he questioned Crossing his arms. "This territory is mine now what business do you have coming here and wasting my time?" The Saratobi warriors' leader steps up.  Matashi looked at Takamora with a steely gaze.  "We are here to ensure the safe return of the indigenous peoples of Kaioshin." The warrior stood ready for the fight not backing down. Matashi looked at the Clifton warriors.  "Handle this business so the Kaioshin may return to their land." Takamora cracked his knuckles waiting as his gem began to light up once more.

Matashi and his fellow Saratobi backed up and created a protective line in front of the Kaioshin innocents.

"So who will be first?" He asked as his eyes lit up red. A Clifton warrior charged up an attack and fired it at Takamora. Suddenly the warrior easily deflected it with one hand the others stared in shock. " what's wrong is that all you got?" he laughed. Matashi watches the pitiful display.

Many Clifton warriors lunged to attack at the same time to overpower Takamora. With amazing Force the foe struck to Clifton Warriors coming left to right with his fists then kick the third one coming at him from in front of him all three Warriors fell to the ground in pain.

'This is pathetic,' Matashi thought.  He shook his head some.  "If only Lady Dousika hadn't made the peace." Takamora laughed walking back over to his throne and sitting down as if they were no threat to him.

"You there, I dare you to punch me," Matashi said to Takamora. The man sighed and got up walking over past the three Warriors who were still on the ground straight up to him looking him in the face. Matashi stared into the other warriors eyes.  "It is the only way I can engage you in battle and still keep to the peace between Saratobi and Nakahara since these Clifton were unable."

"Oh so you are unable to engage unless I attack you? Then why should I bother attacking you they'll just be more trouble for me" he stood there crossing his arms.

"Because I am sworn to return these people to their  rightful place and you are here instead.  I can't very well leave these women an children in the presence of an invader," Matashi retorted.

"Then what's stopping you? if you've promised then you should keep it... otherwise you should turn to these people and say that you have failed them and broken the promise"

"The Cliftons were supposed to dispose of you.  Lady Dousika of the great Saratobi signed a peace treaty with the Nakahara in exchange for Samura of Nakahara.  This is why I cannot attack first.  We should have strung him from our gates!"

"Ah so samura failed in his mission... no matter his failure will be my victory because of the treaty you can't do anything until I do, but if you do I'm sure that will wage all out war against you... you might as well leave now since you are clearly useless in this fight" the three Clifton Warriors charged him once again in a surprise attack but were all knocked back by him once more staggering over to the women and children.

"So sad do you think they could try again and still fail especially at a surprise attack" The Saratobi warriors caught the Clifton warriors so they would not hit the women and children. A hidden Clifton warrior threw hooked knives at Takamora. One landed in the enemy's shoulder but the second one was caught. Blood ran down his shoulder before he pulled it out causing more fluid to drain from his body. But using his gem, his wound quickly healed. Takamora threw both knifes in his attacker's direction, hitting one in the throat causing them to bleed out while the other hit a Clifton officer's leg causing him to fall to one knee. Matashi sighed and motioned the other warriors and Kaioshins back.  "I hereby renounce my ties to the Saratobi clan and to Lady Dousika."

He punched the distracted Takamora in the head with an energy powered fist. The Nakahara cracked his neck and laughed. "Looks like this might get interesting" He stopped the mercenary's incoming blow and punched him in the ribs with incredible force, the assailant's armor cracked from the immense damage. Takamora smirked and back flipped a few feet away dogging his opponent's attack. Matashi rolled his shoulders.  A veil of energy covered him, mending his armor.  He powered up an attack and launched an accurate barrage of energy icicles at Takamora. Two pierced his shoulders causing him to fall back landing on the concrete floor.

"D-damn, why didn't I evade that!?" (Hmmm there could be a possible way to turn this battle to my advantage more...yes I just need to acquire it and should work) the man dashed past his attacker and took something from one of the Cliftons. He grinned as he held a gem...it gleamed green in the light. Matashi's eyes widened as Takahara placed it on his arm. The gem dug into him attaching itself to him like normal gems do to soldier's chests. Suddenly a bronze aura burst out of him with incredible power, one of his eyes were red while the other was green, also the warrior seemed to gain more muscle looking built like a body builder. The others just stared... Matashi stared at his enemy.  He knew he would be under powered but perhaps not under strategized.  He jumped back to be in front of the throne and gathered energy for a similar but stronger attack. Matashi unloaded his attack into Takamora's back, enjoying the many new holes in his opponent. Suddenly Takamora began laughing hysterically as though he had lost his sanity, his bloody wounds closed as he healed once again.

"Hehe, good shot, but its no use...no one can defeat me!" Just then Samura showed up. "Oh no" he commented standing along side Matashi. "This isn't good...the more he uses two gems at once, the more insane and power craved he'll get" Matashi looked at Samura. "You...I am no longer affiliated with the Saratobi so that I may put the Kaioshin back.  He's powerful and seemingly untouchable."

"He's lost his mind since he can't handle two gems going at once, if he had practice with both separately this wouldn't of happened" Samura took off, charging up electricity in his palm. As he was about to release the attack, Takamura struck him in the ribs sending him into a house. He laid there for a second with blood running down his mouth feeling as though all his ribs had been shattered. "D-damn it" Matashi powered up again and attacked while Takamora is distracted.  He launched more of energy icicles at his foe. Multiple projectiles pierced the warrior's body, causing him to fall to one knee in pain. With the icicles still inside him, he was unable to heal himself. Suddenly Samura burst out of the house he had crashed into, the warrior ran as fast as he could toward Takamura.

"Get b-back!" The injured opponent threatened before firing a bolt of lightning in the form of a dragon. Samura's eyes widened as the beast flew straight for him. The fighter shot a bolt back at the beast but it had no effect.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Samura was hit head on by the lightning dragon, filling the entire town in a ray of red light. Matashi turned to see his ally laying in a scorched piece of land, smoke rose from the boy's body. The green haired warrior rushed over to him, placing two fingers on Samura's neck checking for a pulse…There was nothing. "H-he's dead" Matashi closed his eyes as a tear ran down the side of his cheek. "He may have been my enemy once, but he chose to fight at my side, you had no reason to kill him!" The fighter formed armor made out of his own energy and moved as fast as he could. They clashed with immense blows, each one shaking the entire town, the remaining people got in a boat and watched from the water as the battle raged on. Just then Takamora struck his foe in the stomach, causing Matashi's armor to shatter as if it were made out of glass.

"You can't hold out much longer" Matashi rolled backwards from the hit.  He punched the ground before getting to his feet.  His aura radiated around him dangerously, also like fire.  The gem in his chest shone with unbridled power.  He launched a large energy blast at his foe. The villain deflected it with one hand as it blew up a nearby house. " I have multiple advantages against you, I've already killed your ally, I'm growing stronger by the minute and have multiple techniques that I haven't used yet!" The man clapped his hands together as his Aura spread a few feet from his body as if it were fire with a mind of its own. Suddenly his Aura took the form of a cyclops that materialized into a real looking one instead of just made out of pure aura.

Everyone stare at the creature in shock as it made its way towards Matashi. Matashi charged the beast and dove out of the way.  He raced at Takamora as fast as he could. Matashi groaned and felt the world going dark.  His vision blurs and spins before he drifts off into unconsciousness…

Matashi awoke with his wrists chained with a strange green aura glowing around them. He tried to break the chains by pulling forward but had no luck, again he tried by focusing his energy but nothing seemed to happen.

"Where am I?" he yelled.  He craned his neck to look around for someone of something to answer him. The warrior found himself in the throne room of Takahara's new Kingdom. He saw the villain sitting on his throne drinking from a wine glass as if the prisoner wasn't even there. Matashi glared and struggled against his binds.  He tried to summon his energy to break the chains, to no avail.

The villain sighed and stepped off his chair walking over to the chained Warrior. "I see you're awake, so sad that the hero doesn't win this fight... all those poor citizens you failed even after betraying your own Clan" Takahara smirked smacking the helpless man across the face. Matashi yelped in pain.  He spit on the villain. "I renounced my clan so that I could fight evil unshackled by diplomacy!  My heart beats true for my people!"

"Heh and look where it's gotten you...Bound by chains in my throne room unable to do anything, with your men and Ally dead" Suddenly He reached out towards his prisoner, his hand glowing green like the chains. As soon as his palm made contact with the warrior's face, he could feel his strength being drained from him. Matashi groaned and strained to escape his enemy's touch.  His actions grew weaker and weaker as the strength was sapped from him.

Just then Nakahara emerged from the shadows of the dark room. "That's enough Takamora, I won't let you torture him any longer!" The assailant slowly turned around facing him.

"So, you're still alive? Seems I forgot about you during my battle with this ass...no matter, I've siphoned plenty of energy from him to the point where I'm far stronger than before. This is the end Nakahara, I've surpassed you!" Matashi looked over at Nakahara, astonishment rolling over his weary face.  "B-be careful!" Both fighters rushed each other at amazing speed, the chained man could barley keep up with their immense speed.

"Impossible! How could you be faster than before!?" The clan leader smirked as they continued to exchange blows shaking the room with their incredible power. Matashi focused his attention on his chains.  After what seems like an eternity, he broke free of them.  He hid to recuperate more.

Takamora was struck in the face when he noticed his captive had escaped.

"Damn it!" The foe dogged the hero's coming attack before descending back to the floor looking for Matashi. Nakahara found him first and moved as fast as he could to the healing ally. The assailant fired a large beam of energy in their direction, luckily the hero managed to deflected it back at the attacker.

"Quick we need to use the Hiozen technique" The dark haired leader responded. Matashi looked at him confused unaware of what he was talking about.

"Hiozen?  What is that?  But I'll do it if it means surviving this fight, Nakahara!" The warrior held his hand out to the weakened man. Matashi took his ally's hand, prepared to do anything to survive and win. A golden light lit up as both men fused together... The villain turned around to see a new threat standing before him with golden light swarming around his body.

"Heh let's kick this battle up a notch" He said with his arms crossed staring at takamora.

"What is this!?" The foe shouted staring at the fused being.

"We have become one, Nakahara and Matashi....we are Nakashi! Now you will be no more!" Nakashi shouts at Takamora.  The light grew more bright with his words. Takamora was hesitant but clinched his fist. Without another word he dashed straight for the fused Warrior. The man was throwing a barrage of strikes as fast as he could but none seemed to make contact his opponent was just too fast. Getting more furious Takamora created duplicates of himself to increase the chance of hitting him.

"Haha, did you forget that creating clones of yourself train your overall power, each time you make a duplication of yourself it drains your Power by 25% so ironically each of these clones are only 25% of your overall power"

The warrior roundhouse kicked all four of them away causing them to impact the side of the wall of the throne room. The fused warrior advanced on his true enemy.  He grabbed him and threw him against the wall roughly, making deep cracks in it. Just then the target vanished in a puff of dark smoke. Nakashi looked behind him to see the wounded man clap his hands together forming another cyclops but this time also using his ability to duplicate them. There were now six Cyclops standing in front of the fused warrior.

"Hmm... I will admit this is a good strategy to use especially in a weakened State and at a disadvantage. But cyclops's are slow as it is so the fact that you duplicate them still has the fraction of power issue"

"If we destroy him, the cyclopes will disappear!" Matashi said from inside. Suddenly the fuse Warrior shot a golden energy blast from his palm aimed straight out in front of him, there was a cyclops blocking the warrior from Takamora but the ray of light went straight through the Cyclops forming a large hole in it's chest. The Beast fell to the ground with a large boom as the golden projectile continued toward it's target. Multiple were struck by the blast in attempt to protect their creator well the last remaining one grabbed him and jumped out of the way at the last second.

"Hmph, wasn't expecting them to still be alive after that. But just that blast didn't take much effort"

"We have to go after him!  If he gets away, he could do unimaginable damage and kill innocents!" The fused fighter smiled as his golden eyes shined like a gem with the light reflected off them. Nakashi aimed his palm toward the open Cyclops, firing a pink blast that formed into a hand grabbing the beast by the leg. It hit the ground dropping its master. Suddenly the blast changed into a dome keeping the mythical creature from interfering any further.

"You'll never kill me!" Takamora fired a wave of fireballs toward his foe, but as they begin to rain down...All of them dispersed in random directions causing explosions in every place they hit.

"Is this useless Rebellion over yet?" The hero responded unaffected by the barrage of attacks. Takamora was running out of ideas and didn't have much left in him.

(There's gotta be something that'll stop him...) Just then he realized he couldn't move, looking down the man saw him standing on some kind of circle of light. Takamora looked up at Nakashi who smirked before closing his palm into a fist. His energy field rose up from the ground, closing around the assailant. Takamora became trapped in a field of energy just like his cyclops.

"Farwell villain" Nakashi made a pushing motion with his hand as the dome of gold energy turned red and blew up in a massive explosion of fierce power. When it cleared, there was nothing left of the foe's body. The mythical creature had also vanished as well…

"Its over…now to rebuild all the damage caused by the Clan…


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