
Elemental Tear

"Elemental Tear" is a medieval fantasy novel about a world where humanity faces an unknown threat - monstrous creatures called "teras" that suddenly appear and start attacking humans. With only 20% of humanity remaining, four heroes with the powers of the elements of fire, water, air, and earth emerge to help build cities and walls to protect the remaining population. The story follows Alex, the heir to the power of the element of fire, as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the teras' appearance. Along the way, Alex learns to control his power and interacts with various characters, leading him to discover the secrets of the world he lives in.

DubiousTone · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Tournament Approaches

The EIL cafeteria was filled with students chatting and enjoying their meals. At one table, three friends sat together, deep in conversation.

Jiten, looking concerned, examined Alex's bruised appearance and pleaded, "Alex, look at yourself! You're covered in bruises. Why don't you take a healing potion? It'll help you recover faster!"

Wincing as he ate, Alex replied, "I can't, Jiten. The tournament is in two days, and Oswin wants me to embrace these scars. They're part of my training, helping my body learn and adapt."

Jiten leaned forward, determined. "I understand the importance of pushing your limits, but you also need to take care of yourself. Healing potions exist for a reason. Don't let your dedication compromise your well-being."

Alex nodded, appreciating his friend's concern. "I hear you, Jiten. I'll keep that in mind. I promise to take a healing potion before my fight."

Emily sighed, still visibly worried. "Just promise us that you'll prioritize your safety during the matches, Alex. We want you to succeed, but not at the cost of your health."

"I understand," Alex said, continuing to eat. "But I feel like I'm on the verge of grasping sword qi. It just hasn't happened yet."

"And until you do, you're going to let Oswin continue beating you?" Emily asked, concerned.

Alex shrugged. "If that's what it takes..."

Emily pressed further, "But do you even know who your first-round opponent will be? It's important to be prepared."

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Alex responded, "Not yet. The tournament organizers haven't announced the matchups. I have no idea who I'll be facing, but I know they'll be close to my rank initially, and as we progress, the opponents will become more challenging."

Jiten, with a curious look, asked, "So, you'll be fighting against third-years?"

Alex replied while eating, "If they're in the apprentice rank or lower."

Jiten took a sip of water and continued, "So, possibly second-year opponents?"

Alex nodded. "Most likely."

Emily and Jiten exchanged surprised glances, amazed by Alex's calm attitude, as if he had everything under control.

After lunch, Olana asked Alex to go and see her, when she approached Alex, her expression filled with genuine concern. She seemed ready to confront Oswin, her eyes flashing with determination, but Alex gently placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"Let me go, Alex. Oswin crossed the line," Olana said, her voice tinged with irritation.

As he looked into Olana's eyes, Alex's heart swelled with gratitude for her unwavering support. He understood her worry, but he also knew deep down that Oswin's unorthodox methods held a purpose.

"I appreciate your concern, Olana," Alex began, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "But Oswin's methods, as tough as they are, are meant to push me beyond my limits. He truly believes they will unlock my true potential. I trust his guidance, even if it means enduring some bruises along the way."

Olana let out a heavy sigh, her frustration giving way to understanding. She reached out and gently placed her hand on Alex's head, her touch offering comfort and reassurance. "Just promise me, Alex, that you won't push yourself too far. Your well-being matters more than anything else."

Alex met her gaze, his eyes shining with a mixture of gratitude and determination. He took a deep breath, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise, Olana. I won't let my determination override my common sense. Your support means the world to me, and I won't forget it. Thank you for always looking out for me."

Moved by Olana's unwavering care and understanding, Alex felt a surge of emotions wash over him. It had been a long journey, marked by loneliness and grief, but in Olana, he had found a pillar of support and a sense of family. The weight of his past burdens suddenly felt a little lighter.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes as he reached out and hugged Olana tightly, their embrace symbolizing the bond they had forged amidst the challenges they faced. In that moment, it was as if the warmth of their friendship enveloped them both, filling their hearts with renewed strength and resilience.

Olana held him close, her voice soft and filled with warmth. "Never forget, Alex, that I am always here for you. Just like Max, you are like a younger brother to me too. If anything is troubling you, if you ever need someone to lean on, remember that I'm just a heartbeat away."

Alex's tears flowed freely now, mingling with a mixture of sadness, gratitude. "Since they passed away, you've been the one constant source of support in my life," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Knowing that you'll be there for me, means more than words can express. Thank you, Olana."