

Night had just fallen over the small town of Blackpond. Icy swedes roam the city. A few masked figures dressed in winter clothes were seen roaming the poorly lit street. They rushed at great speed to their destination, the center of the city. An alien power seems to guide them. In the center was a lake so eerie and deep dark as if it was taking away all there is and would never release it again.

There, on a footbridge with an icy aura, the sombre figures met and spoke in unison with grotesquely distorted voices: "<b>Qui omnem amorem, laetitiam et libertatem devorat, iterum inter nos manere debet et nostrum genus ut sacrificium offerimus ut hic mundus in eius ditionem cadat. You veniet Nephost !</b>"

The figures drew knives from their pockets, slit their throats in a single slash, their eyes sparkling maniacally, blood spurting out of the wound in unison with the erratic heartbeat.Their life-force is dwindling.

It gathers in the darkness of the lake. When every drop of blood had flowed into the lake and only desiccated corpses remained, the atmosphere was torn apart and darkness settled over the whole world, starting from the inconspicuous place of Blackpond. And that makes a Change that will bring horrible Consequences for all.

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