
Impulse Control

[TMY: If LPL wins, I'll live to stream myself dancing to 'Gokuraku Jodo' thirty-three times! I'll even wear cat ears! At the same time, as an extra incentive for LPL not to drop the ball at a critical moment, I offer "Seve" as a tribute...]

With just this one post, amidst a sea of competition, it swiftly climbed its way onto more and more people's radars. It caught fire quickly, with numerous collections, likes, and shares, as if they were giving them away for free. The numbers skyrocketed.

The reason for its rapid popularity and spread was quite simple. It was all because of the ID that posted this update and the golden orange verified V badge that accompanied it...

Surprisingly, it was TMY's Weibo account!

This was a scene that many people never expected. Even TMY had joined this trend, especially at this very moment.

TMY's debut had just ended, setting a new record for live-streaming popularity and driving the electronic music community crazy in only 45 minutes. The scale of this event was no exaggeration.

A significant amount of data indicated that within just one day, the downloads of TMY's limited number of photos and live videos on the internet had reached an astonishing level.

Therefore, it was no surprise that this update from TMY went completely viral, and the consequences were terrifying...

For example, just after finishing dinner and bidding farewell to the statue of Buddha, Miaoyi, who was leisurely playing on her computer at home, immediately regretted posting this update.

The whole reason for this was that during the waiting time in the game queue after her live stream, Miaoyi, on a whim, decided to check out the LPL matches in progress. It was a great idea.

Although Miaoyi knew that this year's LPL had achieved excellent results, she had been too busy to follow these events closely due to her new profession.

So, while browsing Weibo, Miaoyi heard the news that LPL seemed to have made it to the finals, and she impulsively posted an update following suit.

However, she didn't expect it to catch fire so quickly.

Then, as she continued watching the matches, she witnessed a mind-boggling scene.

The last remaining team in this year's LPL was completely different from previous years. They had shed the caution and decline that LPL teams usually displayed on the international stage, and instead, they embodied a single word: recklessness!

The team's entire strategy revolved around charging into the finals as swiftly and suddenly as possible, to leave no room for preparation. In two days, they would face the last battle to determine the champion...

Soon, Miaoyi realized...

WTF? Weren't they supposed to be fierce in domestic matches but weak in international competitions??

Why are you guys so strong?

Wait a minute... Didn't I just post an update? A fully loaded update?

"Am I being controlled by some mysterious force?" Miaoyi looked at the Weibo post she had just sent out. Her face turned pale, observing the comments that had already exceeded a thousand and the over ten thousand likes. She didn't know whether she should retract it or not.

If she took it down now, she might not be forced to do it...

But those crazy onlookers have already taken screenshots as soon as it was posted. It was already out there, and it was too late to take it back now.

Miaoyi shook her head vigorously, trying to dispel the fantasy of herself dancing gracefully in a seductive cat-girl outfit from her mind.

(A/N: I looked up Gokuraku Jodo on Bilibili for this...*Sigh*)

Then, preparing herself to die, she clicked into the dense comments section.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Front row group photo, TMY is my goddess. I've already printed out a photo and hung it in my dorm room."

As soon as she opened it, the first comment was something like this, with a whopping 33,000 likes. What's more, it was actually a comment with a picture!

In the picture, Miaoyi's everyday life photo from Wikipedia was prominently displayed on a wardrobe, her smile radiant.

(A/N: Realized a bit ago that China doesn't have Wikipedia, but uses Baido Encyclopedia instead... Welp, I guess Wikipedia is universal now...)

"Holy..." Miaoyi looked at this scene, almost losing her breath, nearly fainting from being overwhelmed.

If it hadn't been for the profile in the comment that showed a pair of delicate hands with a light pink manicure, Miaoyi would probably have lost control and given a triple punishment of mute, ban, and block for lack of civility.

Having lived on the other side, Miaoyi knew what happened to photos...

Next, various colourful comments followed.

"Wow, even goddesses play LOL? Do fairies play games too? I'm devastated."

"↑Wake up, your goddess also takes a dump↑"

"You're so showy. All of your brothers work at the circus."

"TMY is actually playing LOL? Which server? Can you carry me, please?"

"No, I'm just curious about one thing. What the heck is 'Gokuraku Jodo' and 'Seve'? Never heard of them before!"

"Gokuraku Jodo also means paradise, right? The only paradise I know of is Lingshan Western Paradise and Rave. What are 'Paradise' and 'Seve'?"

"Pay attention, important point: cat girl outfits, that's the focus, something to be tested!"

"Nice. Respect."

"Cat... Cat girl. Regardless of what 'Gokuraku Jodo' and 'Seve' are, I'll take a screenshot first as evidence!"

"Congratulations to TMY on achieving second-tier celebrity status!"

At this moment, the comments flooded in, to an unbelievable extent. However, among these comments, many were expressing curiosity about what 'Gokuraku Jodo' and 'Seve' really were.

Since TMY mentioned 'dance,' does that mean they are two kinds of dances?

If they are dances, then what kind of dances? Jazz? Hip-hop? Classical? Contemporary? Ballroom? Could it be that besides producing electronic music, TMY can also dance?

Everything seemed filled with mysteries for the netizens, making it impossible to fathom.

As she read these comments, Miaoyi suddenly snapped back to reality. There seemed to be no electronic works such as 'Gokuraku Jodo' and 'Seve' in this world, though she should have expected that in hindsight.

If Miaoyi were to respond in her own words, she could sum it up in three words: "hè dǐng hóng." But after giving it some thought, she could only sigh and formally open the new updates editor, intending to explain to the netizens earnestly.

(A/N: hè dǐng hóng = Ancient Chinese words for arsenic.)

After all, it was already out there. Besides, it's been so many years since they won, so would she have any regrets?

It might as well be a consolation for herself. After all, Miaoyi still remembered how much joy this game had brought her.

"'Gokuraku Jodo' is an inspiration that struck me while watching a neon anime by chance. It can be turned into a new single with choreography, overall considered a dance piece."

"As for 'Seve,' it's also an inspiration derived from a small hymn sung in Swahili. I wanted to create some collision with it. I won't reveal more details for now, but if LPL wins, I'll make it happen. Also, my latest single is officially available on iTunes for the first time, marking my first exposure to the international stage. Please check it out."

At the end of her explanation, Miaoyi *subtly* mentioned the release of her new single on iTunes, giving herself a little advertisement.

After all, when facing the international gaze, even Miaoyi felt apprehensive, and a little on edge.

It's only the rest of the world, after all.

Happy America day for all you "Americans".


Cheeseburger with fries.

Boeing 747.

...ummmm what else...




Yeah, that seems right.


Nova_Shadowskycreators' thoughts
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