
Eleceed x Oc + Reader

Neko_Kitty_4991 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Cats will be cats.

"MR. CAT!" Bawled Jiwoo in concern as the "talking cat" fell to the floor with an ungodly screech.

To think that I Kayden, would be in this unattractive body of a fat cat....

"Mr. Cat" cried out Jiwoo, as Kayden drowned in despair.

And I have no more strength to transfer into another body either.....

....... Does this mean I have to stay in this shameful state until my body fully recovers?!? I gonna go crazy.

Kayden felt like as if the world was ending.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly scream and faint?" Jiwoo took him in his arms, patting his cheeks to wake him up but to no avail.

"DON'T DIE!" Cried Jiwoo, closing his eyes and shaking him from side to side violently.

Thank heavens Kayden hadn't eaten yet, he would've puked everything out by now.

"STOP" Jiwoo immediately halted his actions. Opening his eyes.

"You're conscious!" He cheered.

"I never passed out to begin with. Now put me down!" Deadpanned Kayden.

"Sure. I got scared since you fainted....... I'm glad that you're okay." Jiwoo expresses his relief as he places him down carefully.

Kayden landed gracefully, well as gracefully as felinely possible with a body like that.

"Why would you be frightened of me fainting?" Kayden turned around, facing the concerned teen. He quirked a non-existent eyebrow as the fat in his body jiggled.

Jiwoo just smiled instead of a verbal response.

What a weirdo....

Sighed Kayden, not really understanding what he meant by that.


Kayden turned to the mirror again. Examining his refection with judgement in his eyes.

This pile of lump. Out of all the things why did it have to be this fat cat?

Growled Kayden, internally. Staring at his reflection in absolute distaste.

But then his scowl was replaced with a frown.

Would have Y/n been disgusted if she saw me now?......... Would she still love me?...... Would she leave?.... I.....I can't let Y/n see me in this state.

Kayden looked down at the ground, anxious.

But his deep train of thought was abruptly interrupted.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cat?" Jiwoo raised his hand.

"Kayden, call me Kayden." Kayden introduced as he pushed the dark thoughts to the back of his mind to be dealt with later.

"Ah yes, Mr. Kayden I have a question."

"What is it?"

" If your a cat, how come you can talk?" Questioned Jiwoo, tilting his head.

Kayden kept silent for a few seconds, then spoke up.

"I can talk since I'm a person."

"Wait, you're a person?" Jiwoo gaped at him in disbelief.

"Obviously...." Kayden sighed.

"I might be like this right now but I'm a person just like you. Turning into a cat is temporary." He explained.

" So you're a person that transformed into a cat?" Jiwoo asked, somewhat catching on.

"That's right. You don't need to know the details. Explaining the details would be complicated. Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand." It was clear Kayden didn't want to continue discussing it.

"But can a person really turn into a cat? How is that even possible?" But Jiwoo kept on pressing.

" The answer to your first question should be obvious just by seeing me. And for your second question, I therotically thought it would be possible and it luckily seemed to work once I tried it."

They kept going back and forth.

" Honestly, I don't get it."

"You don't have to get it."

" But then why were you passed out and why was there so much blood on your body?"

"That's also none of your concern."

" Hmmph-even though we seem to meet through unforseen circumstances, don't bother with knowing more than that. It's better for you to not know. " Kayden warned him.

Jiwoo nodded, not pushing the topic any further as awkward silence sets between the two.

As Jiwoo was looking around, trying to process the information given to him. There was a sudden 'loud' might I add, cry of hunger. Which turned out to be Kayden's tummy.

"Hurry and eat your food. You were passed out for a while. Not to mention you also had injuries." Jiwoo lectured as he pushed the food bowl beside him towards Kayden that surprisingly still had food in it after almost doing a double flip.

"Didn't I tell you I only turned into a cat temporarily. Even when I told you I was originally human, you still insist on feeding me cat food?" Kayden asked, disgusted by the slimy texture of the cat food.

"Mr. Kayden you might be a human but your a cat at the moment. Human food is bad for cats. Plus it'll be worse since you're injured." Jiwoo stated.

"That's true." Kayden groaned, still very much disgusted.

Jiwoo got up, approaching the door.

"Make sure to eat. I'm going to feed the other cats." Were his last words before the door closed shut.

The kid's right. Have heard that human food is unhealthy for cats. And since now I have completely turned into a cat at the moment, I'll have to eat what cats would normally eat.

Kayden sighed as his stare was redirected to the food bowl.

Looks like I'll have to force to eat this food to quickly regain my strength........But to think I Kayden would eat cat food.....

He shook his head, riding himself of such thoughts.

No, I shouldn't think like this. I have to think about my strength. Dignity is not my top priority.....

Determined, he stalked towards the food bowl, fat jiggling. Bringing his head lower, he took a lick.

Huh? The taste is.....

He was blown away by how oddly.....good?... it tasted.

He sat down and started to aggressively chomp down the very exact thing he deemed as disgusting just moments ago.

What's this? Why can't I stop eating?

Even Kayden himself was baffled by his own actions.

When he finished eating the bowl was squiky clean and Kayden was stuffed.

Oh shit, to think this Kayden filled himself up with cat food...

No it wasn't me that ate the food, it's this cheeky cat that couldn't stop eating.

Kayden is in denial.

His body suddenly throbbed in pain at a random spot in his back.

Damn, this body is a mess, plus there's no more strength left inside the body.....If those bastards find me right now, I won't even have enough strength to protect myself. Seems like the best thing to do is to stay like this until my body has recovered.

Kayden sighed as he took a moment to think back on to all that happened.

*Sigh* How am I supposed to face her now?


"Mr. Kayden, imma go outside for a bit."

Announced Jiwoo as he walked in while putting on a blazer.

"Where are you going?" Kayden asked, curious about where this seemingly normal teenager was going at such an ungodly hour.

"To the pet hospital. I don't have any cat food for tomorrow. I bought lots of cat treats earlier but not food." Explains Jiwoo as he approaches Kayden for some reason.

"At this hour?" Inquired Kayden, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was more of a statement rather than a question, honestly.

"Oh? Do you want to go with me?" Jiwoo invited with a smile, crouching down in front of Kayden.

"Huh? Why would I?" Kayden glared at him, raising a non-existent eyebrow.

"Don't be like that. Let's go together. What if I tell people about you? Aren't you worried?" Jiwoo was being awfully suspicious.

" Huh?...uh.....well.. that's true..." Kayden trailed off as he eyed Jiwoo suspectedly.

What's this? The fool wants me to believe he shouldn't be trusted.....

His odd behavior left Kayden greatly confused. But he choose to not think much of it.

"Let's go. Like you said, sending you out alone is risky. So, I'll have to go along and watch you."

Jiwoo reached down and picked him up in his arms as if he was a toddler, which stunned him to silence. Well in all honesty he is the size of a toddler.

"What do you think you're doing?" He let out a growl of protest once he had regained his composure.

" You're hurt. It's only logical for me to carry you." Well that was half of the truth. He also wanted to feel the fat cat's body but he won't admit it since there is a 99.9% chance that Kayden will kick his head off his shoulders.

Unfortunately his response seemed to only fuel Kayden's anger.

"Put me down now! I don't need to be carried! How dare you treat me like a mere house pet! Put me down this instant. Do you think I, Kayden will go out in such undignified manner." He growled as he clawed at Jiwoo. It seems that public image and social status really mattered to him.

But there was one thing he forgot. He wasn't in his human form. Meaning no one would recognize him.

Or maybe he just didn't want to feel weak. As carrying him around may have made him feel like he was being babied.

But Jiwoo didn't back down no matter how much he trashed around, much to Kayden's chagrin.

In the end he accepted his fate.


Jiwoo giggled as he made his way to the pet hospital with Kayden tucked away in his blazer, which seemed to have difficulty holding together.

It felt comfy.

What is this annoying yet relieved feeling?

No! I must remember I'm in the body of a cat and am not a cat.

I'm just a bit tired and am feeling like this cause it's my first time turning into a cat...Yeah, that's it....But....this isn't bad either.

No matter how much he wanted to accuse the cat's body, he had to admit, it did feel nice being handled this way.


The vet opened the door to check who had come at this hour.

"Jiwoo, what are you doing here so late?"

"Hello, doctor! I came to buy some cat food and-" Kayden jolted awake, it seems he had dozed off in way.

"......Have this Cat checked out. I think he's injured." We're the only parts he heard.

Kayden turned his head so fast that it's surprising his neck didn't snap. He bore his eyes through Jiwoo's skull. If looks could kill Jiwoo would be dead. Yet the latter remained blissfully unaware of the murderous aura Kayden was radiating.

The vet motioned Jiwoo to put him on the counter as he asked for the furball's name.

"It's Kayden." Said Jiwoo as he gently laid Kayden on the counter.

"Oh! Such a grand name compared to his appearance." Slighted the vet as Kayden glared but his glare carried no where near the amount of intensity his human carried.

The vet set to work. Firsting off by checking Kayden's ears then his butthole, his balls and lastly his mouth.

This....this embarrassment.....

As Kayden seethed internally the vet concluded that there is no problem with his body.

"There doesn't seem to be any particular problems"

"Really? He was covered in so much blood when I first found him" Jiwoo retorted, a bit shocked.

" He was? Well there doesn't seem to be an injury where the blood came from. There are some minor injuries but looks like you were able to apply first aid to them. There's nothing more I can do."

Jiwoo finally let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. " That's a relief." Beside him, Kayden was sitting on the counter shaking in rage.

This idiot keeps worrying about me....

Kayden tsked with a softened expression as he gave Jiwoo a side glance.

"Truthfully, this cat needs to go on a diet." Stated the vet as he typed in his computer, to which Jiwoo Chuckled nervously.

I swear I'm gonna kill him!

Growled Kayden at the vet's slight.

"You won't need any prescriptions. Just take care and come back if there are anymore symptoms."

" Okay, doctor." And with that the duo took there leave.


They were returning home now. It had become quite late. Was it 3am? 4am? 2am? They didn't know.

As Jiwoo strolled along the silent streets the harsh cold air bit at his skin, making him shiver.

Jiwoo had crossed this road multiple times before. Had countless late night trips to the grocery store and pet shop. This should be nothing new to him.

But for some unknown reason the shadows and alleyways looked more spine-chilling tonight. Jiwoo brushed the feeling off as best as he could.

Kayden's pupils dilated. He could sense awakened energy nearby.

"Hey, are there any cat monsters in this neighborhood?"

" Monster cats? What are you talking about?" Jiwoo perked up, his voice trembling slightly from nerves.

That's when it came. Growls that sent a chill down Jiwoo's spine.

Jiwoo turned to the narrow alleyway at his right, that's where the sound had come from.

In the shadows he saw two blood red slits staring back into his soul.

Instead of running he stood there like a fool with bated breath as his heart hammered against his ribcage, curious to see what it was even if was shaking in his boots.

Hadn't this moronic cat lover heard of the phrase "Curiousity killed the cat."?

Or is he just frozen in fear?

The beast slowly stepped into the light. When Jiwoo got a clear view of the monster his soul almost left his body.

It was as nearly large as a mountain lion but had black stripes like a tiger. It's eyes blood red with a scar over it's right eye, saliva dripping from it's mouth.

"W-wha-what is that? Is that the cat monsters you were talking about? Looks more like a tiger instead of a cat...." Whimpered out Jiwoo as his heart was running a mile a minute.

While Jiwoo looked like he was about to pee himself, Kayden on the other hand didn't seem scared at all.

"It feels different. Woah~look at that size. It's a tiger. A tiger I tell you."

" What do we do?" Squeaked Jiwoo in fear which irritated the beast as it let out a snarl.

No longer feeling brave Jiwoo held on to Kayden tightly and made a run for it.

"Oh ho~ quick thinking. I thought all you were gonna do was freeze and shake in fear..." Kayden taunted.

" But at this speed it's bound to catch up to us." He warned.

An extra pair of foot steps could be heard running which made Jiwoo look back. The beast is hot on their tails.

It leaped into the air, bearing it's claws and pouncing on Jiwoo. Ripping the back of his uniform.

This attack caused Jiwoo to lose his balance and crash into a trash can. But not once did he let go of Kayden.

"Jiwoo, are you okay?" Kayden asked, a bit concerned.

"Yeah. Luckily my clothes were the only thing scratched. What do we do now? If only we had some sort of weapon..."

That's when Jiwoo remembered something.

"Ah! That's right! I put that in my pocket!" He exclaimed, letting Kayden down and searching in both his pockets.

"Don't come any closer!" Shouted Jiwoo as the pointed the object at the beast.

What was the object you ask?

Well it was the new feather wand he had purchased today.

"Is he crazy? What is he supposed to do with that? Is this the only weapon he had to use?" Kayden whispered to himself as he watched the feather dangle side to side.

But the more the watched the more the felt drawn to it.

The beast leaped again, claws and fangs bared.

"Stay back!" Jiwoo exclaimed in panic as he screwed his eyes shut, anticipating it's claws.

But the attack never came. Jiwoo cracked an eye open and the sight that greeted him was surprising to say the least.

"Wait, wha?......"

The weapon seem to have been......effective?

The beast was now meowing and swiping towards the feather.

Regaining his composure he turned to Kayden but what he saw left him speechless. As if he already wasn't.

"Kayden! Now's our chan-..............."
