
Wipe.... Out Those Memories

The day of my birth and.... well, its awkward, for me at least. My mother seems to have forgotten how developed my mind is, and is cooing nonsense and gibberish at me which while I cant really blame her for, it was incredibly confusing as someone trying to learn her languages. It'll take me a couple days to filter out the gibberish but I'll manage eventually. Aside from the injection of gibberish there was also the problems with being a baby physically. My eyesight and hearing leave much to be desired currently but they should develop fast enough, the rest however is an uncoordinated mess. My muscles are week and I cant even lift my own head, not to mention that I now have extra limbs sometimes when I get frustrated. Random tendrils are prone to sprout in my frustration but are just as physically weak as the rest of me, flopping about and increasing the disorder I feel, boosting my frustration. On top of all my current physical deficiencies are two mortifying realities that I hadn't considered. Breast feeding is super awkward, I tried to refuse at first but was instantly overpowered, damn baby body. The most horrifying thing came after the already embarrassing breast feeding though. After one eats and processes food the left overs leave the body... IN THE MOST HORRIFYING WAY. Getting my butt cleaned and diaper equivalent changed was more horrifying than seeing Fathers real form. I'm not sure if Ill recover from this. My mother on the other hand remains in a near constant state of bliss, unfazed by everything and seeming to find my frustrated flopping tendrils to be the most adorable thing ever.


I spent the next 4 months as you would expect of any normal baby. I had tried to contact my mother through a mental tendril after two days and at that time she made a request. A desperate and guilty look in her eyes as she asked if we could have some time as a normal mother and baby. Even with my blurry vision I could see the look on her face and that she knew this was an incredibly selfish request on her part but I understood. She wouldn't be able to have another child so long as I was here, nobody else could feasibly be trusted with my secret and so she would only have myself as company for the foreseeable future. So after a quick chat I agreed, I would be a normal-ish baby and she would get to be a normal mother. She cried when I accepted and kept thanking me for nearly half an hour before she wiped her eyes and puffed up to bring herself into a better state "I'll be the best mother, just you watch!" A glint of determination mixed with her happiness as she looked back down at me. Oi, who are you talking to, I am a normal baby who has no idea what you are saying with normal baby tendrils that have sprouted because that look in your eyes is vaguely dangerous.

I spent the 4 months as a normal-ish baby getting used to my body and doing my damnedest to erase the memories of diaper changing from my mind. The slow development of my muscles over this time was very frustrating for me but it did provide me with some time to start experimenting with physical tendrils. In my experiments I discovered an oddity. Rigid tendrils. It seems my thinking is still too mundane. I had been trying to increase the structural integrity of the tendrils by increasing their mass and bulk until eventually I had what was little more than a block of flesh. It was stiff but still had some give to it and wasn't quiet what I intended. So I thought of how I could improve and ended up thinking of something that should have occurred to me earlier. If I could form a tendril of mental energy would I not be able to use other things as well? You can indeed use other things. Bone for instance. Queue scene from a horror movie. My mother was surprised to say the least when she looked over to see spears of bone protruding from my body instead of cute fleshy tendrils. After a few minutes of fussing and panicking over the bones protruding from me that I had quickly withdrew she transitioned into scolding me for scaring her like that.

After she calmed down we returned to slightly less normal-ish life. Now aware of my ability to manipulate bones she no longer freaked out over them and was able to dismiss it with surprising nonchalance. And so I continued my experiments, using bone in segments with flesh running the core allowed for a bone whip-like tendril but restricted it in close fine movements. If I slimmed down the bones and made them more like scales it gave the tendrils some rigidity without sacrificing its finer movements. Thicker bone plates made for sturdier tendrils with less dexterity. I could form a mostly flesh tendril with an almost sickle like bone at the end that could prove a lethal weapon. Amongst my experiments were several useful ideas that I would have to expand on later as well as some terrible ones that I would never revisit. Aside from my discoveries I had been able to increase my proficiency in using my tendrils greatly over these months, and finally I could control my body with some sort of feeble consistency. As the 4th month came to a close my mother approached me with a slightly different look on her face, watching me move various tendrils and my limbs as if she was watching me play with blocks before I looked up to her as she started speaking.

"Vi'Cothol, Thank you for giving me this time. While you aren't a normal baby you let me enjoy the feeling of being a mother and I appreciate it." I frowned at her before finally reaching out with a mental tendril.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm your baby, you being a mother is normal. I have many more years before I can be self sufficient so I hope you aren't trying to abandon me now? I still need to learn how to speak the languages properly. I need to learn this worlds common sense. And most importantly, I need to grow physically. That's gonna take years." she was startled and looked at me in confusion

"What do you mean? You are a godling aren't you? You can accelerate your growth and be gone in days cant you? You already have most of the languages I know learnt and it wont take long to perfect them, especially as you start to speak and use them."

"Im not a godling. Kinda. I am an eldritch youngling. I guess it would not be a very distinct to you but there is a large difference. I can grow faster yes, but that would affect my body later and I'd rather avoid that. So you are going to be my mother for many more years to come, I hope you are ok with that. Mama." my last word spoken out loud in a embarrassingly babyish voice. She broke into tears, picked me up and held me tight while rocking back and forth mumbling thanks and I love yous against my tiny back. Sigh, such a misunderstanding. She was probably worried I would leave nearly as soon as I recovered from being born. Do gods do that? Or demigods? Is that something that people can do to their mothers? Since it was a concern I assume it is. That's concerning and honestly makes my impression of gods even worse than it was before. At least things are cleared up, I figure we can change some things now that she isn't going to be worried that I'll up and sprout to adulthood overnight. And so it did.

Over the next couple of weeks our routine changed and we spent the next 4 years with only slight variations. We would now talk to each other, mostly still through the mental tendril to start as I was getting my mouth used to the languages here. I learned about the world and various things that should be common knowledge for people here. We discussed various mutations that I could experiment with my tendrils and it turned out having another brain working with me was very helpful. There were a couple occasions where I would avoid contacting her. Like during my duration of breast feeding, which continued for a few months too long in my mind as I was able to eat other foods but she still wanted some baby attachments. Also during diaper changes. Horrifying is the only way I can describe not being able to clean myself but at least that didnt last the whole 4 years.

Life was good. Mother was great. I was learning and growing at a very reasonable rate. Nothing was threatening my peaceful way of life. Even my occasional flashbacks to my past life were slowly fading into oblivion. And then it changed again. My mother decided it was time for me to go outside and interact with other children....... ABSURD! what am I supposed to do with other children? This would only cut into my time experimenting and learning! But mother was adamant. She said that I would stand out a lot if I didnt try and get along with some of them at least. Also the fact that if I chose to adventure in the future the most likely party member I would end up with were the children that were growing up with me in the village. She made some decent points that I couldnt really refute but I still felt that this was gonna be a pain. Practically taking care of other small children seemed like a nighmare, at least they are simple minded and I should be able to distract them relatively easily. I was right for the most part. They were almost all easily distracted nightmares. All except one.

The one girl who would end up following me across this world several times, causing me no end to problems. She would drag me into several world shaking events that I would have much rather avoided. A girl who I would come to first value greatly as a friend and later love dearly as a wife and mother of my first child. All in all a nightmare of a woman that I am convinced is the source of all trouble in the multiverse.

I apologize for the rather dull chapter here, I did not think things through when deciding to start him as a newborn. The early formative years leave a lot to be desired for story material. Now that this first early and rather bland chunk is done we can start some childhood mayhem. Daddy Cthulhu will make a quick appearance in a couple chapters to reveal some more Eldritch goodies and spice life up for Vic. Thanks for reading and stay safe. Social isolation and all that jazz. Vic is a small child and catching covid would be pretty bad, do your part to keep him healthy :p

Billiam2920creators' thoughts
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