
Elden Ring: The Moon Lord

Before the elden beast came from the stars, before the great tree dominated, there were three cities; the eternal cities, the people of that city; The Nox had a prophecy ignored: "One day, The lunar will, the outer god of the moon, the heir of the outer god, will walk these lands, conquer and dominate, aaaaa... may the age of the stars come... make nox eternal." This novel will be inspired by other works. anything different from the original, consider an AU as the story of Elden ring is big and there may or may not be differences left open for the community to "choose" the best.

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Chapter 3: To the snow

~Cariana Mansion

~Radagon and Renala's room

One night in the Carian castle, Renala and Radagon could be seen discussing what to do with Tsuki.

"It's time Renala, if he stays any longer the golden order will take him to the sewers." Says Radagon

"But... taking him to the giants' mountain is no different from leaving him in the sewer" says Renala with red eyes and drops of tears on her cheeks.

With a sigh Radagon says; "Sighh, but on the mountain of giants we know he will be safe, and we can visit him"

Renala lies down on the bed and says with a melancholic face; "So are we really going to do this?..."

"That... is the only way, if we leave him here the order becomes taking him, and if we stop him from taking him, another battle against the golden order could begin, where both sides lost."

"... So that's it... In two nights we will go to the mountains..."

|Tsuki POV

I was in the academy library studying as always, As long as I can remember I never had many friends, and the few I did have always looked at me with a strange look on their face.

So I want to study more magic like my mother, plus I have an obsession with the stars and the moon and I always wanted to see them better.

My mother tells me stories about our family, and how she always studied the stars, and how she managed to find her full moon, so big, shining in the sky beautifully.

Interrupting my thoughts, my mother enters the library.

I scream; "Mommy" and I run towards her, jumping up, where she grabs me and gives me a hug.

"My little boy, how are you?" She asks with a tender face

"The usual mom" I say with a smile

"Uhum, I came here for one things Tsuki, we will leave Liurnia" She says with a touch of sadness

"Serious??" I ask with a hint of anticipation in my voice.

"Of course I do, don't you believe me?"

"No, no, of course I believe mom"

After these words, an awkward silence spread through the air, Renala she sits on the chair and puts Tsuki on her lap, and playing with her white hair and horns she speaks;

"We'll be leaving in 2 days, so let's get everything ready by then"

"Uhu, But where are we going?" I ask her with a touch of excitement

Renala bites her lip as she says; "To the mountains, you will stay there for a while"

With these words said, Tsuki's smile ends and he says; "Won't you and dad come with me?"

"No, we won't stay with you, but we will come to stay with you once a year, don't worry, there is everything you need there, from books, to some people to take care of you"

"No, I don't want to go, I want to stay here with you" he says with a crying tone

Renala looks at Tsuki with a comforting smile and says; "It's just for a while, don't worry, we will visit you every year, But I have a question for you"

"What?" he asks confused

"Do you want to find your moon?"

"My moon?" Tsuki asks confused.

"Yes, just as I have my moon, and you can probably find yours, you were like me before, always looking at the stars and studying, I'm sure you can find yours too" Says Renala with a smile.

"But now is not the time for that, let's pack your things to leave" Says Renala while pulling Tsuki

Before Tsuki can say anything, Renala pulls him over and takes him to the Carian mansion, to pack things for the mountains.

~Two days later

~Gate of the Cariana mansion

"Time to go" Says Radagon

"Shall we go then?" Tsuki asks with excitement in his voice.

"Yes, everything is read, but there is someone waiting for you outside Tsuki" Renala says, with a bit of disgust, as if the people outside were disgusting.

At the door of the Carian mansion there were two people dressed in robes and had crystals hiding their heads; one with a giant blue head and the other with a green head.

"Hey kid, you won't forget our goodbye right?" Said the man in green

"Of course not Uncle Azur"

Those two were the founders of the Raya Lucaria academy: Lusat and Azur, who would later be expelled, and as someone who already knew about the experiments done by them, Renala finds them deplorable and is waiting for the last straw to expel them.

Being the founders of the academy, their prestige and powers greatly surpass that of the other members, of course Renala is not included in this. But expelling the two founders can only be done if they commit a heinous crime. what's not far from happening...

"Haha, good boy, today we came to say goodbye and give you a gift" Lusat said.

"A gift?! What is it?" Tsuki said with longing

Lusat anticipates and pulls out three items, all three being weapons with crystals; a spear, a sword and a staff

Tsuki looks at the sword and spear in confusion and asks; "But why the sword and spear?

"Haha, a man doesn't fight with just a staff, he doesn't know the Carian knights, they not only use magic but combat weapons."

A voice of sarcasm and laughter is heard from Azur; "Says the man who only uses Magic.. cough"

"So come on, give your gift Azur"

"Cough... here it is" Azur pulls a ring from his pocket, identical in color to a crystal.

"This is a ring that will increase your magical power, nothing too complex." He says looking at the ring.

"Howw" Tsuki takes the ring with a sound of surprise and puts it on, the moment he puts the ring on a blue-green light ripples through his body, this lasts 3 seconds.

Tsuki then looks at Azur and says; "Thank you uncle Azur"

"Hà, I think he preferred mine" Says Azur with a touch of pride in his voice

"I'm sure not, who would like a gift from an old man like you" Says Lusat

"Useless old man, we're almost the same age"

Then the two start a "fight"

"Sighh, how can these two be the founders of an academy like Raya Lucaria" says Renala without reaction

"If there's nothing else, let's go, it's time"Diz Radagon


Three people get into the carriage, and as the carriage starts to move, a head comes out of the window and looks back and screams; "See you later uncles, we'll see you soon"

The two men nod and say to each other; "I discovered something interesting about "that"... shall we continue with that? Lusat asks

The man in green hesitates for a second and says; "Yes, without Queen Cariana here for a while, we will be able to do that... come on, there is no time to waste.

With that the two disappear like mist...

|Tsuki POV

After leaving the Cariana mansion, we go towards a giant elevator, which when going up, I come across golden fields and an incredible view: Altus plateau, on the right side a huge tree that I had already seen in books, the erdtree, symbol of the golden order, and on the left a hill with an orange color.

Inside the capital, there is a festive atmosphere, with no one left who could threaten the golden order, this was the peak of the golden order, with no one to face the soldiers and the people were in a festive state festive.

Leaving the capital and heading towards another elevator, at the elevator door the carriage stops.

"Why did you stop?" I ask

"Just an old friend." Says Radagon

"A friend of Dad's?" I think to myself

|Normal POV

In front of the carriage was a large man with long white hair and a beard, with a ghost beastman on his shoulders.

"Radagon, may I know what makes you want to go to the mountain of giants? Even though you are champion of the golden order, I won't hesitate to take your head hahaha" He then takes his long-handled ax and places it on his shoulder.

In a whisper Radagon says; "It's good to see you Godfrey..."

"Stop that, now come on, show me what's in the carriage" Godfrey says pointing with the ax

"You know what's there and you know why for me to go to the mountain of giants, so why don't you make it easier for me?" Says Radagon one with a vein popping out of his head, clearly angry at Godfrey's attitude

"Ahahahahaha, let's not be like that, I know very well what it's like to do that... I still miss Morgott..." Says Godfrey with a face as if remembering something lost

"I didn't come here to stop you, I just wanted to see the boy, then you can go"

Radagon looks at Godfrey and with a look of relief says; "Thank you... Tsuki, come outside"

Tsuki gets out of the carriage and in front of him there is Godfrey, who for his size as a 5 year old child, Godfrey is a giant.

"Are you sure it's your son, nothing appears with you" He says with a strange look at Tsuki taking his horns.

"Humm" groans Tsuki in slight discomfort at someone touching her horns.

Renala then like a koala to her son comes out of the carriage and slaps Godfrey's hand.

"Be sure of one thing Godfrey, he is the fruit of my love with Radagon and nothing more"


"Ahaahah, what a beautiful couple"

"So kid, want to be a wizard?" He says with a smile

"Yes, just like my mother" Tsuki says with a straight face

"Hahah, then you will be weak boy, men like us must be strong and robust" Says Godfrey as he swings his ax

"Is he still a child?" Says Renala

"Ha, at his age I was hunting with my bare hands"

"You're funny uncle, but what's your name?"

"Haha, it's rare that someone doesn't know me kid, but remember this name: My name is Godfrey, the first Elden Lord".

Tsuki looks at him with confusion and says; "Sure, you're very different from what I heard"

"Hahahhaahah, don't believe all the stories you hear kid, just an addendum"

"Okay, enough talking, let's go"

"Uhm, goodbye old man"

Seeing them get into the carriage Godfrey turns and says; "I'm not that old, right friend?

Serosh, the phantom beastman on his shoulder roared in response.

"hahaah, don't give me that Serosh, I'm at my peak" With that, Godfrey leaves in the direction of the capital

"Mom, what was that on his back?"

"That was a ghost beast man, he is responsible for taking care of the man so that he doesn't get out of control"


"Yes, he has a tendency to be very violent" Says Renala looking at Radagon

Radagon as if understanding looks at Tsuki and says; "The first time we met, he came jumping at me to fight... he's crazy"

"I never thought Lord Godfrey was like that, even though I've heard his achievements, he's more impressive up close" Tsuki thinks about Godfrey. Who in the Cariana mansion has already heard about his legendary deeds.

Going up in the elevator, what you can see is a mountain of snow, and going up you can see the bodies of impaled giants.

A thought came to Tsuki's mind, "who did this?"

We books say: Marika, Maliketh and Godfrey fought against the giants, but none of them use weapons to impale, and neither is their style and the golden order, so who was it?...

~Sol Castle

"So this is where I'm going to stay" Tsuki thinks

"Mother, father, let's explore the castle." He says with an excited face

"Haha, let's go" Radagon pulls Tsuki to his head and then the three of them go look at the castle...

~A week later

"Tsuki...It's time for us to go" Says Renala, her son in her arms, held like a koala

"No mom, you and dad can't stay any longer, this week was so good" Tsuki says crying

"But son, everything ends one day, everything has a beginning, a middle, a peak and an end..." She says looking at Tsuki

"But but... Father, tell her so you can stay longer... please"

"Tsuki, we have to go, but we will come again every year... don't worry" Says Radagon stroking his son's head

"Please... stay"

Tsuki had this thought when he cried on his mother's lap, over time... he fell asleep.

"It's late... let's go"

"Goodbye my love, my little moon" Renala then kisses Tsuki's forehead and leaves him on the bed

"Goodbye little one, we'll see you soon" Radagon says to Tsuki patting his legs...