
El Sistema del Hokage más fuerte

este fanfic no me pertenece solo quiero re subirlo para que lo lean que es muy bueno ☺☺ Solo mayores de 18+ advertidos SINOPSIS: Nuestro protagonista es alguien que llega al mundo de Naruto, en el Clan Hyuga -- pero tiene un sistema quien se atreverá a llamarlo desperdicio después de mostrar su fuerza..

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60 Chs

Chapter 28

Entering Teacher's office, Hyuga Matsutaka cautious and solemn said, "You suddenly called me, what happened?"

"Do you know how scared?" Ueno said it was rare.

"I didn't want to evaluate who was wrong in the morning fight, but I have to tell you, you did not beat Uchiha Fugaku lightly in the morning, and their clan may come to your trouble."

"Be careful in the future. Even in the village, Uchiha Clan doesn't dare to be too arrogant, but you have to keep in mind that Uchiha Clan has a lot of power. Don't let them grab any of your handles, or you will be finished."

Said Ueno in the long-term focus.

"I see, I'm grateful you could say that to me." Hyuga Matsuba admires the Teacher from the bottom of her heart, and Ueno is really kind to him.

"Oh." Ueno Sighed: "I don't have any clan and backstage, that is, a teacher. If you do something, I won't be able to save you, so I will tell you, thank you, this is all right."

"If Teacher finishes talking, I'll go back."

"OK." Ueno waved his hand.

Hyuga Matsuba lowered her head and walked out of the office docilely, not forgetting to bring the door.

After going back, the students were all in a circle, chatter continuously said, "What happened? Didn't Teacher give you a slap alone?"

"What do you think! Just told me some precautions, let me be careful of Uchiha Clan." Hyuga 松 羽 curl one's lip.

"Matsuba, Teacher is right. Uchiha Clan has a lot of power, and it's always arrogant. You have to be careful not to be caught by them." Nara Shikaku said carefully.

"Che, Hyuga Song Yu is our clan. If Uchiha Clan looks for trouble, why can't we get our consent?"

Hyuga Hiashi said dismissively.

Just because Hyuga Matsuba hit Uchiha Fugaku's punch, and Hyuga Matsuba saved her life. Now Hyuga Hiashi doesn't treat Hyuga Matsuba as trash, and her attitude changes immediately.

"Don't worry, now Mikoto is with me, we will take care of each other, there will be no problem." Hyuga Song Yu moved towards Mikoto slightly smiled.

"What?" Mikoto didn't respond all of a sudden, then ran out shyly.

Everyone looks-at Mikoto, who is too shy to look at, and then looks at Hyuga Song Yu with a sneer, and thinks that Hyuga Song Yu is really big-hearted and is dying. He is still busy with these relationships.

Everyone glanced at Hyuga Matsuba, and they all fell apart.

Hyuga Song Yu was very happy, so many people came to find a way for herself, Hyuga Song Yu was warm.

Finding his lunch from the backpack, Hyuga Matsuba started, everyone just worried that Hyuga Matsuba was not affected at all.

Now Uchiha Clan can't do things so recklessly, and can't bother him in the village.

Uchiha Clan still values ​​her face. If it is really just and honorable for Hyuga Matsuba, then how do other villages think about this clan?

It doesn't mean how high Hyuga Matsuba's status is, but Uchiha Clan has done too much these years, and other clan have long been dissatisfied.

Throughout Hidden Leaf Village, everyone is either indifferent to this clan, or they are very disgusted with this clan.

Hyuga Matsuba has clan anyway, if Uchiha Clan really gets in trouble with him, that is to say they openly find fault, it will definitely cause the anger of other clan.

If he is targeting Hyuga Matsuba in private, then Hyuga Matsuba is really wanting, he just can accumulate some combat experience.

After being full, the outdoor practice class in the afternoon began, and the content was still throwing kunai, meaning nothing.

The purpose of establishing this Academy is mainly to allow children without clan to learn more and make Konoha more powerful. In this way, you must teach from the simplest.

After finishing the afternoon practice class, Hyuga Matsuba gave Mikoto the way to prepare for a trip to Uchiha Clan.

Even though Uchiha Fugaku is still small but still has a lot of power in the clan, he is the first genius known as the full clan.

What I said just now to drive Mikoto out of Clan has become a reality. This time I went to Uchiha Clan to help her get her luggage.

Hyuga Matsuba, who was staring all the way, finally followed Mikoto to her destination, and Mikoto's home was particularly luxurious.

After a brief clean up, Mikoto reluctantly looked around all around, and was led out of Clan by Hyuga Matsuba.

Eyes-at was about to leave Clan Land in Uchiha, and suddenly a healthy man stopped them.

Hyuga Matsuba looked up, the face on the other side was really big, and she had a powerful aura, looking a bit like Uchiha Fugaku.

"This is the Clan Leader of Uchiha Clan." Mikoto tugged Hyuga Matsuba's foot, his voice full of worry.

"Did you bully my son?" Hyuga Matsuba felt a strong majesty for a while, feeling as if she had been shrouded in something.

Hyuga 松 羽 curl one's lip, I do n't intend to ignore it. You just have to believe in yourself, and the level is enough. These auras or anything are useless to others.

It's like Hyuga Matsuba also has an aura, but it's not killing, it's hunting.

Uchiha was a little surprised when Hyuga Matsuba wasn't scared, and her eyes were incredible.

"Hurry off." Hyuga Matsuba was not polite at all, and began to swear.

"Brat, please tell me again?" While watching the lively eating melon crowd can not sit still, eyes-at will come up to hit Hyuga Matsuba.

But His Majesty Uchiha has ordered, and it is not yet possible to treat this brat.

Uchiha's lungs were going to explode, and he was scolded by such a little demon. Fortunately, he had a broad mind and had done things in his head, otherwise he would have shot now.

The Murderous Aura in his eyes was a little more, like a sharp knife, shot at Hyuga Matsuba and Mikoto 2 people.

Mikoto was so scared he couldn't say anything, and shuddered slightly.

Feeling Mikoto's fear, Hyuga Matsuba patted Mikoto's back, and small movements were enough to reassure Mikoto.

"Okay, little demon, I wish you a good life." Uchiha 佂 let them go.

"Hmph, you 1000-year-old tortoise, I won't die if you don't die." Hyuga Matsuba also not to be outdone.

"Che, Guang has a mouth long, but it's actually a loser!" Uchiha cursed cursed, forbearing unhappiness, if it's still in the village, now absolutely kill the brat.

Hyuga Matsuba turned back and said hello, then took Mikoto's hand home.

The reason why Hyuga Matsuba is so arrogant is definitely not a lack of muscles. He just decided that Uchiha Clan can't treat him in public.

Even if he really wants to hit him, Hyuga Matsuba is ready, his level is not low.

Now that he has mastered the ability to move instantly, even if Uchiha Clan sends someone to kill them, he can escape with Mikoto instantly, without fear.