
Tagai's Past

Taiga was still young he was trained to be a warrior, at the age of fifteen they were hunting the minions of darkness, at that time taiga did not know how to control his power, no teacher could teach him because he is a unique child who possesses the power.

At the age of eighteen, Taiga traveled to different places to exterminate the devil's disciples, at his age now, he has control over the power but it is still not enough to meet the power of Mephisto who is the king of the devils,

The Taiga's power was transferred to a sword so he could control his power, the experts transferred it with his blood and called the sword Demon Slayer.

A few years ago, Taiga became a great warrior and many people admired him,

Taiga once again traveled to the demon route, before he faced Mephisto he killed many demon disciples until none of the disciples were left, Mephisto and Taiga faced off in a fight where the future of man was at stake,

They fought for three hours until he stabbed Mephisto in the heart and caused his death, but before he died he said his last words,

"I will return to this world, and my very body will go to your world, then at that time the taiga will become weak."

The whole world was happy again because the devil Mephisto was no longer in the world, But now Taiga is looking for his heir to his power,

A few years passed, and Taiga is still looking for the special boy who can be his replacement and he is Eiko