
To Treat Her Better

If Adrian truly does love Cassidy, he should be ready to confront the people he has been together with ever since he was born.

Things can reach to the point where he might need to turn his back on everything he has used to be. It is either her or his family - he will need to choose.

But then, she thinks that there is really no need for him to. She will cut him the slack and do him the favor of distancing herself first. This way, he doesn't have to trouble himself over which side he is going to join.

'I've heard from Asher that Grisham Donovan has returned to visit his grandchildren. I still don't know where he is now, but I need to stay away from him as much as possible. He did say that he would take care of him himself. Yet at any case, his grandson also has to know that he is the mastermind behind everything...' Cassidy pondered deeply as she stole a glance at Adrian.

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