
Start of the Sports Games

For a moment, Adrian only stares at Cassidy - with him looking dumbfounded, and her smiling a little too brightly.

He blushes a bit at the realization that she really is trying to flirt with him. That's until she roars with laughter all of the sudden. Thrown off guard, he can only raise his brows and watch her flip over laughing.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! As if I'll ever be distracted by something like that! I'm gorgeous myself!" she teased and guffawed like there was no tomorrow, amused by her own quip.   

"Well, you may not be distracted by my beauty..." he retorted before smirking out of nowhere, not at all offended.

"I certainly am distracted by yours. Indeed, you're very gorgeous."

That's when she drains out all the laughter at once, coming to a still for a second. 

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