
A Boy in a Man

Adrian nods, and Asher is a bit surprised to see he isn't acting like a wimp.

He'd used the most intimidating glare in his arsenal – it's been known to make even greater men tremble. Heck, he even had times when he saw him in his most vulnerable, most delicate forms. But this weakling in a hospital bed - he just nods.

Like he had expected it. Like he's promising what he's saying.

Asher leans back.

This is Cassidy's coward of a husband. He should be bawling his eyes out at the notion that she's been captured. But instead of that, he's trying to sit up straight, his hand lifting up to his chin in contemplation, and he looks like he's planning something.

Adrian hadn't even flinched in the face of Asher's deadly glower.

He frowns, observing him, trying to understand what's going on in his mind. But he's no good at that.

"I'm... sorry..." Adrian trailed off, and it took a while for him to register that he was talking to him.

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