
Chapter 2: Gods or Devils

"We don't hate you," A childlike voice whispered in Jason's ear.

Jason instantly jumped with shock looking around his room trying to spot who talked to him, barely seeing anything due the tear in his eyes.

"Where are you?" Jason shouted

"Stop shouting, I'm in your head silly," The childlike voice said with a giggle.

"What?" Jason said much quieter with a very confused tone.

"We don't have to much time so I'll just introduce myself, my name is Lucifer, I'm a God here to help you get justice against not only your horrible classmates but society as a whole," Lucifer said with a much more serious manly voice.

Jason assumed he was dreaming due to all his anger making him go crazy, so he played along with it.

"Aren't you the Devil?" Jason asked

"Gods and Devils same thing, look kid if the Gods are so marvelous and wonderful why did they make you suffer all this," Lucifer said once again in a serious tone.

Jason thought to himself for a bit, then he remembered what people would do in dreams to snap out of it. He pinched himself in the arm, he was shocked when he felt the pain. This made him realized that all the bruises and even the broken bones had disappeared. He didn't notice because his whole body was numb by the time he got to his room.

Lucifer started laughing at Jason's reaction.

"You only just noticed, I already healed your body" Lucifer said while still laughing.

Unable to speak Jason just stood in the middle of the room in shock. He started shaking with fear, 'I guess my mind couldn't take it anymore I've gone crazy' He thought to himself.

"Your not crazy kid, you have been chosen by me to be my warrior of justice that can challenge all the corruption that has plagued the human world. I will give you my power so you can do this, I know your thinking that your in a dream but you need to hurry up and accept my offer before you miss the truck and the opportunity of a peaceful future." Lucifer said with a deadly serious voice.

"Okay but I have one question, what do you mean power?" Jason stuttered with fear in his voice. He had thousands of question but he knew he was in a rush only 30 minutes till he had to go to the division one truck.

"I will lend you some of my immense power that you can harness and develop to take down your horrible classmates and eventually take down the families that sit at top." Lucifer said with a clear smile you could just tell was on his face.

"Fine as long as my future is peaceful and bright." Jason said with a sense of defeat in his voice.

Instantly Jason felt an immense pain throughout his body, that felt like his whole body including all his organs were on fire.

"AHHHHH" He couldn't help but scream out as he fell unconscious due to all the pain.

-----------------------------------------5 min later-------------------------------------------------

Jason's eyes fluttered reacting to the sunlight, then suddenly sat up at rocket speed remembering what had just occurred. Looking around he was in his bed at the corner of his room, there was no blood from his previous injuries to be shown anywhere.

"FFHHHWWW" He let out a sigh of relief.

He thought it was some crazy hyper realistic dream due to his overwhelming flood of emotions, the injuries must of all been in his head over reacting to a beating both physically and mentally. In way he also felt disappointed that it was only a dream, all though he won't admit it he wished he had the power to take revenge on his classmates.

As Jason was rubbing his eyes he noticed the clock, he only had 20 min to get his stuff and leave to the courtyard. He couldn't just ignore them because he would be arrested and given a fine which would lead the government to expelling him from the apartment leaving him homeless. Fortunately Billie had no valuables to bring with him allowing to just leave with nothing in his disposal.

As Jason was walking he noticed he felt a bit different like he had an energy he had never had before. All the anger he was feeling had also felt like it died down, he definitely still had anger it just felt like it was being suppressed. His school uniform that had blood all over also felt a little tighter than usual.

As Jason arrived to the courtyard student were already entering the trucks, out of the 135 student in his year 130 students were below level 2, only 5 students got level 2 or slightly higher. The division bus was full so they also used the level 3 truck to take level 1.

He entered the div 3 bus instantly receiving a bombardment of insults and an occasional kicks to the shin which surprisingly felt completely painless as he walked to his seat at the very back. As he sat down he noticed that the widow weren't windows at all they were hyper realistic screens that when looked at closely repeated the same sequence over and over again. Billie figured this was due to them being taken to a top secret part of the military.

After what felt like a 4 hour drive, the truck came to a sudden stop waking everyone up. Jason opened his eyes to see everyone walking out the truck with excitement, he got up an followed once again unnoticed by anyone.

As soon as everyone walked out they instantly gasped at the gigantic size of the base. There were was a huge school that looked as big as a city clearly separated into 4 sections each one an assigned division. While everyone was distracted by the sight the military guards went around placing what looked like a slick black wristband around everyone's wrist.

"Hello all, my name is Mrs Cathra, I will be the division 1 head minister," shouted a young pretty women with short green hair.

"The bands that have been placed on your wrist are similar to the orb used to test your level, they will indicate any growth in level. Do not try take them off or you will receive a jolt equivalent to a taser throughout your whole body. You guys are currently in division 1 the weakest of all the divisions, and you are the last school to arrive. There are currently 33 other schools who arrived a week before you meaning that you guys are already at a disadvantage. I suggest that you guys head to your dorms also indicated on your wristband as quick as possible to settle in for classes tomorrow. Good luck." She said with a serious tone until the comment at the end letting out a smile that caused some guys to blush.

Everyone instantly started walking some even running to there dorms. Through the hallways there were already students eye off the new school as they walked through searching for there dorms.

Jason quietly followed the crowd covering his wristband hiding his 0 level so no one would attack him, eventually he made it to his dorm, number 178B. The door had a scanner located below the handle, Jason lifted his wristband to the scanner causing a beep sound and a green light to pop up. The door swung open only for Jason to be greeted by a guy standing at about 6 foot with spiky brown hair, Jason instantly looked at his wrist to see his level. His wristband displayed 1.5 that was really high for someone in division 1, he is almost in div 2.

'Of course my dorm has strong roommate who would beat me, great.' Jason thought to himself.

"Oh wow your level 0," The red hair guy said with surprise.

"My name is Chris, I'm not like a bully or anything I won't hurt you unless you do something to embarrass or hurt me, whats your name?" Chris asked with a smile.

"My names Jason" Jason replied with a suspicious face.

Jason had run in to a few people who pretend to be nice and friendly only to turned on by him humiliating him, abusing him and mocking him. This lead Jason to trusting no one but himself, but for some reason when Chris spoke it felt different like he was being genuine. Jason shrugged it off and reminded himself that he probably very talented at acting.

As Jason walked further into the room he couldn't help but gasp, the room was huge and had a slick modern design you would see millionaires have in there own houses. There was three beds queen beds each one having a slick looking wardrobe in three corners of the room. The fourth corner had a huge TV mounted into it with a huge comfy looking couch about two and half meters away.

Jason still in shock started unpacking his bags then went to check out the bathroom. The bathroom was just as impressive as the room, still continuing that slick modern design. As he walked further into the bathroom he jumped in shock after looking at the mirror.

"What the F***" He whispered to himself.

In the mirror he saw a ripped body with his head on the top, after a few seconds his brain eventually recognized the reflection as him. Jason instantly started to feel this new muscles to confirm that he wasn't dreaming all while his other roommate was sitting on the toilet watching.


"What are you doing?" the roommate asked holding back laughter.

Jason jumped like a deer being surprised attacked by a predator.

"Ummmm, I'm checking my body for bruises, ummm I got in a fight today," Jason said still clearly confused about the situation.

"Okay, my name is Josh, nice to meet you" He said with a clear fake smile on his face.

"My name is Jason , nice to meet you too." Jason relied with a equally as fake smile as his.

Josh walked out the door clearly smirking like he was up to something. Jason took a mental note to be careful of him then went back to admiring his new body.

"Hey you look pretty good" A childish voice stated that Jason instantly recognized as Lucifer.