
Chapter 2: Marriage

After running for a while, we reached my carriage parked under a giant tree next to the rundown church located at the eastern edge of the city.

At the same time, I came to question myself. Why do I have to carry her all the way? Yusa's light, but after carrying it for a while. I started to feel her weight.

I'm quite surprised myself. I didn't know that I could run that fast while carrying a girl.

Yusa was looking around the carriage.

"You're a merchant."

"A traveling merchant, to be exact."

"T-Travelling merchant?!"

Her eyes sparkled and her hand immediately took mine. Her face immediately closed to mine.

"Travelling! That means you travel around the world while looking at your stuff. I envy you… I always had a dream of traveling around the world. But for females like me. Knowing a proper man and getting married is the only choice to have a secure future."

Yusa said.

"I don't know about that… I'm meeting some female travelers too. If you want it, why not get it?"

I said, then fed hay onto my earth dragon friends. She happily ate while I pat her head.

"Travelling… That's easy to say for you."

She mumbles. Her expression immediately changed as she glanced at my Earth dragon—Lu.

"… T-This earth dragon is pretty… It's unlike the earth dragon I'm used to seeing. This is a white feathery. Normally they are scaly and have a huge resemblance to lizards…"

Yusa buried her face in the feathers.

"So fluffy! Puhehehehehe…"

She's having a blissful time when her head immediately gets swept away after the feathery wings. Next, the dragon glared at Yusa.

"W-What was that?! This dragon just glared at me!"

I pat her head again to calm her down.

"Don't worry, Yusa is not a bad girl. Lu is a shy one."


"That's her name… Lu and I have already gone through many hardships. She's my trustworthy traveling companion. Because of her, I have never been alone in my travels. She is amazing at intimidating monsters and sensing safe terrain. I can't imagine life without her."

"That's obvious… I mean, you can't carry all your stuff on your back. With those straw-like arms, I think you can't even pull this carriage on your own."

Yusa casually said.

She's blunt and says the obvious stuff. Her words are a little insulting, but I don't think she's the type who says that to insult people.

"Your hair was different from many people's. Are you royalty?"

"Did I look like one…" She has her chest up in pure confidence. "Well, to tell you the truth. I'm not."

Then, why are you looking so proud?!

"My mother has a relationship with the royal family. Some of their genes were passed down to me, resulting in my light golden hair. But having this hair was like a curse on me before."

"Why is that?"

"I mean, in school, my classmates hate me. My classmates and people around me say that I'm the daughter of a prostitute. Something like that. But I don't believe them at all. My mother is good. I never imagined her selling her body… Well, I appreciate your help earlier. You saved me."

"What is the exact reason they are chasing you?"

"That pig duke was so in love with me he wanted to get my heart. He kidnapped me and brought me into this city forcefully. I miraculously escaped the room where I was kept captive."

"He's a kidnapper. We should report him to knights. I'll go with you. Such evil should not be tolerated."

As I turned my back to head to the knight's station. Yusa immediately pulled her hands to her bosom.

"We can't… The duke has his limbs on the knights. I can't report to the knights. He'll find me."

"That's a trouble."

People do have limbs in security organizations. I'm not surprised.

Yusa has a huge burden on her shoulders.

"I want to see my mother again… I will do anything to escape."

Her eyes were full of courage. I want to root for her success.

I without knowingly grin.

"Why are you grinning? That's creepy."

Please stop being blunt, I have my feelings too.

"You're not that poor. I mean you have access to school. Normal people can't go to school, right?"

"I worked hard to gain my scholarship. I'm working hard and then I find him… Never mind what I said… When are you leaving?"

"I planned to leave before the sunset."

"Would you mind letting me ride your carriage to the next city? If you don't mind, of course."

"It's not a problem for me, but are you sure?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm a man, you know. I might harass you or something like that."

"Hmmm… Then, I'll be safe I guess. Criminals don't say things like that with that genuine expression. Your eyes are enough to tell me that you are someone I can trust. Well, looking closely, your eyes are pretty dead."

"You're tongue's very sharp,"

I said.

I don't know why, but conversing with her feels very light. This was our first meeting yet. I felt like I knew her better than anybody in my whole life. This felt weird.

It's decided. I'm letting her have a ride to the next city.

But another hurdle came along our way.

While we were on our way to the exit gate, there was a bunch of knights checking the carriage leaving. Yusa, riding at the back, immediately ducks her head down, covering her head.

"This is not looking good. Those knights aren't just knights. They are one of the dogs."

"Dogs? You mean they're with the boss you told me earlier?"

Yusa nodded in reply. "Looks like they're checking each carriage carefully. There is no way to hide in this carriage."

I have no choice but to back away.

"When what are you doing young lad?!" Shouted the other merchant behind me. I'm disturbing the flow of the street as I make a U-turn.

"I apologize, I forgot something important."

I bowed down in front of me. There are five knights and one huge carriage blocking our path.

"Hey, mister… Can we check what's in your carriage? There is news about some merchants hiding some suspicious powder. Backing away after seeing us look very suspicious. Mister, can you back away from the side while we do our inspection?"

The knight said.

What should I do? If they are one of the knights Yusa's talking about. Yusa will be captured.


I stay in silence.

"Are you deaf? Mister…"

"You won't capture me!"

Yusa pops out of my back, revealing herself to everyone.

"That girl… Hey! That girl was that girl isn't…"

"So you're hiding here. You even seduce a young merchant to help you escape. Yusa!"

A fat-ass man riding a horse said.

He's so fat. I'm surprised that the horse can withstand his weight. Poor horse. I don't want to judge someone's appearance, but his appearance can be described as repulsive.

"There is no way I'll marry you. I'll pay my debt, so please let me go."

"That's enough. I've given you lots of chances to pay me, but your debt continues to increase."

"I will tell you again. I'll pay you back after I win the first prize in the horse race."

Horse race? I turned my disappointed gaze at Yusa.

"Don't look at me like that, Ren. Gambling is an easy way to earn money. I believe in my luck better than anyone."

Yusa protested.

"Then, when was the last time you won?"

"Hehehehehe… Ummm… Gulp… Hehehehe." (Three months ago.) Yusa plays dumb while scratching the back of her head.

Don't "Hehehehe" me.

"I have enough… I have had enough to take care of you without having anything in return. Merchant, this is your chance to back out."

After hearing the man's voice, Yusa hid behind my back.

Did she know that we were already surrounded by knights and there was no way to escape? If only I can use magic. Escaping is easy as the wind breeze. This is hopeless…

This girl is nothing but a stranger. I don't have any relationship with her. Letting her go and going away safely is the proper choice to make.

For me, tomorrow is another day of work. Nothing will change.

Yusa was in despair. Seems like she already knows my decision. There's no way I can fight back after all.

"I won't let you have her."

I said.


As fast as lightning, spears, and swords were pointed right at my neck. It's frightening, but I don't let a single shed of fright on my face. I remain cool as a cucumber with a serious gaze expressed in my eyes.

I tried my best to pull out all my courage. I stand at Yusa's side, not because I want to impress Yusa. It's because I think standing against the odds for a princess-looking girl like her is dope as heck.

I mean if I'm looking at myself from a third perspective. I definitely look cool. A knightly man fights to save the princess type of scenario.

I want to say "I won't let you have her" like a cool character in novels. That's one check on my "100 lines to say before I die bucket list". Why is it in this kind of circumstance you ask? Well, this is probably the only chance I can say those words. If they beat me up, I'm done for. Death is very unlikely, they can just kill civilians in public places.

These swords and spears are merely instruments to scare people.

"This man is unfazed." A knight commented as he gazed directly into my eyes.

Yusa was behind me, then suddenly hugged me.


What is this development?

"I'm sorry Duke, but I can't marry you because we're deeply in love with each other. I'm sorry that I used you to buy Ren time to find me. Now that we're reunited, we want to marry each other as fast as possible."

Yusa said.

That's not a bad background story. I guess I will play along.

"I'm very sorry for trying to run away. I just love her so much. I want to be with her forever."

I said.

My expression and tone blend completely into the scene. After my loud voice, people around us started to cheer up for us. This scenario makes him look like a villain.

Glancing at the duke, I found him on a different page.

The duke himself was welling big drops of tears from his eye sockets.

"I-I underestimated romance… So this is the power of love… Sob… Sob… I understand your circumstances… Yusa throws her family name and wealth to be with the one she loves the most. Who am I to take that happiness from her? I made up my mind… I'll give her another chance. With all that is said, I know the lord of this city. I'll personally contact him to hold a special wedding."

Special wedding!! Also, what about the backstory Yusa gives to you? She told me earlier that she's a simple poor scholar who was kidnapped by bandits and got thrown into this city.

Is she lying all along?

Even if that is true, I don't want to expose her at all. She proves to me that she's a great lair. Her acting skills were great. I'm afraid that she could pull off some bullshit to pull me down with her if I do expose her.

The pig duke was so moved by our act he was going to sponsor an exclusive wedding for us.

This is bad for me and Yusa. How can we escape a wedding?

"I'm so happy… Darling, finally our dream of getting married will finally come true."

Yusa bounces off to hug me. Tears welled in her rosy pink cheeks.

Perfecting acting!

"Is this really okay?" I whispered.

"It's fine, I'll explain to you later… On top of that, marrying you is better than marrying that duke."


In front of the angel statue at the center of the plaza. A simple yet romantic wedding was held. Flower petals flying and pigeons flying around. Feathers fall 5 centimeters per second.

Her beautiful blue eyes and mine connect to one another.

It's true…

A girl was its most beautiful while they were walking down the aisle.

Yusa appears ten times cuter than before. Wearing a simple one-piece white dress holding a bouquet. The lord whom I just talked to early this morning looked puzzled and married. He was suspicious at first, but he didn't question anything and proceeded to the wedding. (He realized that Ren and Yusa's life has nothing to do with his life.)

"Promise to love, cherish, and respect each other, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsake all others, keep yourself only unto each other, for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Yusa replied.

"I do," I replied.

"With that said… Now you may kiss the bride."

Yusa had no hesitation and leaned forward. She's not overly awkward and her actions look very natural. She's like an award-winning actress.

I can't fail this. The duke's sponsor is crying and the audience is on the air. Who would refuse to kiss this cherubic girl right now? This is a win for me in some way.

I pressed my lips to her lips. After a few seconds, I pulled back at the same time as her.

The kiss and everything are well-timed. There is no sign of fakeness. The lord/mayor/priest beside us doesn't seem to notice.

"Now, I pronounce you husband and wife."

Hearing him… I still could not believe that this was real.

Today, I just got married to a stranger I just met.

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