
Eclipse of the Undying: A Zombie Cataclysm – Copy and Paste Survivors

2_k · Sci-fi
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chapter 4 Sarah

As Alex and the girl stood there in silence, a subtle tension hung in the air. Their eyes locked in an unspoken exchange, a silent conversation filled with unvoiced questions. The room, bathed in the soft glow of fading daylight, offered a momentary respite from the relentless chaos outside.The girl's gaze shifted, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for a possible weapon or an escape route. She was no stranger to the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world, and her instinct for self-preservation was keen.Alex, sensing her unease, decided to break the silence. "My name is Alex," he offered, his voice calm and reassuring. "I came across this place, and I had no idea it was occupied. I'm just trying to survive, like you."The girl's eyes briefly met his, a glint of wariness still present. She replied cautiously, "I'm Sarah." Her tone softened slightly, and a flicker of vulnerability appeared in her eyes. "I had to leave my family behind. The world out there...it's not the same anymore."Alex nodded in understanding, his empathy for her situation evident. "I can't imagine what you've been through, Sarah. It's a brutal world now, and we have to look out for each other. I have this...strange ability. I can create copies of certain objects. It might be a useful skill to have in this new reality."Sarah's expression shifted, her curiosity piqued by Alex's revelation. "You have a unique ability? That's...unexpected. It could come in handy," she admitted, her wariness slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope.Alex, sensing a potential opening to build trust, continued, "I want to use this ability to help us survive, to make this world a little less harsh. We can watch each other's backs, Sarah, and navigate this uncertain reality together."

As Alex and Sarah continued to talk, a fragile bond was forming between them, built on the foundation of mutual survival. They had shared some of their fears and hopes, and with each word, trust grew stronger.In the dimly lit room, their conversation took a more personal turn. Sarah's gaze dropped to the floor as she began to share a painful part of her past. "My parents and I were thinking about heading into the city," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "We believed it might be safer, that there could be help there."Alex listened attentively, understanding the weight of the memories she carried. "And what happened?" he gently prompted.Sarah's expression darkened, her emotions shifting to anger and sadness. "We were ambushed by a horde of zombies. It happened so suddenly. We tried to defend ourselves, but...I was the only one who managed to escape. My family...they didn't make it."Alex reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Sarah's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sarah," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "Losing your family in such a way must have been incredibly painful. But you're strong for having survived."Sarah's gaze met his, her eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and a glimmer of gratitude. "It's been hard, Alex. I've had to become someone I never thought I'd be. This world...it changes you."

After arranging their sleeping quarters in the quiet house, Alex and Sarah found themselves in the living room, the soft glow of a lantern casting gentle shadows across the room. The air was filled with a strange mix of uncertainty and the quiet determination that came from surviving yet another day in their unpredictable world.Sarah sat on a worn-out couch, her eyes studying Alex with a mix of curiosity and mystery. The idea had been brewing in her mind, and she couldn't hold it back any longer. "Alex," she began, her voice tinged with intrigue, "can you show me your ability?"Alex, taken aback by her request, hesitated for a moment. The room was hushed, and the ambiance was filled with the fragility of their connection. He looked into her eyes, seeing the genuine curiosity that had sparked the question.With a deep breath, Alex nodded slowly. "Alright, Sarah," he replied, a sense of determination in his voice. "I'll show you, but you have to promise to keep this between us. It's...unusual."Sarah nodded in agreement, her curiosity unyielding. "I promise, Alex. I just want to understand."With that, Alex extended his hand toward one of the cans on the coffee table, his fingers hovering just above it. He focused on the can, and a strange, almost magical sensation coursed through him. In an instant, the can began to shimmer and multiply, as if he were making a copy of it. He withdrew his hand, revealing two identical cans, an eerie testament to his extraordinary ability.Sarah's eyes widened in amazement, a mix of wonder and disbelief flickering across her face. She reached out and touched one of the cans, feeling the texture and weight. It was as real as any other can, but its existence defied all reason."Wow, Alex," she whispered, her voice filled with awe. "That's...incredible. How did you discover you could do this?"

Alex leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Sarah's, and with an air of astonishment, he said, "It happened just a few minutes before you came into the house. I was thinking about how I was going to run out of supplies. I was clutching a can of food in my hand and started to feel desperate."He held up his hands, fingers splayed to demonstrate. "It was as if something clicked in my mind. I realized that my left hand felt like it was 'copy,' and my right hand felt like it was 'paste.' So, I did just that."As he spoke, he touched one hand with the other, mirroring the movements he had made that had brought the mysterious power to life. "I felt the can in my left hand, and I focused on it as I touched it with my right. It was like I was transferring the can to my right hand, but the original one stayed in my left."Sarah watched with a mix of astonishment and fascination as Alex demonstrated the process. "So, you can copy and paste physical objects from one hand to the other?"Alex nodded, his excitement evident. "Exactly. It's like I can create duplicates of things,

Few hours later Alex and Sarah headed to there owen bed rooms